Feeling broken,
Barely holding on
But there’s just something so strong
Somewhere inside me.

I am down but I’ll get up again.
Don’t count me out just yet.

I’ve been brought down to my knees and
I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it.

I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over.

You haven’t seen the last of me.
You haven’t seen the last of me.

They can say that I won’t stay around.
But I’m gonna stand my ground.
You’re not gonna stop me.

You don’t know me.
You don’t know who I am.
Don’t count me out so fast.

I’ve been brought down to my knees and
I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it.

I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over.

You haven’t seen the last of me.

There will be no fade out.
This is not the end.
I’m down now.
But I’ll be standing tall again.
Times are hard.
I was built tough.
I’m gonna show you all what I’m made of.

I’ve been brought down to my knees and
I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it.

I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over.

I am far from over.
You haven’t seen the last of me.

No no.
I’m not going nowhere.
I’m staying right here.

Oh no.
You won’t see me begging.
I’m not taking my bow.

Can’t stop me.
It’s not the end.
You haven’t seen the last of me.

Oh no.

You haven’t seen the last of me.

You haven’t seen the last of me.

images (1)
images (2)

As a nation, the People are speaking in one voice. Misreported dissonance seeks to disperse the unity. Widespread injustice which is bringing people together, recognizing the problem, and focusing on resolution.

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty
We don’t forget our martyrs.
Afraid of those who swore to protect me.
The system isn’t broken, it was built this way.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying to change the world.
United States of What The Fuck?
We won’t stop. Know Justice. Know Peace.
The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough;
compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough –
but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not.
We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

America’s ‘most trusted’ news anchor was just sidelined by a 10 year old anecdote? … not a news story. The mantle passes to the next, the consistent, the trusted, the understood, the familiar, someone who can point to the ridiculousness while unintimidated.
Jon-Stewart-007A man who knows a fake news story when he writes one.

Jon Stewart could not have chosen a worse time to consider leaving The Daily Show.

Americans are not going to have an easy time finding their humor while trying to rebuild and restore ‘the public trust’.


Ignoring the rule of law and the US Constitution until the people would notice a judiciary held hostage, undone by an unconstitutional law which they enacted, which they cannot correct. Their law mandates confidentiality where the integrity of the judiciary is adversely affected.

THIS UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW mandates non-disclosure of injustice and corruption, prevents correction and conceals exposure of responsibility. THE SAME LAW improperly enacted in EVERY state has undermined the judicial branch and prevented JUSTICE in the state courts and federally.

THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW serves to benefit only the authors, The American Bar Association with membership and affiliate organizations in every jurisdiction intercepting and interfering with the administration of justice to ‘PROTECT’ the judiciary which they hold hostage.

Their membership, and every lawyer and legal professional, under an aggressively enforced mandate of non-disclosure pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Rules of Professional Conduct – an ethical standard without ethics, morals or legality – improperly enacted by each state supreme court while the collateral unconstitutional injustice cannot be resolved within the courts – not without a lawyer

A pro se litigant would be required to have standing – to have experienced the unconstitutional corruption and injustice and survive – to have experienced the unconstitutional non-disclosure – and be able to provide evidence to support and demonstrate the collateral unconstitutional effect – and to have discovered the law which required mandated and ignored the INJUSTICE.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was filed on August 8, 2013 in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and served upon the attorneys general in EVERY state on behalf of the United States by two pro se litigants with standing and a cause for relief which could be addressed by the attorneys general.

After default by every state attorney general, the matter was improperly dismissed based on misapplied doctrine and unsubstantiated speculation. Affirmed in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals with Reconsideration denied. The litigants never saw a courtroom. There is no signature by any judge. Everything on paper.

When removing the ‘fraud provisions’ from Rule 1.6, the ABA realized that their ‘ethical’ standard would permit, endorse and even MANDATE fraud – in the furtherance of fraud or to prevent rectifying prior fraud – which preventing any resolution.

Did the clerks (lawyers) in the Eastern District of Philadelphia believe that their fraud and forgery would no unnoticed? Did the Clerks (lawyers) in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals believe the same?

The judges were prevented from the case… held hostage by the continuing efforts of lawyers following the ‘LOCAL RULES’ and Rule 1.6. The US Attorney, the DOJ and the Federal Marshalls mandated by the McDade-Murtha Amendment – which requires all federal government attorneys and investigators to adhere to the Rules of Professional Conduct in the jurisdiction where they are working, or investigating.

holderCongress was not fully informed during hearings on the McDade Murtha Amendment, where those lawyers testifying that the result would be DISASTROUS to the nation, Rule 1.6 prevented disclosure that the state ethics laws were not ethical, moral. legal or constitutional.

While demonstrating to the ABA membership and their judicial hostages that the INJUSTICE is not systemic, it is by design. Efforts to deny, prevent and obstruct rights secured by the US Constitution seemingly ignored, yet, without any obligation to an unconstitutional law, a nullity, the day is coming when Rule 1.6 will provide no protection for the injustice, corruption and perversion of law which it conceals.

When Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane recognized the unconstitutional law, she was served with ‘confidential’ court orders from two unidentified courts, brought before a grand jury with requirements of secrecy, and attacked by suggestions she had violated a prior grand jury secrecy requirement. The fraud in the furtherance is catching up to the court staff in Montgomery County and the Superior Court of Philadelphia.

Concern from a state representative has called for the impeachment of AG Kane where she had recognized and not defended a state law which was unconstitutional. Though proven unconstitutional, the Attorney General’s failure to support and defend an unconstitutional law has caused some concern within the Pennsylvania Legislature.

They should be examining those secret orders, improperly issued and void of due process, they are a CRY FOR RELEASE from a judiciary held hostage.

Until the Pennsylvania Legislature recognizes and suspends Rule 1.6, and realizes the Judiciary Committees are permitted to commit fraud to prevent and misinform, the entire nation awaits the moment when Kathleen Kane breaks her silence.
While the media reports and ponders and speculates… A tornado of secrecy and confidentiality which clearly has enveloped Harrisburg, PA… and has that girl’s house spinning.

The victims of injustice persevere.

There will be no fade out. This is not the end.
This is far from over.

Justice is coming. Every. Person. Matters.




I have reported the judiciary held hostage situation within the Superior Court of Pennsylvania to all proper law enforcement authorities to investigate and prosecute.

    US Attorney Zane Memeger, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams,
    Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler,
    PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane,
    The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and
    the USPS Postal Inspectors, Philadelphia (Mail Fraud).

They have done NOTHING. They are compromised and leveraged to conceal their participation in the conspiracy to undermine the Judicial Branch of each state Government and the Federal Judiciary. They are members of the organization profiting from the corruption and INJUSTICE.

The hostages have repeated contacted with only one person. One may still have principles – fewer, if any, skeletons in her professional closet – nothing to leverage.

“something that’s been on my mind. But I’m very confident that
the truth will come out and that justice will prevail.”

– Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane


A judge has issued an order to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania which prevents identification of the court, the case and the issue.

The ‘unidentified’ have ordered the attorney general to conduct no investigation and neglect the responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General.

These ‘unlawful and corrupt’ actions impose a personal liability upon the individual for that compromise of principles and law and the Constitution of the United States.

Bear in mind, THAT PERSONAL LIABILITY will be decided by another court – another judiciary held hostage where the failure to compromise could result in the personal loss of EVERYTHING.
(Secure your personal assets. Consider filing for Divorce?)

The judiciary held hostage was coerced to issue an improper and invalid order. A demonstration that ‘judicial independence’ is compromised.


Another unidentified judge has issued a SECOND ORDER to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania which prevents identification of the court, the case and the issue.

The demands are the same – conduct no investigation and neglect the responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General while RISKING EVERYTHING KATHLEEN KANE OWNS PERSONALLY.

The hostage judges have issued another improper and invalid example that the Judiciary is undone – no law, no constitution, no ethics, no procedure. No explanation of what has necessitated their pre-emptive efforts. Preventing the unidentified issue before it is presented to the courts. Constitutional separation of powers does not allow for this broad overreach into the authority of the Executive branch.

The judiciary held hostage calling attention to the situation.


A Grand Jury has accused the individual, Kathleen Kane, of compromising grand jury secrecy even where she had not taken any part in the investigation, had not been called to answer questions by that grand jury, and was under no requirement to maintain grand jury secrecy.

The threat of incarceration for actions which violate no law. There are no facts available.

The information available has been ‘leaked’ by a second grand jury investigating the breach within the earlier one.

A grand jury is widely known as the ‘tool of the prosecutor’ where a ham sandwich could be indicted upon the simple request of the prosecutor. Indictment is not conviction.

The grand jury has not been assembled lawfully. Yet, ‘leaked’ portions of a secret presentment attack Kathleen Kane calling for an indictment – BUT pass that responsibility to the District Attorney who indicates the issue will take months to review.

