
Terance Healy, Appellant, appeals to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania from a Memorandum unsigned by any judge filed with the Superior Court on October 27, 2014.

Where a “decision” was rendered without proper consideration of any facts;

Where a “decision” was rendered without submission of briefs;

Where a “decision” was rendered outside of established laws neglecting all procedures within the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure (Title 210) and the Operating Procedures of the Superior Court (Title 65);

Where a “decision” was produced based on fraud
which was intended to conceal the prior fraud of the lower court
which has obstructed, denied and prevented the Appeal
of a deliberately and intentionally procedurally defective and void order issued on May 9, 2011
while denying the constitutional rights of a litigant
terrorized by litigation within the lower court
which can be demonstrated to have been a FARCE

an injustice so egregious and incomprehensible that persisted for 7 years demonstrating abuse of power under color of law with intent to cause harm and emotional distress
executed by the entire Judiciary of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
which FAILED to secure it’s only determinable and true objective
– the suicide of a litigant.

GET READY FOR MR HEALY’s WILD RIDE!… and the story of a billion dollar lawsuit to be filed as soon as a litigant’s constitutional rights are restored

As I told the American Bar Association in 2013.

I’m bringing the American People with me…
No, they are NOT pleased with what you have done to our country…


justice-winnerI am not falling for your bullshit, all of the deceptions have been tried and have failed.

You will not find the fringed, flag, corporation, image of god, sovereign citizen, theocracy, or other related horseshit on this site.

Your comments are recorded, but always laughed at and ignored.

The level of enthusiasm with which the asshat army presents and demands I accept their ideology and explanation is always far too over the top to be believed.

How about you stick to your sick bar association endorsed jokes to embarrass people. It’s not my way.

I do not now nor have I ever sought to embarrass and humiliate anyone. Though the bar association sees that as a weakness, they are grossly mistaken. People are to be believed in, not corrupt organizations.

My site demonstrates my constant belief in people. It demonstrates the perpetual effort of an organization which causes people to engage in criminal actions purportedly on behalf of another, but ALWAYS on the demand of the organization for the protection of the organization.

Take your ridiculous stories elsewhere. But honestly, if you would just STFU the world would be a better place already.

We’re not buying that dumbass hate-spewing, pseudo-legalspeak bullshit in this case.

I demand and assert my rights.