
A Package arrived today.  Unsigned documents relating to the Criminal Charges.
Incomplete documents.  References to Police Reports which previously were not provided, or listed. 

The funny thing is…. In the entire ream of Information… THERE IS NO MENTION OF THE DEED TO THE PROPERTY.

It is the central issue.  BUT, the lawyers cannot address the deed because it is invalid and exposes the judiciary to criminal proceedings.  (Judges acting without any subject matter jurisdiction is NOT protected by judicial immunity – compounding it by preventing an Appeal makes it worse still.). Avoiding the deed because of Rule 1.6 nondisclosure requirements is clearly the only logical reason the primary issue has been completely neglected. 


Esq.?  Seriously?

So I call the number provided to obtain the missing elements… The District Attorneys office transfers me to Arlene who confirms that is her responsibility UNTIL she hears the case info and suddenly can do nothing… cannot escalate the issue… cannot transfer me to District Attorney Risa Ferman… cannot provide any information… Arlene simply hung up. 

I called back asking for DA Ferman… I was transferred to another person’s voicemail. 

In the absence of any ability to present the truth in a court, creating ‘horseshit’ which would annoy even the most patient judge will cause a general disregard… because who would want to resolve all the issues… because when they have a contrived false allegation… by someone’s parent ?… which seeks to neglect the issue by creating  distractions… not following any procedure, or law… ignoring constitutional rights… Do you pay attention to the details like laws and rights??? Or just let that rai!road operate.

Apparently, the DA has not returned calls, tweets, etc… It might permit the issues to be addressed.  But, knowing that they will need more rhetoric to throw… So the incomplete INFORMATION.  Creating rhetoric to misinform and distract from the real issue is their intent… Imagine trying to address the Court with everything.

My requests for investigation of the crimes of the judiciary are not listed… or stranger still, listed as OPEN… For years the “cannot provide any information or status regarding an ongoing investigation” excuse has been the response.

I have attempted to resolve and address each corrupt and illegal action by the district attorneys office e and court administration.  Come to think of it, that complaint about the coerced under threat Waiver of Arraignment didn’t make the file either.  Rule 1.6 confidentiality undermines justice.

The Hearing Statement will now grow several more pages… They are seeking to prosecute and punish me by their failure to anything properly … and they know there is no one who is going to address all of their ‘mistakes’. Deliberate, intentional, chaotic, exhausting and unrelenting efforts to prevent the Law and deny Constitutional Rights.

Risa Ferman, tell me ‘Why did you want to be District Attorney?’… Your predecessor, Bruce Castor was right in his job qualifications – “schooled in how to really hurt you” and “to [screw] others”.
– failing to conduct any investigations
– shutting down any investigations
– ignoring Constitutional Rights
– ignoring the Law
– ignoring the rules of criminal procedure

Rule 1.6 fraud in the furtherance (concealed by nondisclosure and condentiality) exceeds even the most evil ideations in Montgomery County.

Unconscionable injustice… makes the District Attorneys office into the most arrogant type of terrorist organization… When every effort violates the US Constitution, the law, ethics, and morality… I guess it may explain why you cannot face your victim, or return calls.

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