
PoliceCarMy wife reported that the Montgomery Township Police are sitting on Banbury Avenue.

Montgomery Township Police repeatedly indicated that they do not get involved in civil matters.

I have notified the entire Pennsylvania Legislature – EVERY Senator and EVERY Representative.

I have notified the Montgomery County Sheriff.socials

I have notified Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

I have notified Governor Tom Wolf.

I have notified the News media – print, video and audio.

I don’t sneak around. It’s on Facebook, the Interwebs, Twitter, Google, the Comments in every Media Outlet.

The people trespassing in my home do not have a valid title or deed to the property.
– At the Hearing, they didn’t.
– For the Appeal, they didn’t.
– They never will. Jurisdiction cannot be created retroactively, even corruptly. The lawyers retained by Genuine Title must have told them that they had no legal basis to support their ownership. They have had considerable time to find other accomodations.
godisjustEven if a court were to issue another secret order, THAT TOO WOULD BE UNCONSTITUTIONALLY DENYING THE DUE PROCESS OF LAW WHERE PROPERTY WAS CONCERNED. The Constitution is a very powerful document which does not like to be ignored.

The Carluccio’s are up to their necks in coverups and conspiracies. A President of the Bar and Judge who caused liability without immunity for 15 other members of the Montgomery County Judiciary. I am not plotting vengeful litigation. I simply require the restoration and protection of the Rule of Law and the US Constitution.

    The extreme perversion of justice has rendered the judiciary removed from the matter – Judge Weilheimer has indicated incorrectly (but with immunity) that the court lacked jurisdiction. The Court Staff at the Superior Court of PA affirmed the lower court. Reconsideration was denied (also by staff fraud.)
    By their own documents, the courts lack jurisdiction to INTERVENE. AFFIRMED. NO RECONSIDERATION. Enforcement of the law is required.

Interfering with the administration of justice and the denial and prevention of rights protected and secured by the US Constitution was reported to…
David Heckler, District Attorney from Buck County
Seth Williams, District Attorney from Philadelphia
Zane Memeger US Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General*
The Superior Court Judiciary
The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
THE United States Postal Inspectors

*ONLY Kathleen Kane has indicated in the media that she has been ordered by unidentified courts to PERSONALLY neglect the responsibility of the Office of Attorney General. not to investigate, not to take any action. The financial liability ordered is so huge she filed for divorce to protect her family. There is no defense when failing to preserve protect and defend the US Constitution.

What excuse do the others have for their failure to act? How many secret orders were issued in the matters? Will all of Pennsylvania file for Divorce?

There is no provision within the Pennsylvania Constitution for secret orders from unidentified courts.

There is no provision within the US Constitution for the denial of the rights of any American citizen.

YET, for some strange reason, Montgomery Township Police are sitting outside my house. Police officers who have sworn to support, obey and defend the US Constitution with fidelity… are participating in the denial of Constitutionally protected rights and liberties. The Miller’s are more in need of protection from the County Law Enforcement who would like to pin a rampage on Terance Healy. The lawyers never expect a person to follow the law. The laws of the US work, when not twisted by Rule 1.6 fraud and confidentiality.

How do they justify that? Because ANY order which violates the US Constitution is a nullity, without force or effect. The US Constitution is still the Supreme Law of the Land.

Granted, the American Bar Association has TOTALLY trumped the US Constitution with their Rule 1.6 CONSPIRACY of Non-Disclosure. But now the demonstration by every level of law enforcement in violation of the US Constitution is very visible…. and unexplained because the lawyers may not explain what they have done…

    to the thousands of children of Luzerne County…
    to the 40+ million mortgage holders improperly and unjustly foreclosed upon using fraudulent documents…
    to the People of Ferguson Missouri…
    to the People of New York City…
    to the witness throughout the United States…

American Justice and the Constitution undermined by Rule 1.6 has informed the lawyers and judiciary. THEY NOW KNOW WHAT IS WRONG. WHAT MUST BE ADDRESSED.

Officer Gerry Dougherty is still as WRONG as he was when he lied and illegally violated my rights in that early conspiracy to conceal the crimes of the County Task Force. NOW… Everyone knows about surveillance. ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE. The tools which were abused and corrupted everything… and that poor girl who fell for the perjury trap. Tsk tsk tsk. Shameful behavior.

The victim of Rule 1.6 Injustice has no protection of the law and experiences the complete loss of rights secured and protected by the US Constitutional.

While I was terrorized without explanation, without law, without justice and without hope… It was the overwhelming corruption and perversion undermining every member of law enforcement which revealed the ONE RULE WHICH UNDERMINED THE US CONSTITUTION. I found it. I proved it.

Secret orders from unidentified courts’ improperly prevent INDIVIDUALS from their elected duties and responsibilities while being appealed.

Where an unconstitutional ‘law’ has been discovered, demonstrated and has fallen…
ONLY to be re-caste and concealed within ‘secret orders’ from ‘unidentified courts’ serves to demonstrate the corruption of a judiciary held hostage and compelled to unconstitutional acts absent any force or effect or authority.


NOW THAT is something the Congress could write to Iran about.

Or perhaps a short postcard to Vladimir Putin?

What’s the Russian word for “American Bar Association sedition and overthrow of the American Judiciary” – with injustice for ALL?

The lawyer’s ONE RULE which mandated non-disclosure and confidentiality AS IT UNDERMINED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Officer Dougherty ought to consider that he has not escaped prosecution for his crimes… Without ANY protection of the Law and while Constitutional Rights were ignored… there could be no federal lawsuit for the abuse of power under color of law, false arrest, involuntary detainment without charges, and false report to MCES when you knew of the surveillance. You tried to humiliate and undermine the victim to suicide. Jer… we went to school together. YOU FUCKED UP HUGE. How can you face yourself knowing what your have done to my family? and my life?

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