

The Senate will be hearing from Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane and Bruce Castor.

On the surface…
IS THE EXTENSION OF THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IN CHILD SEX ABUSE CASES CONSTITUTIONAL. The Senate will begin discussions by meeting with Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane and Bruce Castor on Monday 6/13 at 10am.

On Tuesday April 12, 2016, The Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted 180 – 15 passing the Bill along for the PA Senate.

BUT, Just below the surface…
1. The bill changes the period for a victim to report the crime from 30 years old to 50 years old. It will be retroactive.

2. The bill permits cases against the Commonwealth of PA involving “gross negligence” – prosecuting the prosecutors who ignored the cases, criminally and civilly.

Article I, Section 11 establishes a fundamental right that “every man for an injury done him in his or her lands, good, person or reputation shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay.”

The remedies clause is meant to protect the rights of those injured not those who caused the injury.

Where a persons constitutional right to a remedy is denied or prevented, the law which permits the denial of a constitutional right is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

“For the past thirty years or so, however, open-courts clauses have appeared most often in less lofty settings, as part of an ongoing debate about the need for and propriety of a recent spate of statutory changes in state tort law, and the resulting avalanche of state constitutional litigation.”

“This debate is extremely heated. It is replete with dire warnings about legal Armageddon and full measures of fire and brimstone—in part because very important principles are involved, and because many of those principles are unique to state constitutional law.”
FROM COURTS TO BE OPEN by Donald Marritz

Just over thirty years ago (1984 New Jersey – 2009 Maine), the American Bar Association began their effort to have each state supreme court enact their Model Rules of Professional Conduct which includes Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information. Rule 1.6 is collaterally unconstitutional in that it can conceal and prevent a victims from ANY resolution where their constitutional rights are denied and including the denial and prevention equal protection under the law. The mandated silence of the lawyers and judiciary eventually runs out the statute of limitations and the victim is left with no recourse, recovery or remedy EVER.

Over the weekend, the Catholic Churches in Pennsylvania made announcements to their parishioners to contact their legislators and tell them to block the Bill from becoming law. The churches have NOW suggested that they can correct the problem.

The ridiculous notion that the churches expect TRUST becomes more and more absurd when those churches are now lobbying to prevent a law which could address the wrongdoing and remedy the situation.

The suggestion that the catholic church will go broke is unfounded. The churches are misinforming their parishioners to manipulate them. Many people walked out of the masses in disgust.

6. PORNGATE Email.
The PORNgate scandal provided a way for Special Attorney General Doug Gansler to review the email exchanges between the Office of the Attorney General and everyone. The pornography and misogynist emails were shocking. HOWEVER, MORE SHOCKING WILL BE THE EMAIL DOCUMENTS WHICH DEMONSTRATE A DELIBERATE CORRUPTION, OBSTRUCTION AND DENIAL OF JUSTICE, AND LAWLESSNESS WITHIN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE JUDICIARY.

If the statute of limitations prevents some prosecutions, the victim will see relief from continued harassment, intrusive surveillance and terror involved in the efforts which have permitted enabled and in some cases ‘required’ the injustice to continue.

Justice is coming. I pray ( and expect ) that the constitutional crisis in the United States will be revealed and the remedy commenced.

The FULL TEXT OF THE BILL Bear in mind this Bill amends other laws and the document includes only the changes.