The threat of incarceration – against the freedom of the attorney general is clear. Everything else could not be further obfuscated from public view, applicable law and fact. All delayed to permit speculation which undermines the attorney general who cannot say or do anything while those secret orders are appealed.


One state legislator persists in the effort seeking to remove the attorney general from her elected office. He has failed to accept that an unconstitutional law is NO LAW, a nullity. He has failed to accept that multiple Federal Courts have indicated the law was unconstitutional. He has failed to accept that the Attorney General is not required by law to compromise her principles to defend a state law which is unconstitutional.

The threat of impeachment is improper. It is misinformation and manipulation of the public based on bigotry and hate. It neglects to indicate that the Attorney General was correct when indicating the law was unconstitutional.


A constitutional challenge was filed in August 2013 and served upon Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane and the attorneys general of each state to address the unconstitutional collateral affect where a law causes the loss of any protection of the law and the loss of rights secured and protected by the Constitution of the united States.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Rules of Professional Conduct had been improperly enacted into law by the state supreme court where their authority to enact law existed only where their law did not affect the substantive rights of a litigant.

Enacted in 1987 in Pennsylvania, Rule 1.6 Confidentiality has prevented and denied litigants of their rights and the protection of the law while mandating non-disclosure and confidentiality by lawyers and all legal professionals. Every state had enacted the Rules of Professional Conduct into law from 1984 (New Jersey) to 2009 (Maine).

Americans noticed the lapse of the US Constitution, however lawyers and legal professionals were mandated to confidentiality and non-disclosure of the source for unconstitutional acts and INJUSTICE.


In Montgomery County Pennsylvania, HEALY v HEALY and HEALY v MILLER had appealed to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania for relief from invalid orders which fail to apply the rule of law, and from defective and void orders issued in clear absence of subject matter jurisdiction which have been repeatedly enforced.

The terror inflicted by twenty judges upon the unrepresented non-lawyer defendant was unexplained and without any basis in law. The judiciary annihilated every aspect of his life. Every action had one unifying aspect – the silence.

From 2007 through 2013, every proceeding, every ruling, every action, every failure to follow procedure, law and constitution; every action to conceal information, every false report; every false allegation; every failed investigation by state and federal agencies; EVERYTHING pointed to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality preventing disclosure and permitting acts in the furtherance of fraud which prevented any resolution ever.

    The ‘fraud provisions’ had been removed from the Rules of Professional Conduct – the code of ethical conduct – lacked ethics, lacked morality, endorsed fraud, prevented any recourse, while demanding non-disclosure and confidentiality (Rule 1.6).

Challenge to the Constitutionality of a State Law

Where the appeals to the Superior Court would present the challenge to the constitutionality of a state law, the Attorney General was notified and prevented from action by a ‘secret order… and another secret order. The docket indicates superior court activity which has not been provided – kept ‘secret’.

The Attorney General neglected the responsibility for involvement in the matter.

Where an earlier grand jury may have caused information to be removed from the public view, many documents were missing from the court record sent to the Superior Court from the Montgomery County. Requests for the production of the missing items were ignored, and remain unexplained.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane recognizing the unconstitutional affect of Rule 1.6, with no necessity to abide by an unconstitutional law for confidentiality and non-disclosure, was SILENCED by an improper secret court order.

And SILENCED further by another secret court order.

And SILENCED further by the threat where anything she said could be alleged to be part of a grand jury investigation.

And SILENCED further by the presentment of ‘leaked speculation’ and the pending threat of undisclosed documents.

The Proper Authorities

The fraud and forgery of the Central Legal Staff – obstructed violations of procedure, Pennsylvania Law and the US Constitution demonstrated the unconstitutionality of Rule 1.6 within the Superior Court – reported to US Attorney Zane Memeger, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler, PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane, The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and the USPS Postal Inspectors (Mail Fraud).

NOTHING… Without obligatory silence per an unconstitutional law? Where only ONE been contacted and ordered to neglect and ignore the responsibilities of their office? Why are ALL neglecting their duty and responsibilities?

The carefully worded statements of Kathleen Kane indicate her awareness of the broader scope of the matter.

    “I am shocked at the level of public corruption.”
    “I am shocked at how deep it goes.
    I am shocked at how powerful it is.
    I have never seen anything like this. It’s breathtaking.
    It has been described by the people familiar with what is happening as shameful.”
    “But, if this can be done to me as Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the 5th largest state in the country, I am sickened to think what can and may be done to regular, good people who don’t have the resources that I have to challenge it.”


The American Bar Association, and affiliates, who have intervened and intercepted to deny and prevent exposure of their sedition and the resulting INJUSTICE within the state and federal courts..

They are the authors of Rule 1.6 who promoted it to every state and the US Congress and have affiliates in every level and jurisdiction of the state and federal courts.

The membership who profited from INJUSTICE and controlled by members which include the district attorneys and the US attorneys who ignore the complaints of criminal and unconstitutional corruption within the courts – their actions pursuant to unconstitutional Rule 1.6 Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality.

An organization who perverted and twisted the judicial branch of every state government by the requirement of SILENCE while leveraging the shame and humiliation of an egregious violation of the Public Trust to undermine JUSTICE in the United States.

10584105_10152469853859398_6925911722687697300_nAn organization whose members undermined a Constitutional Challenge in the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania where improper actions had resulted in an unsubstantiated dismissal with no evidence of ANY judicial review resulting in the continuation of unconstitutional actions and INJUSTICE in every state – NATIONWIDE – while solely attributed to the purported actions of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.


Kathleen Kane, the individual, has been set up and is responsible for concealing and preventing resolution of a national conspiracy to deny the constitutional rights of EVERY American without availability of any immunity.

By its terms, Section 1983 imposes liability without defense on state and local officials who, acting under color of law in their individual capacity, deprive plaintiffs of rights created by the Constitution and federal law.

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.” – Bruce Castor, Montgomery County Commissioner and former District Attorney in a New Years Eve Manifesto against Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

Kathleen Kane filed for divorce in December 2014, securing her family’s assets during an aggressive attack against her principles while indicating “something that’s been on my mind. But I’m very confident that the truth will come out and that justice will prevail.”


I believe that no one involved in this corruption has arrived there of their own will, BUT, once they involved they have no available way of removing themselves from the situation. They are obligated by an unconstitutional law which the are mandated to conceal by law. They also have no standing to challenge the law which did not directly affect their rights.

Don’t hate the lawyer. DO HATE the unethical unconstitutioal law by which they must abide and are required to conceal… Where they are permitted to commit fraud to prevent disclosure, there are some who seem mandated to do so. This is a corrupt and unjust law.

Don’t hate the judiciary. The undermined judges lost their judicial independence. They were required to sacrifice their integrity. The judges have been humiliated by their corruption and injustice and unconstitutional acts. The independence to make the decision was imaginary where required to conceal prior injustice and corruption.

Judges Lack Jurisdiction/Authority

The lack of judicial independence causes their every decision to have been made without proper jurisdiction. Without lawful authority or power to act, every decision was an act of treason. Plea agreements were preferable to acts of treason which deprived people of their freedom. Plea Agreements – having people put themselves in jail was better than ACTING WITHOUT AUTHORITY. If the people ever found out, there would be …

The state supreme courts – they blew it. Violating the public trust, they overreached their constitutional authority and enacted unconstitutional and unethical laws into existence. A corrupt law among them prevented them from correcting, acknowledging or resolving their grievous error. Where there was no authority to enact the laws, there was now a mandate to conceal their violation. Those supreme court justices responsible have likely retired and died leaving the judiciary undone, the US Constitution ignored, and the government in jeopardy.


The American Bar Association, and affiliate organizations, provided their members with training to intervene, intercept and conceal the corruption and injustice of the undermined judicial branch. The ABA had complete control of the judicial branch. Every lawyer and legal professional under their control with discipline at their sole discretion – well, the sole discretion of THEIR state supreme courts. The lawyers in the legislature, and the judiciary committees, kept the legislators out of the ‘business of the courts’.


Where not removed entirely from existence, the sheriffs were convinced of diminished responsibilities by lawyers and judges. The Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the county was relegated to taxiing prisoners and providing security of the judges/courtroom. The injustice and corruption of the judges would require they be protected. The sheriffs provided support for the illusion of judicial independence. District Attorneys usurped authority under a title Chief Law Enforcement Professional.


The US Congress made a similar error in trust called the McDade-Murtha Amendment. Testimony to Congress was affected by Rule 1.6, those testifying to congress were not permitted by law to provide full information. Indicating the disastrous result while neglecting to reveal that requiring all government attorneys to follow the state ‘Rules of Professional Conduct’ was blindly ignoring that the ethics laws enacted in the states were not ethical, moral, legal or just. This Amendment prevent the federal government from intervening where the loss of constitutional rights was required to be concealed by Rule 1.6 Confidentiality.


