
Imagine not being able to explain – even to your parents watching you being maligned and harassed publicly.  Remaining silent for years.   I met a man yesterday.  I told him he should be very proud of his daughters.  He accepted the compliment as any parent would… 

It was only then that I realized that he didn’t know.  Well, Of course not.  I just hadn’t imagined it.  

My one-sided conversation, which has at times included the occasional expletive (and maybe more often than polite), … But, I knew.  I was allowed to communicate.  I knew the reason for the silence and for the lack of a response.  I was allowed to voice my frustration… All the while, I understood and I BELIEVED.

The convo quickly changed to UM… something um else.  A shared laugh.  A ‘what was that guy talking about’ conversation was likely avoided. Or um hopefully avoided.

Who could imagine my respect for the person I was supposed to hate could go deeper?  Hopefully, someone who had no one else to talk to … gained necessary insight from the one-sided convos and therapeutic thought processes and logic of someone who needs to believe that JUSTICE IS COMING…and that all lawyers are not bad.  But, an improperly enacted and unconstitutional law can make an entire profession a party to deception, corruption and treason.

I stand on the stairway, my back to the dungeon
The doorway to freedom so close to my hand
Voices behind me still bitterly damn me
For seeking salvation they don’t understand

Lord, help me to shoulder the burden of freedom
And give me the courage to be what I can
And when I am wounded by those who condemn me
Lord, help me forgive them, they don’t understand
Kris Kristofferson

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