
They have the ability to use their technology to destroy mine.

Devices get fried when I persevere.

When they accuse me of whatever it will be. Remember I am NOT BRADLEY STONE.
I AM TERANCE HEALY. I survived 20 judges, every level of court, and 10 of the most miserable and sad and lonely years to learn my destiny was fraudulent accusation where another lack of jurisdiction would not stop them. I endured their judicial farce… and persevered… so they will kill me for surviving their terror.

THEY LACK JURISDICTION… but they don’t stop for law or constitution or ethics or morality.

How much further is a person supposed to persevere when the entire state of Pennsylvania and every government official is referring to me as “THE WORST KEPT SECRET”.

You fail me and every other person terrorized by injustice.
You campaigned for a job you can’t handle or perform.
I am a victim of your fraud… and your fear.
You laugh at someone who begged for your assistance and believed in you.
May god have mercy on our souls.

God grant me the ability to change the things I cannot accept.

But, they will assassinate me first. No one will protect me. No one will stop them.

Career professionals who know how to destroy people. Who brag of it on Facebook… and THEN RUN FOR DA.
Bruce Castor was the DA who started my nightmare.

Thanks Kathleen Kane for letting this occur. You made a joke out of my despair and perseverance and trust..

They will send a cop to the house to protect me… he’ll shoot me dead in the process. LIKELY OTHERS.
There’s no guns here. Just beaten down victims with no future who they still will not leave alone. They will never leave me alive.


In a new years manifesto, Montgomery County Commissioner and former District Attorney, Bruce Castor ( @brucecastor ) confessed like a comic book criminal.

His sidekick and protege, District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman ( @risaferman ) is running to become a judge.  She has covered for the malicious crimes of the Montgomery County judiciary which has lead to monthly murderous rampages and murder-suicides.  NOW FERMAN WANTS TO BE ONE!!!

THEY HAVE FAILED TO ATTAIN MY SUICIDE… but they haven’t stopped trying for 10 years.  And they continue to attack.

The county attacks the State Attorney General  who us acting like an idiot by suggesting that secret orders from unidentified courts prevent her exposing the Montgomery County criminal syndicate hiding in plain sight within the Office of the District Attorney.

Hey, Kathleen Kane!  I am calling BULLSHIT! on your imaginary secret orders. 

As a matter of fact, I got secret orders too.  Mine say yours are horseshit!!

Mine say your imaginary secret orders are the corrupt invalid orders by people with no authority or jurisdiction instructing YOU to let Bruce & Risa terrorize a county and violate the Law, the Pennsylvania Constitution, the US Constitution… and the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Secret Orders from Unidentified Courts!! 
Yea… Well, my secret orders have a title…THE WORST KEPT SECRET IN PENNSYLVANIA. 
What do you call yours?



VOTE FOR BRUCE CASTOR!!  Bill Cosby has endorses him!



I challenge the Governor, the Legislature, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys, and the Sheriffs of Pennsylvania to stand up for justice and the US Constitution.


Until the judiciary acknowledges, addresses and corrects their corruption caused by Rule 1.6
the Legislature suspends the judiciary’s unconstitutional law
and provides for constitutional review of laws enacted by the judiciary.

I will personally request a Presidential Pardon from President Barack Obama on your behalf.

If you choose not to resign, you have chosen to remain an enemy of the US Constitution.
You have violated your oath of office and will be prosecuted.
You are an enemy of the nation.
You will be prosecuted for giving aid and support to an organization which has actively undermined the US Constitution and threatened the freedom of every American.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Those who have undermined the judicial branch in every state need the other branches to enable their continued injustice.



I challenge the Governor, the Legislature, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys, and the Sheriffs of Pennsylvania to stand up for justice and the US Constitution.


Until the judiciary acknowledges, addresses and corrects their corruption caused by Rule 1.6
the Legislature suspends the judiciary’s unconstitutional law
and provides for constitutional review of laws enacted by the judiciary.

I will personally request a Presidential Pardon from President Barack Obama on your behalf.

If you choose not to resign, you have chosen to remain an enemy of the US Constitution.
You have violated your oath of office and will be prosecuted.
You are an enemy of the nation.
You will be prosecuted for giving aid and support to an organization which has actively undermined the US Constitution and threatened the freedom of every American.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Those who have undermined the judicial branch in every state need the other branches to enable their continued injustice.

