
The Special Committee on Senate Address is tightly focused on whether the ‘suspension’ of AG Kathleen Kane significantly impairs her ability to carry out her personal duties or the function of the Attorney General’s office.

Why was there no committee to investigate the ‘secret orders from unidentified courts
which prevent the AG from the responsibilities of her office?

The Committee includes six senators with half of them being Lawyers on the Judiciary Committee and the President Pro Tempore who is a member of all commmittees.

Chairman John Gordner, R-Columbia County LAWYER, Judiciary Committee @SenatorGordner
Senator Lisa Baker, R-Luzerne County @SenLisaBaker
Senator Art Haywood, D-Montgomery County LAWYER, Judiciary Committee @SenatorHaywood
Senator Judy Schwank, D-Berks County @SenJudySchwenk
Senator Sean Wiley, D-Erie County @SenatorWiley
Senator Gene Yaw, R-Lycoming County LAWYER, Judiciary Committee @SenatorGeneYaw
Senator Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County @SenatorScarnati

Committee Website: Special Committee on Senate Address Website
EMAIL: senateaddress@pasen.gov

The email link is designed to provide an opportunity “for folks to provide information on a confidential basis that they think would be helpful and appropriate to the committee.”

The committee will schedule a public hearing in November to hear directly from legal professionals about what an attorney with a suspended law license “can do and can not do.”


Judiciary Committee
Stewart J. Greenleaf, Majority Chair
Daylin Leach, Minority Chair

John C. Rafferty, Jr., Vice Chair
Joseph B. Scarnati, III, Ex-Officio
Richard Alloway, II
John H. Eichelberger, Jr.
John R. Gordner
Dominic Pileggi
Randy Vulakovich
Gene Yaw

Lisa M. Boscola
Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr.
Art Haywood
John P. Sabatina, Jr.


1) What about those ‘secret orders from unidentified courts’ which specifically ordered Kathleen Kane, the person, to personally neglect the responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney general?

2) Has the Legislature been provided the ‘secret orders from unidentified courts’ which prevent the Attorney General from the responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General as defined in the Commonwealth Attorneys Act?

3) If the Supreme Court has suspended the law license of the Attorney General, WHY DID THEY NEGLECT TO SIGN THE ORDER? Who affirmed? Who dissented? Who abstained?

4) If the suspension order is valid, why have the Supreme Court Justices indicated that their order should not be construed to remove Kathleen Kane from office.


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