
As Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was setup with massive nationwide liability (and filed for divorce in December 2014)…

Those in the Pennsylvania Legislature may want consider haste in their actions… either to suspend Rule 1.6 and restore the US Constitution and the Rule of Law… or to file for divorce to protect their family’s assets in a lawsuit where they have failed to act… Failing to act for years even after being notified of the unconstitutional law improperly enacted without authority by the PA Supreme court.

Those pictured below could have helped… instead they made things worse… intentionally ignoring the issue created a much larger liability for everyone.


Besides authorizing official capacity suits against state and local officials for structural injunctive relief, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 authorizes claims against those officials in their individual capacity for compensatory and punitive damages.

By its terms, Section 1983 imposes liability without defense on state and local officials who, acting under color of law in their individual capacity, deprive persons of rights created by the Constitution and federal law.

Would you like to know more…


The nationwide corruption and injustice caused by the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION’s unconstitutional Rule 1.6 has been aided and abetted by persons from Pennsylvania within the Legislature, the US Congress, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, …

McDade, Murtha, Ridge, Thornburgh, Casey…

It’s embarrassing for Pennsylvanians and at the same time Pennsylvania can fix this national constitutional crisis.

pa85The Pennsylvania Legislators should address their ability to correct the corruption which has undermined the judiciary within every state and federally.

Imagine the corruption which spun out of the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania being exposed and ended by a presidential candidate with roots in the area. A strong person who has stood tall and faced adversity and public scrutiny like no other American has ever experienced. The opportunity rises for the Justice President to announce their candidacy…

America re-Starts Here.

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