The Pennsylvania Judiciary  has neglected to address the corruption caused by a law which mandates their non-disclosure and confidentiality.
– it prevents the judciary from removing their unconstitutional law
– even though they enacted the law in violation of the  PA Constitution
– it prevents lawyers from revealing it
– lawyers may commit fraud to conceal the unjust law with mandatory nondisclosure
– lawyers may commit fraud to prevent the issue from being rectified with mandatory confidentiality
– secret orders from unidentified courts prevent Kathleen Kane, the person, from addressing the issue
– by ordering the person and not the Attorney General, the secret orders are prevented from any review by the legislature.  The orders remain confidential while the elected Attorney General takes no action to address the unconstitutional law
– lawyers in the clerks office of the Eastern District of PA committed fraud to prevent a judicial review
– lawyers in the clerks office of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals committed fraud to prevent a judicial review
– lawyers in the Central Legal Staff of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania committed fraud to prevent judicial review of the cases which exposed the constitutional issue
– the criminal and unconstitutional interference with the administration of the courts by the Central Legal Staff was reported to
Seth Williams, Philadelphia District Attorney
David Heckler, Bucks County District Attorney
Zane Memeger, US Attorney Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Eric Holder, US Attorney General
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
The United States Postal Inspectors
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General

(Unless you consider the dismissal from PA Supreme Court which indicated the lawyers on the central legal staff have no relationship or ethical obligation to the litigants whose cases they obstruct, prevent and falsify.)

An improperly enacted unconstitutional law which denies obstructs and prevents justice leaves litigants with no recourse or resolution of the nondisclosed injustice. The judiciary held hostage abides and conceals their fraud and corruption.

The judiciary has committed fraud to conceal the issue. 
Their nondisclosure prevents informing the affected litigant. 
They have denied this litigants request for copies of their docketed order.
Subsequently the entry was removed from the docket – fraud to conceal fraud held confidential.

The Attorney General could not be prevented from informing the Governor and Legislature. 
By ordering Kathleen Kane, the person, the judiciary’s secret orders deliberately prevent any review by the other branches of government. The judiciary has undermined the authority of the Executive Branch and violated the laws of the Legislative branch.

Without personal damages, Kathleen Kane lacks standing to challenge the secret order EVEN WHILE IT ORDERS HER TO UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS.

The confidentiality prevents the litigant from addressing the damage caused by their secret order. 
Those damages include egregious denial of any protection of the law and the complete disregard of constitutionally protected rights which has terrorized his life since 2007 leaving him homeless, destitute, and without any possible future.
Every crime committed against him has not been prosecuted by the District Attorney.
Every civil action has been denied or dismissed without explanation.
Where the courts have indicated an improper lack of jurisdiction intended to dissuade the litigant.
Where the issues when presented on appeal are neglected with deliberate malice; without evidence of judicial review or any basis in law.
Where the judiciary had removed themselves from any involvement by an improper and unsubstantiated lack of jurisdiction which was improperly affirmed on appeal.

The Montgomery County District Attorney was determined to deny, prevent and obstruct justice for the litigant which she had permitted to be terrorized, victimized, criminally investigated and under intrusive surveillance for 10 years while appearing before twenty judges of the Montgomery County Judiciary as they perpetrated a judicial farce which denied every petition, custody and visitation request, failed to hear petitions or enforce any order in his favor while conducting protracted hearings into every fraudulent allegation against him,  interfering and intervening to prevent investigations by township police, county detectives and federal law enforcement agencies.

I persevered. 

With the judiciary self-removed, their improper and unconstitutional prevention of any ability to petition the courts for redress of grievances would require modification of the existing law by the legislature, or enforcement of the existing law by the Executive Branch.

When the litigant requested the assistance of Governor Tom Wolf, Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Montgomery County Sheriff Russell Bono, and the entire Pennsylvania Legislature, the request was twisted into a purported terroristic threat delivered by Montgomery Township police to persons the litigant had never met, seen or spoken to.

The suggestion that there remained an alternative was somewhat of a surprise to my terrorists…

Rule 1.6 enables the Judicial branch to usurp absolute power and full authority over the Legislative and Executive branches. 

