
When it came time for a vote on the McDade Murtha Amendment, where congress had heard the most profoundly patriotic explanations for the necessity of passing the law… Misinformation which would prevent federal intervention where Rule 1.6 would undermine the law and every persons constitutional rights.

Making all federal law enforcement and federal investigators comply with an improperly enacted unconstitutional state law enacted by the judiciary – who neglected any review for constitutionality AND somehow prevented any state  legislature or governor from noticing their usurpation of ALL governmental authority.

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich walked out.  Gingrich refused to call the vote on a law which would hurt all Americans… and fill prisons.

Decades later, Imagine Newt’s surprise at a book signing when asked to address the unconstitutionality of the very law which he wouldn’t bring upon the American people.

Imagine the efforts to continue his silence.


One blog reported on the efforts of the US Attorney’s to prevent the injustice. They and many former and future US Attorneys General, including Eric Holder, tried to stop it… BUT the lawyers were already obligated to not reveal the ‘core secret’ by state laws.

Gingrich is not a lawyer obligated by Rule 1.6

He was avoiding the shame of what was about to occur. Likely threatened aggressively by the obligated minions of the American Bar Association who had already infiltrated and obstructed and interfered with justice in every jurisdiction.