The ABA never imagined a Pro Se defendant annihilated by their corruption and injustice would survive to identify, document and expose their sedition to very lawyers and judges compromised and participating in systemic corruption and injustice without reaon or explanation.

Neither did I. BUT, where I was left with no choice but to persevere, I DID.

“Wait until they realize what you have discovered.”

I brought the Constitutional Challenge of rule 1.6, the corruption and the loss of integrity to the Judiciary who failed to recognize themselves. The minions intercepted and intervened… a new realization and awareness of their actions which had been previously unexposed. Believing they disposed of the pro se cases because the people were non-lawyers, the staff were obstructing and preventing the only party who could lawfully expose the unconstitutional corruption and injustice AND restore the integrity of the judiciary.

The Court Clerks/Staff provided the persistence of the CONTROLLED corruption and injustice. It was NOT systemic.


I notified the American Bar Association, and all affiliates, to cease and desist all operations in September 2014. There has been no response.

I persevere.



0904011043aI hold a valid title and deed to my home and property, and those trespassing DO NOT.

The Court has indicated a lack of jurisdiction which has been affirmed by the Superior Court and denied Reconsideration, thus removing the courts from any involvement regarding the issue of possession.

The decisions and documents prevent any judicial intervention to my regaining possession of the property. Where the court lacks jurisdiction to decide possession, they also lack jurisdiction to prevent me from regaining possession.

Their decision is incorrect and/or the fraud and forgery of the Central Legal Staff. In the effort, they deny constitutionally protected rights – availability of the court for redress of grievances – and interfere with the administration of the courts while preventing and obstructing Pennsylvania law.

Rule 1.6 Injustice – no protection of the law. No constitutional rights.

No prosecution of the staff has yet occured in response to my criminal complaint to the US DOJ, two counties, two state and one other federal investigating agency.

Where the court negligence has deliberately prevented an Action in Ejectment which is proper when the Plaintiff does not have possession. A Quiet Title is only permitted to be filed by the person in possession. Well the one’s with the INVALID DEED are not likely to do that. I must regain possession and quiet the title from the multiple fraudulent filings and forgeries by Genuine Title.mob2

I have written to the Governor, the state Attorney General and the Montgomery County Sheriff requesting their assistance in regaining possession of the property. The Executive Branch of Government enforces the law.

The question remains if the ‘secret orders’ from unidentified courts will prevent the attorney general from her responsibilities – a broad pre-emptory SECRET overreach and violation of the separation of powers determined to prevent my rights and the law. (Rule 1.6 Corruption)

The Castle Doctrine …

The Castle Doctrine assumes that an “attacker” or “intruder” intends great bodily harm if
he/she either:
1. unlawfully and forcefully enters a dwelling, residence or occupied vehicle, or
2. is attempting to unlawfully and forcefully remove someone from a dwelling, residence or occupied vehicle

Either of these circumstances results in an initial presumption that a person (who is aware that 1. or 2. above have occurred) is justified in using deadly force in self defense against the “attacker” or “intruder.”

NOTE: This rule does NOT APPLY if ANY of the following apply:
• the “attacker” or “intruder” is another resident or has a right to be in the dwelling, residence or occupied vehicle;
• the “attacker” or “intruder” is a parent, grandparent or other guardian removing a child from the dwelling, residence or occupied vehicle;
• the “attacker” or “intruder” is actually a law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of his duties; OR
• the “attack” or “intrusion” is related to criminal activity in the dwelling, residence or occupied vehicle (e.g., an “attacker” breaks into a home to steal drugs from a drug dealer).

Some state self defense laws include provisions that address duty to retreat from an intruder in one’s home or from an attacker in other places.

courtesy-kndu.com_1The common law principle of “castle doctrine” says that individuals have the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect themselves against an intruder in their home. This principle has been codified and expanded by state legislatures.

Florida’s law states “a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”


Laws in at least 22 states allow that there is no duty to retreat an attacker in any place in which one is lawfully present. (Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.)

At least nine of those states include language stating one may “stand his or her ground.” (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.)

Pennsylvania’s law, amended in 2011, distinguishes use of deadly force outside one’s home or vehicle. It provides that in such locations one cannot use deadly force unless he has reasonable belief of imminent death or injury, and either he or she cannot retreat in safety or the attacker displays or uses a lethal weapon.

Self defense laws in at least 22 states (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee West Virginia and Wisconsin) provide civil immunity under certain self defense circumstances.

Statutes in at least six states (Hawaii, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota and Tennessee) assert that civil remedies are unaffected by criminal provisions of self defense law.


oklahomaThe word out of Oklahoma this week is the introduction of a Bill in their Legislature to prevent prosecution for abuse of power by limiting the ability to prosecute exclusively to the state Attorney General.. to the exclusion of the District Attorneys.

why-kids-think-they-are-invisible-when-playing-peek-a-booWith the current effort to remove an unconstitutional law which has been concealed under the disinformation that it is ‘attorney-client privilege” and where it results in devastating and inescapable loss of constitutional rights of the victim FOREVER… and where Rule 1.6 clearly demonstrates the unconstitutional ability and the defiance to being addressed – because lawyers may not reveal the TRUTH.

OKLAHOMA – Are y’all out of your ever-lovin minds?

The ABA presented Rule 1.6 a law which undermined the authority of every state judiciary and held the judiciary hostage shown by their loss of judicial independence. The ABA knew that their ethics code lacked ethics, morality and lawfulness. Against the advice of Robert Kutek who wrote the ‘Rules’, the ABA deliberately removed 2 fraud provisions from the law which could have prevented 30 years of injustice and unconstitutionality. Kids for Cash in Luzerne County Pennsylvania. Over 48 million forcerclosures using fraudulent anf forged robosigned documents. INJUSTICE throughout the entire US. An overwhelming realization that the Constiotution was being ignored by those who had sworn to preserve protect and defend it.

OKLAHOMA – Are y’all out of your ever-lovin minds?

Oklahoma lawmaker wants to bar DAs from charging state officials

District attorneys across Oklahoma are upset with proposed legislation that would bar them from prosecuting any state official for a public offense.

calveyOnly the attorney general could file those criminal cases, if House Bill 2206 becomes law.

“It’s a big deal to me. I’m upset and concerned,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said. “This bill creates a different class of citizens that would be protected from the normal prosecution process.”

He questioned if the bill is retaliation for his prosecutions of legislators, a judge and members of the Pardon and Parole Board.

“I am suspicious … that is what this is really about,” Prater said.
Link to full story.

Elected and Above the Law: Bill “Would Exempt Lawmakers from Prosecution of Nearly Any Crimes”

This one is just too rich. The arrogance and absurdity is over the top.

get-out-of-jail-freeGranted, most of the political class is already de facto above the law to begin with.

But now, a lawmaker in Oklahoma has introduced a bill to officially give most lawmakers, judges, appointees and holders of high office immunity from prosecution.

Link to Full Story


The volume of correspondence being prepared this week is daunting. Their injustice clock runs on billable hours. Time slows when every hope becomes a further injustice and corruption. Where isolated from family and the milestones which build into a life, time stops.

Those who offer the Facebook meme versions of Let It Go, Get Over It, Move On, This Too Shall Pass… have failed to recognize I am surviving, nothing more. THIS TOO SHALL PASS was wrong in 2007. You did not believe me, trust my judgement, the logical fail, my rationale… they played you against me. Friendships waned.

No one wants to live a life void of joy where other people’s smiles make you wonder if you will ever have cause to smile again. Somehow, I persevere.

I have never done anything where the sole intent was to demonstrate that failure of a system or the person involved. That was always a consequence within their own control. I had no ability to cause people to do the right thing. At best, I could provide them the opportunity. Every response provided the chance for explanations which were not provided, or were deliberately concealed.

A stranger lies. The lie is contrary to reason and lacking any necessity or motivation. When asked to explain, they panic acting fearful and threatened – – You made no threat, but someone else has. When asking for an explanation, the answer “I need my job” demonstrates the intimidation involved. Their supervisors never responded. Everything – ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING – and EVERYONE at the courthouse was ‘affected’ by the corruption and injustice… and fearful of exposing it further. They knew the retaliatory realities of judges and lawyers. I was learning that reality.

Every proceeding and action in the divorce from 2007 forward had been affected – manipulated by secrecy, failure to apply the law, no explanations, no resolutions. Every injustice was a FARCE which when exposed resulted in the recusal of the judge and another judfge assigned. Twenty Judges have been directly involved in the matter with each sacrificing their integrity for the failure of the prior judges – mandated by Rule 1.6.