In actuality, Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information undermines the independence of the judiciary, denies the rule of law, and ignores the US Constitution… while mandating nondisclosure.  American Injustice is never explained by the lawyer at the podium who tosses blame randomly.  The misdirection is fraud in the furtherance to prevent rectifying the issue.  It is excused and ignored pursuant to Rule 1.6.

It is the author of the improperly enacted and unconstitutional law who has full control over the judiciary.  Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information is a strictly enforced mandate of confidentiality and nondisclosure from which the ‘fraud provisions’ were deliberately and controversially removed from the Rules of Professional Conduct.  Bar associations which exist in every state and federal jurisdiction obstruct justice, prevent justice, deny access to the courts or create fraudulent documents.  These actions are held confidential and even when exposed the injustice is ignored.

American Injustice has become increasingly more visible, while still ignored, as the Rules were promoted to each state by the American Bar Association.  From 1984 (New Jersey) though 2009 (Maine), the membership of the ABA profited from their control of justice.  The ABA control of the judiciary undermined every state and federal branch of government.  Rule 1.6 nondisclosure compromised the reputation of every lawyer and affected the integrity of every judge mandated to conceal injustice, corruption and sedition.

With court-related murder suicide rampages becoming deadly monthly occurrences, Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman retaliated against a target who defiantly was not capable of killing himself.

I expect they will prosecute with the suggestion that after everything they have done WHY HAVEN’T I SNAPPED? They demonstrate a seriously twisted psychosis, a lack of empathy, no shame, and failure to take responsibility for their actions. They also possess and utilize technology which can hinder my resources and effective communication.

I was ARRESTED from my mothers home in Bucks County.

Refusing to waive the right to counsel, I have been prevented from effective representation or counsel. Every lawyer permitted to work in Pennsylvania is obligated to follow Rule 1.6 which confidentially permits and excuses fraud to conceal fraud and fraud to prevent rectification.

The letter to the Governor and the Legislature was the basis of the threat. It was not sent to the witnesses. It was non threatening.
It would expose the massive corruption and the terroristic efforts to conceal it which have lead to the discovery of a national issue where the American Bar Association had effectively overthrown the government in each state and federally.

Last week, a $400,000 mortgage was paid off. The evidence of the fraudulent conveyance, forgery, fraud, etc.. was in the court documents I filed to regain possession of my home. But, the court ‘lacked jurisdiction’. People who know that their deed is invalid would not use their own money to pay off a mortgage on the property. They would not pay it off early. Title Insurance Payout.

The Court was informed that the destitute defendant, made homeless by a defective and void court order and prevented from any financial recovery by additional orders which leveraged the void orders, could not secure representation unhindered by unethical and unconstitutional confidentiality and non-disclosure.  The defendant indicated that he did NOT waive any of his rights – verbally on the record and in a written statement to the court.

The defendant requested the Court seek the advice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.  Unconstitutional Rule 1.6 had already been defaulted in federal court by 56 state attorneys general;
AND proven in Superior Court where the unconstitutional law was recaste into a secret order from unidentified courts which prevented the person elected to the Office of Attorney General from any action including appeal or challenge.

The Court proceeded with the Preliminary hearing in violation of the defendants rights suggesting that the defendants appearance in court was a waiver of counsel.  The defendant objected and reminded the court of his written statement indicating non-waiver and the reasons which supported that position.  The Court ignored and proceeded. 

To represent the defendant, an attorney would have to have direct experience of the unconstitutional law in order to have standing to address the issue.  One attorney within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had direct knowledge of the unconstitutional law.  Unconstitutionality had even been confirmed and indicated by the court.

But, Kathleen Kane has been ordered to take no action to address the unconstitutional law. 

The Attorney General was also being investigated by Montgomery County for purported violations of grand jury confidentiality. 

A prior grand jury had sealed the records of the corruption of the judiciary and their twisted manipulations of county departments and agencies which had been documented on the internet.  My website was called A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE.  The Court records were not provided to the Superior Court for the Appeals.  The Superior Court’s unsigned per curiam orders had denied petitions to compel the production of the court record by Montgomery County without explanation or any basis in law.

A law with a built-in self-defense mechanism.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania failed to conduct any review of the constitutionality of the laws provided by the American Bar Association.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has failed to address the extreme injustice and corruption concealed by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.
– Kids for Cash was revealed by Judge Ann Lokuta who was disciplined and removed from the bench for violating Rule 1.6
– The Interbranch Commission Report where lawyers concealed the Rule 1.6 mandate which silenced the lawyers or disciplined those who did speak out
– The Sandusky case and The Sandusky Report where Rule 1.6 prevented revelation of wrongdoing within the OAG and was mandated to conceal any impropriety by prior attorneys general

The Judiciary is not authorized to enact unconstitutional laws. BUT, THEY DID!

