

The District Attorney, Risa Ferman and Kevin Steele, have failed to properly supervise or address the lawlessness, corruption and unconstitutional prosecution being conducted and directed by Assistant District Attorney Lauren McNulty.

Responsibility for addressing the ‘wrongdoing’ of the personnel in the Office of the District Attorney is vested exclusively in the District Attorney.

The failure to address the ‘wrongdoing’ of the Assistant District Attorney occurs because of a mandate of confidentiality. There has been no explanation.

As a Government Attorney, The District Attorney, represents
the Public,
the Government as a whole
the Branch of government in which employed
the Particular agency or department
the Responsible officers who make decisions with an agency or department

An attorney-client relationship prevents the District Attorney from exposing, disclosing, correcting, resolving or prosecuting actions by her ‘clients’ without their expressed consent.

Recognizing the mandate of non-disclosure which interferes with the ability of the District Attorney to respond to or take actions to correct the negligence by the attorney for the Commonwealth and personnel employed by Montgomery County;
Recognizing the Defendants right to equal protection under the law;
Recognizing the Defendants rights are protected by the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States,

WHEREAS, The Defendant proposes and motions for this Honorable Court to require all participants:
– to submit the Rule of Law which substantiates their actions which have been contrary to procedure and law
– to submit the Rule of Law by which their actions require no explanation or justification;
– to submit the Rule of Law which permits concealing conceal actions which deny and prevent the Defendant from the equal protection of the Law, and other constitutionally protected rights;
– to sign a waiver of confidentiality.


The Defendant is representing himself. There exists no relationship(s) with any attorney(s) mandated to conceal, prevent or not disclose any information related to the matter currently before the court.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information is a broad mandate of non-disclosure which includes the ‘Attorney Client Privilege’. The mandate of non-disclosure for the attorney continues beyond the matters before the court. The Rule 1.6 Confidentiality mandate survives in perpetuity.

In the interest of justice in this matter, the Defendant requests that all attorneys for the Commonwealth sign a Waiver of Attorney Client Privilege (Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information).

In the interest of full disclosure; the Defendant requests that all attorneys involved in this matter provide a list of clients with whom they have a prior attorney client relationship which could affect the proceedings and information presented to this court.
Any attorneys prevented from or refusing to sign a waiver; AND/OR failing to indicate and substantiate the reasons which prevent their waiver should be removed from any involvement in the matter.

Any attorneys prevented from or refusing to sign a waiver should document their actions in this matter for review by the judiciary, the parties, and further investigated by an appropriate law enforcement agency or division if justified.

In the interest of openness, the Defendant requests all Montgomery County personnel involved in the matter sign a Waiver of Attorney Client Privilege (Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information).

Personnel representing the Commonwealth or County refusing to sign a waiver; AND/OR failing to indicate and substantiate the reasons which prevent their waiver should be removed from any involvement in the matter.

Personnel representing the Commonwealth or County refusing to sign a waiver should document their actions in this matter for review by the judiciary, the parties, and further investigated by an appropriate law enforcement agency or division if justified.

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