
The Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct were adopted by Order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dated October 16, 1987 effective April 1, 1988.

There was no review for constitutionality. The Executive and Legislative branches claim no responsibility or ability to address the actions of the judiciary.

?? Third grade civics CHECK AND BALANCES – FAIL ??
Article V Section 10 C does not permit the judiciary to trample on my constitutional rights.
Article V Section 10 C does not permit the judiciary to overreach and prevent the efforts of the General Assembly to determine the jurisdiction of any court.

Those who paraphrase Article V Section 10(c) of the Constitution of Pennsylvania neglect those phrases in the paragraph which contradict their shortsightedness.

Rule 1.6 Revised effective January 1, 2005
Rule 1.6 Revised effective January 6, 2005
Rule 1.6 Revised effective March 17, 2005
Rule 1.6 Revised effective April 23, 2005

Rule 1.6 Revised effective July 1, 2006

Rule 1.6 Revised effective September 20, 2008

Rule 1.6 Revised effective April 3, 2009
Rule 1.6 Revised effective May 2, 2009

Rule 1.6 Revised effective April 9, 2012
Rule 1.6 Revised effective April 18, 2012
Rule 1.6 Revised effective June 16, 2012
Rule 1.6 Revised effective July 4, 2012

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE WAS FILED AUGUST 8, 2013 based on the experience and litigation which began in January 2007.

Rule 1.6 Revised effective November 21, 2013

Rule 1.6 Revised effective February 9, 2015
Rule 1.6 Revised effective February 28, 2015

In 1983, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association established an education and training division
called the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute.

Do you suppose they teach that when a judge lacks subject matter jurisdiction a distroct attorney must ignore crimes which lay waste to a persons life?

Where there is no ability to create jurisdiction where there was none,
no availability for retroactive jurisdiction,
where a District Attorney has concealed the absence of LAW and the corruption of an entire county judiciary (and seeks election to the judiciary),
prosecution of the victim who survive the catastrophic loss of life, liberty, law and justice should be commenced…
even where prosecution exposes the procedures used by the DA to undermine defendants in criminal cases which allow the county prisons to be maintained at full capacity.

Is the misuse of Grand Juries to conceal, threaten and intimidate an advanced placement course at this institute?

Montgomery County Judiciary and Law Enforcement are corrupt beyond any potential reform or redemption.

The Commonwealth Attorneys Act does not indicate that the Attorney general must ignore the corruption of the courts. The Rules of Professional Conduct – which includes unconstitutional Rule 1.6 – REQUIRES ACTION BY ALL LAWYERS IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE.

I believe the ‘not my jurisdiction’ statement has long been proven unacceptable. The corruption of the judiciary is pervassive and mandatory until someone takes a stand to address their undoing.

Kathleen Kane, as a human being and the most fierce Attorney General Pennsylvania has ever elected, in the interest of the ideals expressed in the Pennsylvania Constitution, the US Constitution and the Rules of Professional Conduct… PLEASE SHUT DOWN THE REPUGNANT ABOMINATION KNOWN AS THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY JUDICIARY AND THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY.

The ‘worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’ pleads for justice and relief from their terroristic efforts which undermine life and liberty.

Where every possible recourse is prevented to a person denied all rights and any protection of the law, it is the responsibility of the lawyers to take action in the interest of justice.

The Commonwealth Attorneys Act doesn’t specify any of the crimes which you have prosecuted so directly and successfully. Restore Justice to Pennsylvania and the entire US.

After almost 3,000 days of terror and litigation without possibility for law or justice, I humbly and sincerely beg,

Terance Healy

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