Which branch reviews the constitutionality of laws enacted by the judicial branch?

No branch has reviewed it. No branch can review it.
The judiciary is not authorized to enact an unconstitutional law.
(The judiciary committees are mandated to lie to the legislature!)

I challenge the Governor, the Legislature, the Pennsylvania District Attorneys, and the Sheriffs of Pennsylvania to stand up for justice and the US Constitution.


Until the judiciary acknowledges, addresses and corrects their corruption caused by Rule 1.6
the Legislature suspends the judiciary’s unconstitutional law
and provides for constitutional review of laws enacted by the judiciary.

I will personally request a Presidential Pardon from President Barack Obama on your behalf.

If you choose not to resign, you have chosen to remain an enemy of the US Constitution.
You have violated your oath of office and will be prosecuted.
You are an enemy of the nation.
You will be prosecuted for giving aid and support to an organization which has actively undermined the US Constitution and threatened the freedom of every American.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Those who have undermined the judicial branch in every state need the other branches to enable their continued injustice.

I would appreciate knowing … WHY? Why was it ok with everyone to destroy me for 10 years and attack my every attempt to survive?



Senator Toomey.  wpid-wp-1432869811981.jpeg

I begged for your help for 10 years.  You ignored the statewide denial of protection of the law and constitutional rights which you swore to protect. 

You participated instead.  Montgomery County retaliated with every available resource and action seeking to attain my suicide.

Resign.  You failed your constituents and your country.  I am ashamed at what you permitted to happen to me and others who were driven to suicide.

You were not mandated by law to ignore the issue which has caused tremendous injustice across the entire country. You lack any acceptable reason for your inaction, your failure, and your actions which provided aid and support to an organization which has undermined the state and federal government.

Thousands of children were jailed. Over 45 million people lost their homes. Riots erupted in major cities. You did nothing and you were informed of the problem and the resolution.

You did nothing. You endorsed corruption and injustice. You did nothing.

Resign. You have disgraced yourself, your family, your state and your country.


(via Facebook)


While Judge Duffy was ignoring my rights, the law and the crimes against me…
Parties were obtaining a payout from the title insurance.

I had documented the fraudulent conveyance, forgery and fraud to get my home back, to have my constitutional rights respected, and to once again have protection of the law.

INSTEAD: False Arrest, Malicious prosecution, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Power under Color of Law,

Denial of Right to Representation, Denial of Right to Counsel


I am ordered to Silence under threat of revocation of bail. Freedom of expression hindered.

There was no crime. They will throw me in jail for communicating their injustice.

After 9 years with No Protection of the Law and No Constitutional Rights enduring a judicial farce which involved 20 judges of the Montgomery County judiciary.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality causes the judiciary to ignore inescapable injustice which denies life. It corrupts and steals the judge’s integrity. It terrorizes the victim.

When the Superior Court of Pennsylvania recognized the unconstitutionality of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information, they ordered the individual named Kathleen Kane to take no action and to not disclose their order. They ordered the person elected to the office of Attorney General to neglect the responsibilities of her office… BUT JUST FOR ME BECAUSE I FOUND IT.

“Secret Orders from Unidentified Courts” ordered Kathleen Kane to deny and violate my constitutional rights and not disclose their order. Kathleen Kane has followed that order.

Without personal damages, Kane lacks standing to challenge that order. Kane remains silent even while taunted by the Montgomery County judiciary. They nearly blew it. Rule 1.6 Confidentiality is excused if a lawyer is defending themselves. It’s been very silent between Norristown and Harrisburg for the last 3 weeks.

Kane ignores the continuing injustice against me in Montgomery County because she has been SPECIFICALLY ordered to ignore the rule of law and MY constitutional rights.


Those issuing secret orders which deny my constitutional rights fail to address the terror they inflict. They neglect to present their order. GET THIS…, There is likely no evidence that any judge issued any order. There is only an order indicating a lawyer in the clerks office has seen such an order.

