
Seems every time that Kathleen Kane is in the news she is being baited by politicians who know she must conceal crimes committed by her clients – they include the Governor, her staff – and former staff members, various state agencies, etc.

Rule 1.6 of The Rules of Professional Conduct improperly and unconstitutionally enacted by the state Supreme court is the noose which Kathleen Kane wears as an accessory every time she goes into the public eye. She’s not permitted to discuss her clients crimes.

Rule 1.6 is Confidentiality of Information – an aggressively enforced mandate of silence where the information
– would affect the integrity of the judiciary,
– would reveal the misconduct of their own office,
– would expose individual liability,
– would adversely affect any client.

Kathleen Kane wears the albatross of Rule 1.6 like Oscar night jewelry… and no one notices. Kathleen Kane knows the law. Kathleen Kane won’t fall into their trap. Joan Rivers wouldn’t have hesitated to ask Kathleen Kane “Who’s shame she is wearing.”

Has Kathleen Kane finally found a way that her clients have authorized a ‘release’… of their Confidential Information?

AG Kane reveals X-rated emails

Corbett, Castille press for names, details on porn e-mails

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