Farce is not an overly broad generalization. It is fact. Evidence is the court record, the hundred of documents filed.

I was being prosecuted/terrorized to the fullest extent of every law and court order and defending against every false allegation held accountable to know and follow every procedure and law. Any, every and All failures by my wife, and her attorneys, to follow the law, procedures, due process, court orders, courtroom protocol were excused without consequence or warning for continued failures. Their deliberate failures lead to the situation which is undeniable. The judge to issued an order in the clear absence of subject matter jurisdiction, a defective and void order which is void ab initio, evidence is clearly demonstrated in ‘the court record’. BUT the lawyers still present the defective order for enforcement… successfully… even on appeal, successfully… leveraging the exposure of the corruption of the court for further injustice while preventing any resolution. Rule 1.6 Injustice. FOREVER.

Everything was undermined by the necessity to NOT REVEAL the secret, or prevent discovery. EVER. No law. No rights. No justice. None. EVER. FOREVER. No kidding. FOREVER. Another reality to learn because no one would believe it. Myself included.

The Rule 1.6 mandate of non-disclosure and confidentiality survives the death of the attorney. Forever.

Believe it. No justice. No escape. Ever. Forever.

Those who continue to undermine the US Constitution have been (and will be) compelled to public actions which they will not be able to deny or ignore or conceal or obfuscate. “Through their own words, they will be exposed.” If one person had done the right thing at anytime, the situation would not have been able to continue. No one helped. So many people working against me in violation of the law and procedures. What could possibly cause so many people to fail without explanation or reason… It’s their fault I found RULE 1.6 which undermined everyone and everything and every law including the US Constitution.

The law is clear about who may be held responsible for their failures to perform the responsibilities of their government office and whether they may be litigated professionally and PERSONALLY.

I have no other alternative but to present the illegal actions to persons who are in government positions where they recognize the corruption of the judiciary and DO NOTHING to address the wrongdoing. The lawyers and non-lawyers have no long term protection by and through an unconstitutional law and the corruption concealed by it…. except that the entire government has participated and concealed the corruption of the undermined judiciary under the false impression that it is better than addressing the problem…. which is HUGE.

Americans must set pride aside, acknowledge the past injustice and rectify the government for the future.

Every. Person. Matters.


“The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. It sometimes causes us difficulties at home and abroad. It is sometimes used by our enemies in attempts to hurt us. But the American people are entitled to it, nonetheless.” – Sen. John McCain

By its terms, US Section 1983 imposes liability without defense on state and local officials who, acting under color of law in their individual capacity, deprive plaintiffs of rights created by the Constitution and federal law.
The Problem arises where Rule 1.6 being unconstitutional is No Law. A nullity.
IT WAS, UNTIL IT ISN’T. AND THEN, it never was.

Unconstitutional secret secrecy is Rule 1.6 INJUSTICE.

While Rule 1.6 is mandating a conspiracy to deprive a person of rights and requiring the participation (or inaction or disinformation) of everyone required to follow it, there is no excuse in the ‘Liability Game’ for the actions which clearly deprive a person of their rights by a person who is sworn to protect their rights and who knows that their own actions are unconstitutional and repugnant.

PROFESSIONALLY – certain immunities apply to the organizations and officials involved in government, PERSONAL LIABILITY is another issue where a person knows better and has the responsibility to effect a change. The LAW has allowances built into the construction of the law which addresses the purpose and explains the reasoning and the proper application for the judiciary. No law violates the US Constitution.

The government is constitutional where allowing for review of constitutional questions by the judiciary. The Public Trusts the Judiciary. A necessity so essential that they trusted it would not be violated. Corrupt judges were hung because we trusted them.

A problem exists where there is no way to tell the judiciary that A LAW THE JUDICIARY ENACTED is unconstitutional. Done outside the normal legislative construction of a law, there was no construct, no explanation, no review, no reasoning, … and no legislative immunity for the authors. The law mandating non-disclosure and confidentiality did not permit ANY lawyer to address the unconstitutional aspect or effects, and concealed fraud in the furtherance to prevent the situation from being rectified or exposed.

Injustice has thrived based on disinformation which distracts from the problem law. A perceived prideful judicial arrogance is leveraged while interference with the administration of justice conceals the violation of the public trust and the loss of judicial independence. Two essential elements have been surreptitiously removed from the US Justice system – the known point of failure was always the judiciary. The judiciary had been undermined and held hostage by the American Bar Association by a law which required that information be concealed… that the violation of the public trust be concealed… the loss of judicial independence was concealed… everything they were doing to conceal it was also concealed. Everything leveraged to the benefit of their membership – who had no idea how it broke, but knew something was not right. Everyone noticed the government was ‘ignoring’ the US Constitution.

When an individual person is participating in actions which they know to be wrong, and quite UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the law expects and requires them to do the right thing. They can be held professionally and personally responsible for their actions, or the failure to act, even where an unconstitutional law had them violate a person’s rights.

The US Constitution does not provide any allowance for the denial of rights protected by the US Constitution. Any law which attempts to deny rights is No Law, a nullity, and provides no protection for participation in unconstitutional acts.

But, you must bring the case to the Judiciary. The judiciary who enacted the unconstitutional law, the nullity, in violation of the US Constitution AND THE CONSTITUTION OF EVERY STATE. You must bring the humiliatingly embarrassing case of AMERICAN INJUSTICE to those responsible for the INJUSTICE.

ONE OTHER THING, that unconstitutional law, Rule 1.6, mandates that they do nothing to expose that unconstitutional aspect. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure by judges, lawyers or legal professionals. Rule 1.6 permits/requires further acts of fraud to prevent exposure, or where disclosure would rectify the matter.

Rule 1.6 permits/requires the failure to indicate that Rule 1.6 is the reason that you cannot have justice pursuant to Rule 1.6. Rule 1.6 will undermine the law and the courts while any attempt is made to address the unconstitutional results.

PENNSYLVANIA – The judiciary shut down the Attorney General in defiance of law, procedures, separation of powers, etc… They clearly realized that it was not just about the inappropriate relationships which delayed the prosecution of Jerry Sandusky, Kathleen Kane was about to blow the lid off of the INJUSTICE game – NATIONALLY! Two cases which by law required the Attorney General’s attention as an unconstitutional state law would be demonstrated in the appeals. In the Superior Court of Pennsylvania – Healy v Healy and Healy v Miller.

For example. You own a house. That house is illegally sold.

The law is clear. If you have possession, you file QUIET TITLE. If you do not have possession, you file EJECTMENT.

You file Ejectment and it is dismissed because you do not have possession. An error in application of law. On Appeal, it is affirmed. No Reconsideration. The judiciary neglects to address the proper law, neglects to apply that law to the situation, and neglects to address the issue. The ‘elephant in the room’, INJUSTICE, is being concealed pursuant to Rule 1.6. The court is mandated to conceal that Rule 1.6 is causing further Rule 1.6 injustice.

It defies logic. It defies common sense. They write pages, yet miss the mark. BECAUSE, the unconstitutional law requires that the unconstitutional law not be disclosed.

To conceal the judicial quagmire, the court staff intercepts and intervenes handling the matter without the involvement of the judiciary. Are the staff protecting the judges from the liability for unconstitutional actions? … or holding the judiciary hostage by preventing the judge from the decision?

The criminal, and unconstitutional, interception and interference with the administration of justice and the forgery and fraud by the court staff are in the furtherance of a fraud, Non-Disclosure is mandated pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality. The court staff are professional lawyers who know their actions are violating the state and federal law and the US Constitution.

Where the court may not have believed when you indicated that the case would expose a constitutional issue, their own unconstitutional actions quickly convinces them.

(CONSIDER: Secret Order/Unidentified Court which prevents investigation and responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General.

Where an unconstitutional law is a nullity, a court order must be followed while appealed even when improper, unlawful and unconstitutional. The ‘secret’ court order creates a liability, professionally and personally, for the Attorney General who is being required by court order to participate in a conspiracy to deny constitutionally protected rights.

Multiple actions to silence Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane are carefully exposed to the media. Without any allowance for explanation, the Attorney General must be silent or risk a contempt action for violating the court order. Two court orders – one for each appeal in Superior Court.

GRAND JURY SECRECY becomes an issue where allegations are ‘leaked’ suggesting violations by Kathleen Kane, personally and professionally as Attorney General. No explanations or details. Speculation is widespread misdirection, it is no coincidence that my cases are in Montgomery County.

CALL FOR IMPEACHMENT: A call is made to the Legislature to impeach Kathleen Kane for non-enforcement of an unconstitutional law – the Marriage issue – and the ‘speculation’ of the Grand Jury leaks.

EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THE SILENCING OF KATHLEEN KANE – under whom the ‘monkeywrench’ was thrown which undermined a Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 in the federal courts after every state attorney general intentionally defaulted. A very similar situation where everything was handled by the court staff without any evidence of judicial involvement. Reported to the US Marshalls and the DOJ, US Attorney general Eric Hodler and US Attorney Zane Memeger. SILENCE.)

Prosecution of the court staff would expose the unconstitutional effect of Rule 1.6 which has resulted in YOUR loss of any protection under the law AND loss of rights protected by the US Constitution. No PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. NO KIDDING.

The Crimes and Constitutional offenses were reported. I am still awaiting the investigation by
1) Zane Memeger, US Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
2) Seth Williams, District Attorney for Philadelphia
3) David Heckler, District Attorney for Bucks County
4) Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General
5) USPS, United States Postal Inspectors – Mail Fraud
6) the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

Their silence is unexplained. AG Kathleen Kane couldn’t even say WHY she is being silent.

The Silence of Lawyers regarding an unconstitutional law which results in INJUSTICE, leaving people with no protection under the law while denying and ignoring rights protected and secured by the US Constitution with no opportunity for relief or resolution.

The Rules of Professional Conduct require lawyers to report this to the Judiciary. It is the law. If they did, it was not disclosed at any level. Rule 1,6 non-disclosure trumps that requirement. Rule 1.6 trumps every law, every constitution, every reform and mandates that it be concealed and any explanation prevented.


THAT IS WRONG. Ask a lawyer… but, they probably won’t tell you. (At best you may hear ‘attorney-client privilege’ blah blah. It’s not called attorney-client privilege. It is called Confidentiality of Information.)

AS FOR THE NEWS MEDIA??? Draw your own conclusions about the control of the news media in the US.

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE HAS THE ONLY AUTHORITY TO SUSPEND A LAW WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PA. While they not acting on the ‘worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’ people are suffering an incomprehensible injustice which is difficult to explain and they are killing themselves. Suicide is logical where there is no hope.

Where there may seem to be no hope, there is still a Constitution of the United States of America. Somewhere along the way, the Judiciary neglected the trust placed in them by the People. The Public Trust – The lawyers ripped of it’s head. shit down it’s throat and raped it leaving it for dead. Big mistake. HUGE. EVERY PERSON MATTERS.

The list of available immunities is considerably longer than one might believe. Judicial Immunity, Absolute Immunity, Absolute Judicial Immunity, Prosecutorial Immunity, Witness Immunity, Legislative Immunity, Qualified Immunity (Executive Officials), Established Law, Reason and Discretion. One thing which they all have in common… THERE IS NO IMMUNITY FOR VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS OF AMERICAN PEOPLE.

What has been happening is that Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information has prevented disclosure of the constitutional violations and prevented resolution of the crimes where it would expose that they are keeping a secret pursuant to their secret Rule 1.6 – which hides in plain site buried by cross references throughout the Rules of Professional Conduct – a minimum ethical standard which lacks ethics, morality and lawfulness – presented to every state Supreme Court and enacted into law at the behest of the American Bar Association.

The American Bar Association knew what they were doing when they deliberately removed the fraud provisions from Rule 1.6 in 1983. INJUSTICE IS A GOLDMINE – the ABA membership is the beneficiary to their unconstitutional law which holds a judiciary hostage – removing judicial independence from the judge and requiring injustice continue unexplained without resolution.

To the ABA,
Close your doors now. Shut Down your corrupt and seditious organization… including the affiliates in every jurisdiction of state and federal judiciary. You tried to save the integrity of your profession by writing a code of ethical conduct, and you deliberately failed – at a considerable profit for some members but sacrificing any integrity, respect or honor for the remainder.

Rule 1.6 Peek-A-Boo Injustice cannot be concealed by an apathetic population who does not want to believe or accept that 48 million people lost their homes, thousands of children were jailed in Luzerne County, and people were murdered in Ferguson and New York without anyu opportunity for JUSTICE, or any relief from further injustice.

To the government officials who, once notified, are personally and professionally liable for their participation in the conspiracy to deny Americans of constitutionally protected rights.

oprahDo you really want me to bring you all into a courtroom to demonstrate Rule 1.6 INJUSTICE again. I have the confirmations of receipt by every state attorney general, every state governor, every senator in every state, the US Congress, the entire Pennsylvania Legislature, every sheriff in Pennsylvania, every judge in every court in Bucks and Montgomery Counties… It’s not called the ‘worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’ for nothing.

Is it your preference that Rule 1.6 be demonstrated in a courtroom before your very eyes… To see no protection under the law? To see denial of constitutional rights?

“They can’t do that” going over and over in your head. “The judges are NOT supposed to do that.”

“They are ignoring the law, the constitution, civil rights, human rights, … They can’t do that. BUT, THEY DID. He was correct.

He has no protection under the law and every constitutional right is being ignored. Why?

The judge just threw his case out of court but didn’t indicate a reason, and explanation or any support in applicable law.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality does not permit the judge to indicate that the current injustice was necessitated to conceal prior injustice pursuant to Rule 1.6 – – to conceal prior injustice before that… and before that…

Rule 1.6 has broken and undermined the entire judiciary and JUSTICE. Improper law? enacted by Judiciary without authority? no review for constitutionality? not constructed as law? no legislature? no governor signed it? enacted in every state? included in federal district courts (Local Rules)? included in federal Court of Appeals (Local Rules)? mandated to every federal government lawyer (McDade-Murtha Amendment)?

Did no one realize that the ABA Rule – the ethical standard for lawyers – lack ethics? morality? legality?
or was every lawyer mandated to non-disclosure by Rule 1.6 and prevented from explaining what they meant to Congress when they indicated that McDade Murtha would have a disastrous result for the country.
Did Rule 1.6 prevent the lawyers testifying before Congress from indicating that the state ethics laws lacked any ethics?
… and permitted, endorse and required lawyers to participate in fraud in the furtherance of fraud?
… even where it would rectify a prior fraud?
… preventing every federal government lawyer from any action which exposes, investigates or prosecutes judicial corruption and injustice within the state courts… in every state … even where constitutional rights are concerned.

Your lawyer just congratulated you on the ‘BIG WIN’
…but you are not permitted to discuss the issue … or the case pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality
… if you do, you would be prosecuted for your part in a conspiracy to deny the constitutional rights of an American
… your hearing would not be publicized
… your accidental suicide will be on the front pages – ‘Defender of the Constitution’
(This ironic award title is a standard practice by the American bar Association…. sometimes there’s cash too.)
It’s just not even funny when it is true.

By neglect you encourage endorse and conceal an egregious violation of the Public Trust which harms Americans.
There is no valid excuse for unconstitutional acts. That is treason.

The non-lawyer Legislators have an obligation to every American which cannot be ignored by an unconstitutional law.
The non-lawyer legislators cannot ask their lawyers to advise them while their lawyers are obligated to commit fraud to conceal the injustice.

It is so wrong… affecting so many people… there is no argument offered … no explanation… no justification,… no apology.

Surprise America!! – Your country was overthrown by lawyers 30 years ago. About fucking time you noticed. eh?

Americans must set pride aside, acknowledge the past injustice and rectify the government for the future.
Every. Person. Matters.

SHUT RULE 1.6 DOWN NOW. Suspend this unconstitutional law and vaccinate the entire country… so this never happens again.

I will “GO FULL OPRAH” commencing litigation against every government official that ignored this matter for the last 9 years. Silence and Non-response will not provide any defense or immunity when you are on the wrong side of the US Constitution.

Where the courts sacrifice integrity to conceal the injustice, everyone loses.

The only person getting paid will be your lawyer who is relying on his non-disclosure and license for fraud in the furtherance to conceal the constitutional violation of his client.

As a person without any protection of the law and experiencing the denial of rights protected by the constitution, I have no choice but to persevere. I have demonstrated my ability to persevere through injustice since 2007.

County Court documents and transcripts were not available or presented for the recent appeal. The ‘court’ ignored without explanation.

A mountain of evidence seems to have been concealed by Montgomery County, a grand jury investigation may have been misdirected by a special prosecutor with a potential conflict of interest (being married to a judge and President of the Montgomery County Bar Association resulting in the unavailability of the evidence.

The failure of a prolonged investigation designed and determined to destroy a man which prevented any protections under the law while excessive and improper informants, handlers, private investigators, and detective shared surveillance products throughout the courts and every level of law enforcement contributed the inability of law enforcement to correct the errors and wrongdoing.

Secrecy is the thing that makes every evil far worse than it would have been.

The damage continues while I am denied any life, protection of the law and constitutional rights.

The efforts to conceal their injustice (court order found in 2010 after 3 years) has been an evil far worse than the initial injustice.

Twenty (20) judges, multiple courts. multiple appeals, federal constitutional challenges, every level of state and federal law enforcement, state and federal government, all prevented from any effort to help by a secrecy which overwhelmed and intimidated.

