
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane holds another press conference where confidentiality prevents her from discussing the unconstitutionality of confidentiality.

While being falsely attacked even the Attorney General has no protection of the Law and her constitutional rights are ignored… but confidentiality prevents her from indicating the issue.

Until Governor Wolf calls the Legislature to address the issue, the rights of every American can be denied and concealed behind unconstitutional confidentiality pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.


Within the emails… There’s some porn… But there are also concealed and cancelled investigations prevented because of Confidentiality issues… EVEN WHERE RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES PROTECTED AND SECURED BY THE US CONSTITUTION ARE IGNORED AND DENIED TO LITIGANTS.

Victims of American Injustice concealed by Rule 1.6, improperly and unconstitutionally enacted by the judiciary in EVERY state from 1984 through 2009, have no opportunity for resolution… And no escape from further Injustice. No protection under the law… And all rights ignored. Their only destiny is 1) homeless/destitute. 2) prison. 3). Suicide.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was successfuL in 2013, BUT LAWYERS HAVE PREVENTED THE PUBLIC FROM KNOWING ABOUT IT.

RULE 1.6 INJUSTICE IS THE GOLDMINE OF ITS AUTHOR – The American Bar Association. They deliberately removed the fraud provisions from Rule 1.6 and prevent any escape to victims.

48 million foreclosures based on fraud and robosigned forged Deeds.
Kids for Cash
Sandusky & Penn State
Human trafficking
The Overpopulated American prisons

An unethical, immoral, unconstitutional, improperly enacted law which mandated the participation by all lawyers in the conspiracy to deny and prevent rights of Americans.

All complicit in the conspiracy which created an economy for lawyers… Rule 1.6 Injustice is their GOLDMINE.

An unimaginable violation of the judiciary and The Public Trust.

It’s scope of corruption and range or twisted authority is huge.

Two years later they are prosecuting those who know about it. Intimidation to be silent and permit American Injustice to remain ignored.



Cross off the Montgomery County Grand Jury orders from the previously referenced ‘secret orders from unidentified courts’ which prevent Kathleen Kane, the person, from performing the responsibilities of the Attorney General office to which she was elected.

By identifying orders from Judge Carpenter in her press conference today, The AG clearly demonstrated that those!orders are NOT the one she spoke of at the end of 2014.

There are secret orders docketed and removed, not distributed to the litigants, in matters which require the participation of the Attorney General in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. 

Healy v Healy
Healy v Miller

Both required the participation of the OAG.  Petitions to the court BY THE LITIGANTS for the documents were denied, unsigned, without any basis in law.

The INTERFERENCE with the administration of the courts was not addressed when raised to city, County, state and federal prosecutors.

Ignored injustice pursuant to improperly enacted unconstitutional Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.



You can be victimized repeatedly.

Your lawful actions to address an issue become twisted into a threat.

This is done to permit the people who stole your home, and those who prevented prosecution, and those who corrupted the courts, to conspire tom prosecute you for trying to legally regain possession.

Even where they have a letter which documents a person provionsing planning and training to murder you based on deluded and paranoid ideations with no basis in fact.


Abuse of Power
Abuse of Power under color of law
Terroristic threats
Prosecutorial misconduct
Denial of rights
Denial of process

The list is endless…  Because the more crimes they commit against you, the more no one will stop them.

There’s an unconstitutional improperly enacted law which lets them keep everything confidential… while you are destroyed… There is no escape while the unconstitutional law provides an opportunity to conceal their actions and neglect their responsibilities, the law, the constitutions…

A bigger secret is that unconstitutional law has already fallen, BUT secret orders from unidentified courts prevent the truth from being exposed.

The recipient of those secret orders, Kathleen Kane, the person and not in her capacity as Attorney General, is also being attacked by falsehoods which she is prevented from discussing or explaining … OR EVEN ANSWERING QUESTIONS AT HER OWN PRESS CONFERENCE.

Because an Attorney General is responsible to address an unconstitutional law… BUT apparently the person elected to that office can be ordered not to.

Yea… That’s unconstitutionally corrupt.

