
I HAVE FOUND IT MORE USEFUL TO POST QUOTES. Use a person’s own words and statements.
(Second-hand snarky comments and opinions from the unaware and uninvolved people… and pundits… Not here. Though some may require reading between the lines.)

Kathleen Kane
“I have been honored to serve the people of Pennsylvania and I wish them health and safety in all their days,”

When asked about her future, Kane pointed out she has some legal issues to work through.

Kathleen Kane
“I try to do the best job I can every day. And I have no regrets. I hope that people see that we’ve done our best. . . . And, you know, sometimes the price is high.”

Kathleen Kane
“It’s time for me to focus on other things, and it’s time for Pennsylvanians to move forward,”

Kathleen Kane

“Somebody has told me that your future is always brighter than your past.”

Governor Wolf
“I implore Attorney General Kane to do what is right: Put the commonwealth’s residents first and step down,”

Governor Wolf
“Her decision to resign is the right one, and will allow the people of Pennsylvania to finally move on.”

Gerald Shargel
“But we have not lost our resolve. We will continue this litigation. We will continue this fight because we believe that our client has been wrongfully accused of this conduct. We firmly believe that day will come.”

Gerald Shargel
“We have been denied the opportunity to mount a full defense.”

Gerald Shargel
“We believe our defense was compromised, and we will fight that to the end.”

Josh Shapiro
“This is another sad chapter for our Commonwealth and a reminder of how hard we need to work together in Pennsylvania to restore the public trust in our democracy.”

“We should remember that the real victims of these scandals are the people of Pennsylvania who’ve been left behind by a government that often isn’t working for them. We need to restore integrity to our justice system so that the people’s business – protecting consumers, fighting the heroin epidemic, and keeping our communities safe – comes first.”


Justice is coming!

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