Only a sociopath, who was a lawyer, could have calculated and manipulated every situation and liability into one unconstitutional law – which mandates silence and permits continued terror.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane:

I am coming to pry open your secret court orders. We have not spoken a single word to each other, yet I believe in you still.

My belief in people is the source of my perseverance, and my challenge to trust again.

Americans must set pride aside, acknowledge the past injustice and rectify the government for the future.
Every. Person. Matters.



Is it that the county is responsible for placing the person in jeopardy?

Because the county leveraged the young man into being a confidential informant based on a minor infraction?

Because when somehow exposed the boy disappeared? Informants slip up all the time – often ALCOHOL is involved.

Only to turn up 6 weeks later dead in the River?

Accidental death. BULLSHIT. He was NOT swimming after midnight in November in the river in Philadelphia.

And I can’t recall anyone ever falling out of a bar in Manyunk into the river. Tumbling all that way???

Their extensive informant program is involved in just about every prosecution. Candidates are selected because of their relationship to lawyers and police – who know the abuse of power, corruption and destruction of the county officers.


Non-Disclosure under Rule 1.6.

Every lawyer in the county knows the corruption of the District Attorneys Office and the Judiciary.
“a person who spends his/her professional life figuring how to [screw] others…”- Bruce Castor.

When the county has you under surveillance – authorized by the Superior Court – and you mention to anyone on your phone that the informant confessed and told you about it. The informant disappears.

The County Drug Task Force uses their intrusion AND surveillance tools top undermine the target’s life. Compels them to murder (Bradley Stone) and suicide. Disrupts their life with judicial corruption and INJUSTICE.

You won;t find justice when appealing to the Superior Court where they have ap[proved years of surveillance and terrorized tyour life – and their effort resulted in NO PROSECUTION. You did nothing wrong. Their embarassment must be concealed. And their emails must be concealed as well. INJUSTICE RESULTS – otherwise they are exposed. HIDE THE EMAIL! Even where they continued to involve a Supreme Court Justice.

Where they are caught, there is no exit without destruction. Because they must lie cheat and steal to maintain confidentiality.

Those who know are under constant threat. They violate the law, civil and human rights and have no respect for anyone. Montgomery County is all about the coverup.

Imagine how peaceful life would be if the County was not so pre-occupied with concealing the corruption and damage they cause. The only ones profiting from their corruption and injustice are the lawyers. INJUSTICE IS A GOLDMINE to the membership of the American Bar Association. The ABA authored and promoted Rule 1.6 – that is no coincidence.


Excuse me. Um. I think I am lost. Do you enjoy destroying people? I just want to understand. I want to know what drives a person to do what you do. To ruin other people’s lives…
Statue-poster… because you have taken everything from me. Abuse of Power under Color of Law… which lead me to THAT LAW which perverts justice and undermines the entire government.

You have manipulated a very strong team to assist you in your efforts which violate the Public Trust and is concealed. You have ripped the head off of Justice and shit down her throat.

You fail to understand. EVERY. PERSON. MATTERS. There are more of us than there are of you.

Rule 1.6 provides the ability to conceal the abuse of power under color of law. The unconstitutional nullity is NO LAW… and NO SECRET… anymore.

You are the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION. An organization which interferes and intervenes to cause injustice and prevent any escape. A membership which has intruded and intercepted at every level of the judiciary to perpetrate unconstitutional acts while concealed behind a judiciary held hostage. There are more of us than there are of you.

The actions of the ABA membership to prevent JUSTICE are exposed. Two secret orders from unidentified courts which silence and prevent Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane from the responsibilities and duties of her office will not stop an awareness of the corruption caused and concealed by RULE 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION of the Rules of Professional Conduct – a minimum ethical standard which lack any ethics – permitting non-disclosure in the furtherance of fraud or to prevent resolution. INJUSTICE endorsed by SILENCE. A Mandatory Silence.


“I’ve seen it happen numerous times and I marvel at how the “bully” doesn’t see it.”

“a person who spends his/her professional life figuring how to [screw] others…”

“a seasoned veteran of investigations and multi-faceted prosecutions that take months, if not years, to build, and hundreds of hours to prepare)” – with a twisted and perverted sense of paranoia because their injustice has been excused.

EXPOSED. “What is in doubt is how badly, and what the fallout will be.”

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.”

“I’ve witnessed a long line of politicians who have picked fights like this for short term personal or political benefit. I can’t recall any that have managed to avoid being hurt far more seriously for having done so.”

“The moral: don’t pick a political fight against someone schooled in how to really hurt you.”

There are more of us than there are of you.

The weapon of injustice, Rule 1.6, is revealed. An unconstitutional, improper, manipulative fraud. Repugnant to the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded.

Every. Person. Matters.


Every. Person. Matters. JUSTICE IS COMING.

The Quotes come from a manifesto written by an apparently angry and frightened man upon learning his efforts to undermine an attorney general had a setback. A prosecutor for 22 years, including two terms as District Attorney, who has served as President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, 1901860_646326345414783_384204306_nBruce Castor believes he has attained a sterling reputation for pursuing truth, justice, and accountability in public office. He is the only person who believes his lie.

Castor was Montgomery County District Attorney when A Terroristic Divorce was initiated in 2007. It seems every oerson to whom I turned for help were the ones who were already working to destroy me – unable to tell the truth – unable to end my terror. Because of an unconstitutional law which prevented them from doing the right thing. EVER.


Under PA Law, there are two methods to address the issue of title and ownership of property.
If you are in possession of the property, you file a QUIET TITLE.
If you are not in possession of the property, you file an EJECTMENT.
Homeless since 2011, with patience and perseverance, I played their game. Rule 1.6 secretly and silently affects everything.

The corruption of the court is it’s own undoing.

Ejectment filed in August 2013.

Ejectment filed again in October 2013.

March 2014. The Court dismissed ejectment because I was not in possession of the property. An error which can be addressed on appeal.
– – the concealed issue is the exposure of their invalid deed,
– – the fraudulent conveyance
– – presenting the void and defective order issued by Judge Carluccio
– – the invalid court order cannot permit/excuse a crime
– – in the clear absence of subject matter jurisdiction, absolute judicial immunity is not available and exposes the entire bench, 20 judges, 8 years of litigation, a complete farce, liability for damages and releif.
– – improper use of the invalid order by county offices.

THE LOGIC FAILURE: THE COURT CANNOT ATTAIN RETROACTIVE JURISDICTION FOR THEIR INVALID ORDER. Ignoring only exacerbates everyone involved while preventing any resolution. FOREVER.

MY MOTIVATION: The victim loses the protection of the rule of law and all constitutional rights without resolution. FOREVER.

JUDGE’S MOTIVATION: Liability. Exposure of corruption and injustice and terror. Injustice. The egregious violation of the public trust.

December 2014. The Superior Court affirms the lower court.
– – adding chaos: there is no evidence of any judge being involved in their ‘decision’.
– – The staff lawyers… is it Interference or Intervention?
a) Follow the law, the lower court is exposed.
b) Ignore the law, the judges are acting without immunity.
c) Commit Fraud, legal staff intercepts and ‘plays judge’.

c) Commit Fraud

FRAUD – the lack of accountability and responsibility concealed by unsigned documents, failure to hold proceedings, and documents which violate EVERY judicial canon.
– Fraud in the furtherance of fraud under Rule 1.6
– UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS and a failure to explain pursuant to Rule 1.6 proves Rule 1.6 is preventing constitutional rights. GOTCHA!!!

Recognizing this interference with the administration of justice, criminal complaints have been filed… with county, state and federal law enforcement… and filed with the court.

Escalate? NO.

The Supreme Court of PA can select which cases it reviews. Escalation would only delay gaining possession, the courts have acted to delay long enough. The refusal of jurisdiction is an acknowledgement of the corruption, lawlessness and injustice.
There is no point in exposing the injustice to the Supreme Court forcing the sacrifice of their integrity to conceal the corruption of the lower courts.
The Supreme Court will follow Rule 1.6 because the Supreme Court enacted it. (Unconstitutionally)

Supreme Court review of the dismissal would only return the matter to the lower court for hearings and a further delay.

Undisclosed, Rule 1.6 is actively corrupting every decision.


Judicial branch has indicated a lack of jurisdiction. Their affirmed lack of jurisdiction prevents them from action, and intervention as I retake possession of my home. As I have legal title to the property, an Ejectment cannot be filed against me by a non-owner.

Let’s go home!

Where required to Quiet Title, I have requested the assistance of the Governor, Attorney General and the Sheriff to regain possession of my home. Because, the people who are trespassing there sure are not gonna do it.

stick-me-with-a-fork-im-done-tracy-glantz“THE RULE 1.6 THING”
The law is clear.
The judges are wrong in indicating their lack of jurisdiction,
BUT… it isn’t what they are saying that causes their lack of jurisdiction.
It is what they are NOT saying.

