
The repeated filing of fraudulent documents by Genuine Title Company does not change anything about the fraudulent conveyance of MY PROPERTY.

The improper ruling by the Miller’s friend GAIL WEILHIEMER fails to indicate that they own the house. It only says that the issue is dismissed. Improperly done and with no basis in law. Keeping me homeless and their family in a perilous situation.

PERIL: … because they may attempt to set me up for their murders. We are dealing with twisted law enforcement so clearly bent on perverting truths based on their poorly thought out fiction. The Miller family is at risk from the known sociopaths in the County.

There’s is no safety or security in fraud. There is great peril in exposure and massive county efforts to conceal a crime.

There is no lawfulness attained by repeated filing of fraudulent documents with the Recorder of Deeds. Certainly not when the ROD knows that the fraudulent conveyance crime occurred… ROD referred the case to the FBI… ROD referred the case to the County Detectives… ROD knows the county corruption which creates the ‘madman’ and pushes him to act. ROD doesn’t validate or verify. ROD records even when they know the documents are fraud.

Over 40 Million Foreclosures

Over 40 million foreclosures nationwide were based on forged and robosigned fraudulent documents presented by lawyers and title companies and upheld in courts mandated to confidentiality under Rule 1.6 – permitting fraud in the furtherance of fraud – mandating non-disclosure. – preventing efforts to rectify. Those ‘fraud provisions’ removed from the minimum ethical standard – Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Written and promoted by the American Bar Association whose members profited as they stole people’s homes.

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.” – Bruce Castor

The lawyers from Zarwin, Baum, DeVito, Kaplan, Schaer & Toddy presented no rights to ownership and had no defense – a situation which would result in sanctions – yet, the matter was dismissed. On Appeal is became even more evident and involved more ‘judges’ who covered for the lawyers who acted without any basis and could face sanctions and damages. BUT the judges took no part in it.

The forged documents filed by the court staff without judicial review showed the interference with the administration of justice and other constitutional offenses. Reported to multiple law enforcement agencies -county, state and federal levels. The issue is pending. The silence grows louder and louder.

These are the corrupt acts which place people and their family in peril and at risk. The efforts to cover up the crimes is often greater than the initial crime and continues until someone is dead.

A person protecting their own property is a stand your ground situation… only if they own the property. Trespassers have no property rights and may be dealt with accordingly.

Bear in mind, the corrupt law enforcement folks don’t give a damn about the lives of the people they use to manipulate their corruption. Those they cause to be killed only serve to provide a false grandstand decked out in red white and blue with a District Attorney at the microphone spouting rhetoric without facts… attacking and assassinating the character of the puppet they created.

A dead family gives them the headlines they crave and the audience who falls for their theater of self-righteousness. The six people who were murdered by Bradley Stone are not available to tell you about their success in court and the great efforts of the county personnel who caused their deaths… and who went home from work and celebrated their holidays with their families.

With everyone dead, the County never even have to prove that Bradley Stone did it. Case closed.

“Career lawmen think strategically. They don’t go for the immediate gratification of a personal attack, instead preferring to set the board up just right and striking at the precise moment where the object of the attack cannot recover.” Former District Attorney Bruce Castor. In his New Years Eve manifesto written days before he announced he was running for the position of District Attorney again. The same position he held when Healy v Healy began in 2007.

The efforts to undermine me continue… I am sane. I have the paperwork to prove that. The continued efforts to attempt to have someone assigned power of attorney to conceal the crimes is not unnoticed. It’s not even cleverly calculated and executed.

The local Warrington police seem to have had enough of being improperly used and manipulated into the corrupt games of Montgomery County. They know what is happening. They have been informed of every development. Every false report involving them has been addressed without hesitation or delay.

The lengths that corrupt Montgomery County officials and officers will go to has no limit.

I am capable of perseverence.
They are capable of far more heinous acts.


The use of confidential informants, their handlers and private investigators to set up people targeted for destruction by the county is pervasive.

For their safety, I have not posted the names pictures and stories of those used in the actions which FAILED to result in my prosecution. THEY FAILED. They failed to create the criminal to prosecute.

BUT, where I get punished because of their failure to make me a criminal. Where I have continued to be denied Life and liberty, protection of the law and my constitutional rights. Why should I be the responsible protective citizen? Let them deal with the bloodbath when their ‘personnel’ are exposed. Courtesy of those capable of hurting people. The ones they ‘tricked’ and jailed. Their lives and futures destroyed.

The only way to end a war “with a person who spends his/her professional life figuring how to [screw] others…” is to expose them for the corrupt criminal frauds that they are. Former District Attorney Bruce Castor summed up his methods concisely on NYE. Then when not appointed Attorney General decided to return to the DA’s position of twisted and perverted power.

Their informants handlers and investigators are about to become VERY exposed. Every single one who planted the devices cleared out by the sheriffs department on the day I was thrown out of my home by a corrupt court order. Every one who hit that shelf in the bathroom while setting their devices. Names and pictures… including the cities where they relocated. Bios, pictures, addresses and videos.

And the effort to conceal all of the failed investigative information by using a grand jury, doesn’t require me to not IDENTIFY each person and the tactics utilized as they terrorized my life, spied and recorded every interaction, and paralyzed me with fear while they met within earshot.

When they informed and threatened my children who now fear any interaction because of what you will do to them if they ‘slip up’.

The twisted monsters in law enforcement who are above the law running the drug trade and creating their new stories. The people who lie so often to everyone and themselves cannot recognize the truth and have no sense of honor and responsibility. Their crimes are justified by lies. Concealed by further lies… and injustice, and grand juries, and secret court orders.

Without the secrecy and protection of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information, law enforcement would not be able to conceal their investigation and false litigation and manipulations which denied constitutional rights and the protection of the law. That lawlessness continues because otherwise this target will survive to expose that law enforcement committed major crimes and constitutional violations which were concealed by a corrupted judiciary.

WHAT IF: Sorry Mr. Healy, but your wife’s attorneys leveraged a massive investigation into you. It failed to produce the desired results BUT it did terrorize you for several years. They then leveraged that to coerce Carolyn Carluccio to go FULL FORCE TO SUICIDE. That failed too. The grand jury is concealing it, BUT every judge in Montgomery and the Superior Court has been manuipulated into approving the actions to terrorize you for years. Your suicide was a necessity and your survival makes things difficult. Your survival was not expected AND PLACES OUR CAREERS AT RISK because we wasted millions trying to destroy you.

The lawyers who tricked the county into becoming their tools in a divorce would turn on them and leverage the extensive county efforts which failed to set-up the target. Sociopath lawyers who will stop at nothing. And the law enforcement and judiciary which will capitulate. A sickening disgraceful twisted plot.

Enough is enough.

Handlers never tell the informants that they will end up dead OR be prosecuted anyway. Even in Hollywood, there’s always have that scene where the handler is sad because they lost ANOTHER informant. They are consoled by being reminded they lost others by another handler who lost others. The joke – Handlers that care even when they lose EVERY informant.

Confidential Informants are always one degree away from lawyers and law enforcement. This is useful to leverage their participation and threaten them to do ANYTHING requested no matter how wrong or immoral.