
l_ap710481886615Tom Corbett, Frank Fina, Seth Williams, Bob Brady, Dave Heckler, Stewart Greenleaf, Bruce Castor, Risa Ferman, Tom Carluccio…

Pointing LOUDLY to one investigation with political suggestions, yet neglecting to address an investigation with two secret court orders from two secret judges in two secret courts.

Why does Team Corbett keep pointing to the ‘low hanging fruit’? A distraction from the unprecedented – TWO SECRET COURT ORDERS WHICH PREVENT ACTION, EXPOSURE, INVESTIGATION AND PROSECUTION. What is that all about???

District Attorneys Heckler & Williams have ignored the well-documented crimes and constitutional violations of the courthouse staff.

Questioning the discretion of the Attorney General in spite of the corruption being concealed by court orders. Those who are not discussing the secret court orders are logically the people responsible for requesting the corrupt judicial actions.

Team Corbett is clearly focused on keeping “everything Sandusky’ out of the public domain – if they lose Rule 1.6 Confidentiality then the public will learn EVERYTHING. The Unconstitutional affect of Rule 1.6 is proven in those criminal reports of violation of PA law and the US constitution. If they cannot conceal injustice and corruption under Rule 1.6, they will likely be joining Jerry Sandusky and wearing orange Team Corbett jumpsuits.

Every corrupt action to ignore the unconstitutional law – called Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information – is ONLY protected until the unconstitutional is acknowledged. It is proven in those lapsed investigations in the Philadelphia and Bucks County District Attorney’s Offices. The complaint filed in both counties and federally with US Attorney Zane Memeger. An additional investigation was requested by the U.S. Postal Inspectors as the Central Legal Staff of the court used the mail in their fraud and forgery.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been court ordered NOT TO INVESTIGATE.

Governor Elect Tom Wolf, Shut Down The Montgomery County Courthouse.

kathleenkane“But I will tell you this. Even I am shocked at the level of public corruption.”
I am shocked at how deep it goes.
I am shocked at how powerful it is.
I have never seen anything like this. It’s breathtaking.
It has been described by the people familiar with what is happening as shameful.”

“But, if this can be done to me as Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the 5th largest state in the country, i am sickened to think what can and may be done to regular, good people who don;t have the resources that I have to challenge it.”

– Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on two court ordered mandates from unidentified judges and unidentified courts.


The terror of their injustice is unrestricted and boundless and concealed by corrupt manipulation of the willing judiciary.

kathleenkane“But I will tell you this. Even I am shocked at the level of public corruption.”
I am shocked at how deep it goes.
I am shocked at how powerful it is.
I have never seen anything like this. It’s breathtaking.
It has been described by the people familiar with what is happening as shameful.”

“But, if this can be done to me as Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the 5th largest state in the country, i am sickened to think what can and may be done to regular, good people who don;t have the resources that I have to challenge it.”

– Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on two court ordered mandates from unidentified judges and unidentified courts.

Governor Wolf, Shut down the Montgomery County Courthouse.

and bring me the leg of Chief Justice Ron Castille.  No, The other one.

Assemble the Pennsylvania Legislature… Suspend Rule 1.6 and arrest and prosecute the monsters who terrorize this county and bring shame upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Thank the lawyers in the Legislature for their service and accept their resignations. Sen. Stewart Greenleaf and Rep. Todd Stephens should be at the front of the line… followed by the Judiciary Committees who ignored the issue… and then every lawyer in the Senate and Legislature. They have all participated in ‘the worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille can expose the Judges and Judiciary who prevented the Pennsylvania Attorney General from performing the responsibilities of the Office of Attorney General by issuing ‘secret’ orders to promote corruption and perversions of justice in violation of law, the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America.

When you stop payment of the pensions to the corrupt, and seize the property obtained using their ill-gotten gains, you’ll find the money to pay for that shortfall in the budget.

Proclaim JUSTICE throughout All the Land
Unto All the Inhabitants thereof.

… Don’t be distracted by the petty stories of naughty emails and the infighting from those bullies already evicted from the AG’s office. Friends of the last AG who ignored the massive corruption for years…


courthouseWho will be the one to end the abomination of injustice and corruption perpetuated by the criminals on the Montgomery County Judiciary?

Gov. Tom Corbett – YOU FAILED. YOU IGNORED IT. YOU PARTICIPATED. YOU ENDORSED. No wonder you shuddered on the day Terance Healy introduced himself to you in Doylestown.

Attorney General Eric Holder – The United States Attorney General is the only lawyer in the country permitted to take action by law. Why are you taking so long? People are being killed because of the criminal actions of an entire judiciary.

Governor elect Tom Wolf – A non-lawyer who can lawfully take action to end a terrorist regime in the second largest county in Pennsylvania. Act now before they make it illegal for you to address the issue.

Governor Wolf… Shut Down this Courthouse!

and bring me the leg of Chief Justice Ron Castille.  No, The other one.

Assemble the Pennsylvania Legislature… Suspend Rule 1.6 and arrest and prosecute the monsters who terrorize this county and bring shame upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Thank the lawyers in the Legislature for their service and accept their resignations. Sen. Stewart Greenleaf and Rep. Todd Stephens should be at the front of the line… followed by the Judiciary Committees who ignored the issue… and then every lawyer in the Senate and Legislature. They have all participated in ‘the worst kept secret in Pennsylvania’.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille can expose the Judges and Judiciary who prevented the Pennsylvania Attorney General from performing the responsibilities of the Office of Attorney General by issuing ‘secret’ orders to promote corruption and perversions of justice in violation of law, the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America.

When you stop payment of the pensions to the corrupt, and seize the property obtained using their ill-gotten gains, you’ll find the money to pay for that shortfall in the budget.

Proclaim JUSTICE throughout All the Land
Unto All the Inhabitants thereof.

… Don’t be distracted by the petty stories of naughty emails and the infighting from those bullies already evicted from the AG’s office. Friends of the last AG who ignored the massive corruption for years…