

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania # 3151-2015
Terance Healy


Notice is hereby given that Terance Healy, Defendant, Appellant above named, hereby appeals to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania from the order entered in this matter on the 14th day of October 2015.

Verbal Notice of this Appeal having been provided to the Court during the proceeding which occurred on October 14, 2015 to which Judge Carpenter acknowledged by further responding that he would issue a Bench Warrant should Defendant not appear as ordered.

The Order dated 14th October 2015 was a subsequent order to one ‘issued’ on October 7, 2015.

An Order dated 7th October 2015 had not been provided to the Defendant prior to the scheduled appearance date. It appears to be a fraudulent document with an image of the judge’s signature placed on the document. A forgery, not mailed through the United States Postal Service to avoid the federal crime of Mail Fraud.

The first version of the Order dated 14th October 2015 having been provided by the Attorney for the Commonwealth with the same image of the judge’s signature. A forgery hand-delivered by the Attorney for the Commonwealth to avoid the federal crime of Mail Fraud.

These fraudulent and forged documents both incorrectly ordering an appearance in ninety years in the year 2105.

The FINAL APPEALABLE copy of the Order dated 14th October 2015 contains a valid signature by the judge.

The Court is acting without proper jurisdiction in this matter and has declined to address the issues of failure and neglect by the Attorney for the Commonwealth. The Office of the District Attorney and the attorney representing the Commonwealth have failed to adhere to the Law, The Rules of Criminal Procedure, while ignoring rights protected and secured by the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.

As required by established procedure, Terance Healy, Defendant, Appellant above named, hereby appeals to
the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. This procedural action should not be interpreted or misconstrued so as to provide jurisdiction to the Court of Common Pleas.

Pursuant to Pa R.A.P. 904( c ), I, Terance Healy, certify that the order for transcripts is attached.

Transcript of October 14, 2015
Transcript of September 16, 2015
Transcript of August 10, 2015 – Pre-Trial Conference
Transcript of June 10, 2015 – Arraignment
Transcript of April 24, 2015 with exhibits – Preliminary Hearing
Transcript of April 9, 2015 with exhibits – Preliminary Hearing
Transcript of March 26, 2015 with exhibits – Preliminary Hearing

The subject Order dated 14th day of October 2015 order has been entered in the docket as evidenced by the attached copy of the docket entry.

Terance Healy