Pursuant to Rule 1.6 Confidentiality, they may not disclose actions which will adversely affect the integrity of the court. If they indicate Rule 1.6 is the basis for their improper decision, they confirm the unconstitutional aspect of Rule 1.6 preventing the rule of law and constitutional rights.

The courts do not have jurisdiction because Rule 1.6 MANDATES non-disclosure and confidentiality where exposure adversely affects the integrity of the judiciary.

Rule 1.6 prevents the court from revealing that their lack of jurisdiction is necessitated by their corruption to conceal their corruption.

Thankfully, the Judiciary has removed themselves from the issue of possession. A full year lost… more litigation to come. But, taking back the house is likely to attract news media attention and expose Rule 1.6… I’m not restricted by unconstitutional law, nor improper court orders pending appeal, nor grand jury secrecy… and I’ve got a secret that’s been called the worst kept secret in Pennsylvania. Your Welcome, PA. Justice is Coming.

Any application of Rule 1.6 demonstrates it is unconstitutional.
Disclosure is irrelevant where non-disclosure is evident. If it’s not there… there’s your proof.

Their improper decision is based on an unconstitutional law which is not indicated because THE LAW mandates non-disclosure, and if revealed it would expose that THE LAW is unconstitutional.

Rule 1.6 is concealing the corruption it causes and the improper decisions it requires without any indication that it is being applied pursuant to itself… because Rule 1.6 is unconstitutional.

An unconstitutional law is no law. A nullity. Without any effect. As if it never existed. … and can not be the basis or justification for action or inaction.

So a Law which does not exist, and can never have existed,
is concealing the crimes and unconstitutional actions and judicial corruption
which it has caused and permitted
while concealed and mandated to be held confidential.
AND… THAT LAW can’t be removed for the same reasons.

The Legislative branch did not write the law.
Non-disclosure is mandated of the lawyers in the Legislature. DO NOT ASK JUDICIARY COMMITTEE TO REVIEW. DUH!

The Executive Branch did not sign the law.
Where Gov Corbett was a lawyer non-disclosure is mandated.
Where Gov Wolf is NOT a lawyer, those he would consult are lawyers and non-disclosure is mandated.
Where the Attorney General is a lawyer, non-disclosure is mandated.

BUT, an unconstitutional law is no law. There is no mandate for non-disclosure by lawyers… where they recognize and understand the unconstitutionality of the ‘law’.

When Attorney General Kathleen Kane recognized and understood the Unconstitutional effect of Rule 1.6, she was permitted to address it, and actually mandated by the Rules of Professional Conduct to address the issue.



Two secret court orders from unidentified courts require the attorney general to neglect the responsibilities of her office and expose her to personal liability. SILENCE!

The court orders must be followed while their impropriety is appealed. SILENCE!


A grand jury calls the attorney general to testify. Grand Jury secrecy requires the silence of the attorney general. SILENCE!


Lawyers and Prosecutors and District Attorneys commence a barrage of disinformation to which the ‘silenced’ attorney general may not respond. The same people who participated in and/or failed to address the corruption since 2007. From Montgomery County and the Attorney General’s office – under Tom Corbett and Linda Kelly all those requests by phone, letter and EMAIL for HELP were ignored. Lots of email.


The Montgomery County Grand Jury, run by Judge Carluccio’s Husband, and the Judge who jailed Drexler, which has not indicated what they are investigating. As it could be any topic – this requires the silence of Kathleen Kane with regard to EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to do with Terance Healy and Rule 1.6.

The unpublished presentment is ‘leaked’, but nothing can be confirmed or discussed. Everything is speculation which is fully extrapolated by lawyers who know the attorney general is ‘silenced’. Clearly, these LAWYERS know and understand how to manipulate under Rule 1.6. Montgomery County Commissioner Bruce Castor, explained it concisely:

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification
of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and
striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.”

“you don’t go to war with a person who spends his/her professional life figuring how to [screw] others…”

In 2007, Bruce Castor was Montgomery County District Attorney while unprosecuted terroristic technological intrusions into my life and family were reported and fully documented. Castor ignored and prevented federal authorities from investigating.

Under Rule 1.6, they may commit fraud and actions in the furtherance of fraud to prevent disclosure and resolution of prior frauds while mandated to non-disclosure and confidentiality. AND THEY DO.

Separation of Powers???

Unconstitutional law concealed by improper SECRET court orders which prevent the Executive Branch (Attorney General) from enforcing the laws of the Legislative Branch. images

SECRET COURT ORDERS FROM UNIDENTIFIED COURTS. Yes, looks like… quacks like… that duck is Rule 1.6.

The Judicial Branch has usurped the full power of the government but cannot reveal how they did it.

The Executive and Legislative branches cannot address THE LAW which they have not written.

The Judicial Branch enacted it without authority… but they can’t disclose that either.


The American Bar Association

The One Law which Overthrew the Government… was written by the American Bar Association while holding the Judicial Branch hostage while leveraging decisions and perpetuating injustice in the best interest of their membership. Injustice is a goldmine.

The Pennsylvania Legislature must act to suspend the unconstitutional law so that honest and ethical lawyers who have not been tainted by corruption can lawfully address the unconstitutional law improperly enacted by the Judiciary.

Only the Pennsylvania Legislature has the constitutional authority to suspend laws.

Only the non-lawyers in the Legislature can act without violating the law until it is not law.

Having to follow an unconstitutional law, until it is declared unconstitutional (nullity, blah blah) FAIL! RULE 1.6 REQUIRES NON-DISCLOSURE AND CONFIDENTIALITY BY LAWYERS AND LEGAL PROFESSIONALS – a deliberate built-in defense to conceal it’s unconstitutionality and require participation in injustice.

    Governor Wolf,

    Order the Legislature to assemble for a presentation of Rule 1.6 – an improperly enacted unconstitutional law which corrupts the judiciary and causes injustice while defying exposure through it’s own mandatory confidentiality – a self-defense which prevents correction, suspension or edit.

    Senators and Representatives who are lawyers will sit silently. Rule 1.6 mandates their silence.

    Suspend Rule 1.6, directly and where included by reference within any other law.

    Watch the results… Rule of Law. Constitution. US Constitution. Justice.

    Every. Person. Matters.



Ignoring only exacerbates everyone involved while preventing any resolution. FOREVER.

The victim loses the protection of the rule of law and all constitutional rights without resolution. FOREVER.

The injustice can be played by anyone… FOREVER. (Concealed by Rule 1.6)

There is no allowance for retroactive jurisdiction. The order will always be invalid.

Rule 1.6 prevents exposure and resolution while denying a person of their rights and any protection of the law. Rule 1.6 will always be unconstitutional.


February 3, 2015

Governor Wolf
225 Capitol Bldg
501 North 3rd Street
Harrisburg , PA 17120

Kathleen Kane
Office of the Attorney General
11 N 3rd St
16th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg , PA 17101

Sheriff Russell J. Bono
Montgomery County Court House
First Floor
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404

Under Pennsylvania law, a fraudulent conveyance has occurred with regard to my property at 110 Banbury Avenue, North Wales, PA. I ask your assistance in regaining possession of the property where the judiciary has indicated a lack of jurisdiction to address, resolve or rectify the matter.

Documents recorded with the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds demonstrate the deficiencies and frauds which occurred during the criminal transaction. Additional documents demonstrating the fraud have been filed with the Prothonotary.

Where a property owner is resident on the property, an Action to Quiet Title would permit the court to address the fraudulent conveyance of the property and rectify/resolve/remove the improperly recorded documents.

Where a property owner is not resident on the property, an Action in Ejectment is required to remove the trespassers from the residence and rectify/resolve/remove the improperly recorded documents.

The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas has indicated a lack of jurisdiction and improperly dismissed an Action in Ejectment. On Appeal, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania has purportedly affirmed the lower courts decision
without any review of facts; and
without indication or support according to an applicable rule of law; and
without evidence of any judicial review of the issues presented on appeal; and
without any proceedings or hearings on the matter; and
while failing to address the issue of the appeal; and
neglecting every motion properly prepared and filed with the appellate court; and
failing to explain and produce ex parte communications/documents/orders and subsequent manipulation and concealment in the court docket.

The litigation causes lawyers representing the Defendants to be subject to sanctions where they have failed to present any defense; and neglected to offer evidence of proper ownership; and have no justification in law. Their actions have served to delay the resolution of the matter, denying the plaintiff of his home and property while demonstrating a lack of judicial independence and a corruption which adversely affects the integrity of every judge and every court.

The challenge of an unconstitutional law was indicated with evidence demonstrated by actions in the lower court. Additionally, The interception and interference by the legal staff of the Superior Court violate Pennsylvania law, federal law and the US Constitution.

