

The hard questions MUST BE ASKED.


The man in the white hat [literally]… J. Whyatt Mondesire. Did he overhear a ‘Rule 1.6’ conversation before being removed from Kathleen Kane’s Preliminary Hearing at the request of prosecutors Michelle Henry and Kevin um Steele?

Was Mondesire a part of the Conspiracy to undermine Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane? As victim damaged by the purported ‘leak’.

It is reasonable to believe that someone with his civil rights background, upon learning the true basis for the case against the AG was the furtherance of corruption and rights violations under Rule 1.6, would NOT participate any further. He would contact people to expose the conspiracy.




An unconstitutional Confidentiality law is being used to conceal an unconstitutional Confidentiality law.

Fraud and forgery concealed by that unconstitutional Confidentiality is being used to falsely accuse and prosecute Attorney General Kathleen Kane who has the responsibility to address the constitutionality of laws with the Commonwealth.

Where Kane is prevented from disclosure UNTIL presenting her defense IN COURT, the disinformation by Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman undermines the integrity and authority of the Office of the Attorney General and challenges the authority of the Executive and Legislative branches.

The aggressive fraudulent prosecution which is concealed and excused by the Rule 1.6 protected witnesses (Attorney Client Privileged former OAG staff) demonstrates the systemic effort to undermine the government through abuse of power under color of law by District Attorneys – more obligated to conceal corruption than to preserve protect and defend the US Constitution.

Governor Wolf CALL the Legislature to ASSEMBLE.

Media manipulation of @SupremeCtofPA is adversely affecting the integrity of the court.
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Fraud upon the @SupremeCtofPA is adversely affecting the integrity of the Judiciary.
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Fraud and manipulation of @SupremeCtofPA has undermined the independence of the court.
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Negligence by leadership of @PaLegislature is undermining the Rule of Law & Constitution.
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Chief Justice Saylor of @SupremeCtofPA has indicated that @PaLegislature must act.
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Fraud/Forgery concealed by confidentiality adversely affecting the integrity of @PACourts
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

PA Law and Constitution have been undone by improper and unconstitutional Confidentiality
@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!

Only the Legislature has the authority to suspend a law.

@GovernorTomWolf CALL @PaLegislature TO ASSEMBLE!
– Suspend Rule 1.6
– End unconstitutional lawlessness and corruption.
– restore JUSTICE