A derivative of the ‘per curiam’ deception. Are we supposed to believe this??? Instead of providing a copy of the judges signed order, you get a document which is signed by the clerk indicating that the clerk filed the copy signed by the judge. When you ask for the copy signed by the judge, it is DENIED.

I COULDN’T MAKE THIS UP. The clerk is a lawyer who is permitted to perpetrate fraud in the continuance of fraud which is kept confidential under Rule 1.6. Fraud to prevent rectification is also permitted and held confidential.

It happens in every jurisdiction. They 1.6’d the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Then, they 1.6’d the appeal in the Third Circuit.

When they 1.6’d the appeal in Healy v XXXXXX, they additonally ordered Kathleen Kane to continue the conspiracy to deny the constitutional rights of Healy and mandated confidentiality. That confidentiality extends to the Norristown courthouse which prevents resolution of constant litigation which has lasted 10 years and corrupted 20 judges. (That’s why I ended up finding the unconstitutional law which terrorizes Americans in every state.)

I am one man. I survived the injustice… but they will never let it end. I have no future.

Judge Duffy thinks she is just a small time district judge without any necessity to know or follow the law or the Constitution.

Judge Duffy’s self-deprecating low self image and lack of awareness compromises my freedom.  I understand her style, but does she?  My constitutional rights START in her courtroom… They also started to be ignored in her courtroom.  That is something which future judges will be loath to address or fix while continuing on.  Its very serious to me because it affects me personally. 

Most people don’t have to worry about their rights so they don’t.  They are not near any courtroom.   But, when they do find cause to worry, TOO LATE.  The white guy is about to have a black experience.  One their white friends won’t believe… and their black friends will equate with just another day.

Nobody corrects the errors of the judiciary.  Waiting on appeal you suffer the misdeeds UNTIL they are corrected.  If you survive the struggle and the careless complacency of Americans.

The victim is terrorized until everything is lost… until there is no hope… and they commit suicide.

I wish I had the capacity to escape them. Their corruption shows no empathy, compassion or shame.

So Judge Duffy, this is another fine mess, eh?  That bullshit about me waiving rights because I appeared without a lawyer.  I was ORDERED to appear.  I filed my WRITTEN statement because I knew judges DO NOT LISTEN.  Your misquotes were contradicted by my signed by written statement. 

I bet she just didn’t feel it was worth her time to address the Constitution.  Sadly, you aren’t the only judge who doesn’t have time for the law or the Constitution.  YOU WANTED THE JOB.  YOU GOT IT.  SO WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO DO IT WELL?  When people expect their rights yo be respected and THAT’S YOUR JOB, a rush to unconstitutional injustice is a difficult, near impossible thing to escape.  Rule 1.6 hides it so well, you didn’t even know it.

Judge Duffy won’t be affected. I will be. I will have to explain to the next judge what she did to me … Before that hearing even gets to the crime which I have been falsely accused of. The next judge who doesn’t have time to do his job properly will make it worse. No big deal. It can be corrected on appeal. BUT, THOSE JUDGES WORK ON THE MISCONCEPTION THAT THE LOWER COURTS DID THEIR JOB RESPONSIBLY. RULE 1.6 requires they ignore issues which affect the integrity of the courts.



Seems someone with power over a District Attorney likes to threaten me. Again.

So many clues… Cowardly way to function.

I approach directly. Through proper lawful channels. The front door. I don’t hide behind concealed threats.

And I have survived 10 years …. 10 years of harassment from cowards who manipulate and terrorize their targets and misuse authority.

Those identifiers which have appeared on this site before…

When you have no protection of the law and every constitutional right is ignored… You survive. Its not living.

10152159560194398On a side note…


I hope the information about the fraud which I had provided was useful when filing against genuine friends!


DNA testing is a sham. Contrived upon Americans during the OJ trial.

Under Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information lawyers cannot address the issue of injustice committed and concealed by fraud. Rule 1.6 is responsible for IGNORING INJUSTICE.

Have doubts Check to see the events which correspond with edits to Rule 1.6 in every state. It’s all about covering up a scandal… by nondisclosure.

Have doubts? Are you aware that the Defendant is not able to test the evidence? No independant review. No ability to contest the results. No ability to defend faked results. None.

Imagine the injustixe enabled by this type of fraud.

Then check out Massachusetts where Rule 1.6 had a major revision following exposure of forensic lab fraud.


The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.