A complaint of the unconstitutional and criminal actions of the court staff has been filed with
United States Attorney Zane Memeger, as the offenses occurred within the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, as the offenses occurred within Pennsylvania and as required by the Rules of Appellate Procedure the attorney general must be notified where an appeal will challenge the constitutionality of a law.
Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, as the offenses occurred within the city and county of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler, as I am a resident of Bucks County, PA.
The United States Postal Inspectors, Philadelphia, as the forged and fraudulent documents attributed to the judiciary were delivered through the use of the US Postal Service.
The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, as the actions violate the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been ordered to SILENCE by two secret court orders from two unidentified courts. Where these orders additionally prevent investigation and require an improper negligence for the functions and responsibilities of the Attorney General, Kathleen Kane’s failure might be ‘explained’. But, what of the others who have neglected their law enforcement responsibilities and participation in a conspiracy to interfere with civil rights (42 USC § 1985, 18 U.S.C. § 241) under color of law (18 U.S.C. § 242).

Additionally, the following have been notified of the unconstitutional Pennsylvania law which has been improperly enacted by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania where their authority requires laws ‘consistent with [the Pennsylvania] Constitution and neither abridge, enlarge nor modify the substantive rights of any litigant.’ PA Constitution Article V Section 10(c)
– Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett
– The Senators and Representatives of the Pennsylvania Legislature
– The elected Sheriffs of Pennsylvania
– The Senators and Representatives of the US Congress
– President Barack Obama
– Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille

A Constitutional Challenge had been filed in federal district court and served upon the state attorney general in every state and territory, with notice to every state governor, as the same unconstitutional law has been enacted in every state and affects constitutionally protected rights of litigants while denying any protection of the law.

Improperly dismissed after default by every state attorney general, the United States Marshall service was notified along with the US Department of Justice and US Attorney General Eric Holder. An appeal to the Third Circuit Court affirmed the district court’s dismissal while unsubstantiated by any dismissal doctrine and neglecting the facts associated with the matter.

Absent any available recourse within the judicial branch to address the theft by fraudulent conveyance of my property;
Having identified and demonstrated the unconstitutional collateral affect of the Rule 1.6 mandated non-disclosure and confidentiality by every legal professional;
With the resulting participation by the above-named persons, and all lawyers and legal professionals, in a conspiracy which denies constitutional rights, obstructing justice and denying the rule of law while neglecting any effort to address, remove or suspend the unconstitutional law;
I seek your assistance to regain possession of the residence which will permit me to file an Action to Quiet Title to resolve and rectify the fraudulent documents filed with the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds.


Terance Healy

Governor Wolf
Pennsylvania Legislature
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Internet (www.work2bdone.com/live)

Healy v Miller 2013-29976
Healy v Miller 900 EDA 2014

Notice Complaint of Unconstitutional Actions
Letter: Zane Memeger
Letter: Seth Williams
Letter: Kathleen Kane
Letter: David Heckler
Complaint: US Postal Inspectors
Overview of the Constitutional Challenge to Rule 1.6


Freedom is IMPORTANT. Constitutional rights are IMPORTANT.

If your solution violates either My Freedom or the US Constitution, then YOU have some more work to do.

Fractured-trustFreedoms and Rights can coexist.

Once permitted to infringe upon each other, it is a slippery slope.
(OY! I hate cliche’s but no better choice there.)

I am grateful for the effort by the founders of the US, because in today’s 140 char or less environment they would never have been allowed to think in a broad sense which permits freedom and rights to co-exist.

Their archived papers and documents explained the basis for their decisions, and the aspects which they wrestled with to come to the decision. They exerted considerably more thought while founding the American Government than people expect. It was not haphazard. Decisions were not reached by exhausting the person who did not agree. Only one known and argued issue seems to have been conceded while it left the government at risk.

One issue which was a necessity left a loophole in the separation of powers. They did foresee the problem, but did not imagine that it would ever occur. They got it wrong. Very wrong.

By permitting the Judicial branch to self-police, the administration of justice, and the independence of the judiciary and the reasons which necessitated absolute judicial immunity all pivoted on one point of failure – THE PUBLIC TRUST.

The Public Trust in the judiciary is mandated by law. Respect towards the judicial branch is mandated by law.

The courts were open rooms in the centers of towns. Justice was transparent and open to the public. The public could witness proceedings. When necessary, where the trust placed in the judiciary was violated, the public would remove a judge from office. Occasionally by hanging. Justice was swift. Violations of the Public Trust could not be permitted to continue and erode the entire system of justice and government..
It was this type of violation of the public trust which endorsed and enabled apartheid to persist in South Africa. Their judiciary jailed the outspoken without regard for their own injustice.

When South Africa wrote their new Constitution in the 90’s, they made certain that the judicial branch was accountable to the people and the Executive and Legislative branches of government, and not just to the judicial branch. They recognized the problem which existed in the US, once corrupted the judiciary find justice in permitting injustice to continue.

(because trust, honor and respect is mandated by law)

The judiciary did not recognize Rule 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION for the pervasive corruption it would permit, cause, enable and conceal.

Once under the control of Rule 1.6, with the leverage of exposing the violation of the public trust concealed by the judiciary, the American Bar Association had effectively usurped the authority and independence of the judiciary. The ABA then manipulated the authority of the courts over lawyers and legal professionals, even in other branches of government. Where Rule 1.6 expanded to affect federal lawyers, Rule 1.6 undermined the jurisdiction and authority of the Federal Government to act to address corruption within the state. Rule 1.6 required active participation in the conspiracy and the injustice.

The McDade Murtha Amendment which prevents the exposure of Rule 1.6 by government lawyers was enacted against the objections of several US Attorneys General, and DOJ officials. It would have been so simple had they only informed the Congress of the central issue. Applying the ethical standard enacted within the state to all government lawyers would cause considerable damage to the government.

The Rules of Professional Conduct lacked ethics, permitted fraud and the efforts to conceal fraud and prevent resolution. The US Congress never checked to see if the state ethics laws were ethical. Pennsylvania describes the Rules as a minimal ethical standard. Minimal is none. Points for not lying about the law which would require their silence about the corruption it would cause.

Got ethics ?Did the state law, Rule 1.6 prevent exposing that state ethics laws lacked ethics? even where the country was about to mandate all government attorneys to follow the ‘Rules’ within the respective state where they were investigating and working? even where it denied constitutionally protected rights?

Apparently, the lawyers who foreclosed upon over 48 million homes using fraudulent and forged robo-signed documents were confident that their corruption of the authority of the judiciary had been successful.

The big injustices, the little injustices all combine to create a sense of national urgency. Injustice is occurring across the country. The US Constitution is being ignored. One law enacted in every state affects every case secretly, confidentially. Promotion to law was begun in 1984, generations of lawyers find this ‘acceptable’ because they were mandated to conceal the problem if they discovered it. Trained to perceive Rule 1.6 as attorney-client privilege, and neglecting the affect on the law, justice and the judiciary…. even while it undermined and usurped the authority of the other branches of government.

When recognized by PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane, an unconstitutional law would not be effective to silence her, The courts issues several secret court orders. AG Kane is silenced while those corrupt orders are under appeal…. and while it undermines the constitutional rights of every American.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 removes an unconstitutional law and restores justice to the entire country. Discovered by victims of injustice with standing to address the unconstitutional effect of the ‘law’. Without the assistance, or cooperation, of any legal professional or member of the American Bar Association and affiliated organizations formed in every jurisdiction at every level of state and federal courts.

Hindered from the effort by legal professionals within the state and federal government mandated to follow the unconstitutional law, the government lawyers knew better and cannot be excused from damages and repartations for their participation in the denial of the rule of law and prevention of rights secures by the US Constitution.

Did those secret court orders require Kathleen Kane to file for divorce in an attempt to secure her personal assets? Is that why those lawyers are representing ‘the person’ Kathleen Kane (and not the Office of the Attorneyh General)?

The laws work when not prevented by an unconstitutional requirement to conceal injustice in every state and federally.

If your solution violates either My Freedom or the US Constitution, then you have some more work to do.

If their defense is that they were following the law, then they need to recall that an unconstitutional law is no law, a nullity, as if it never existed. It can no longer be obstructed by an unconstitutional law mandating non-disclosure and confidentiality and participation in a conspiracy to deny constitutional rights.

A nullity cannot conceal a nullity.

A nullity cannot justify or excuse a nullity.


Peek-a-boo Pennsylvania!

Governor Wolf and the Legislature can act now, or after a federal lawsuit is filed against them?

Those who know better ought to know better than to continue their participation in a conspiracy to deny the constitutional rights of every American in every state. EVERY PERSON MATTERS.

Pwennsylvania, whatcha gonna do?