
The illusion of hope I present exists as much for myself as for the others who endure it.

A rare emotional presentation of information.

When the GATEKEEPER who answers the phone and becomes TOTALLY CLUELESS and doesn’t even know his supervisors name – the walls prevent information from getting to those who can make a change.

Spencer. We have tried for over a month to get in touch with people in your office. Computers and phones are hacked here. Internet is blocked and emails prevented. The Pennsylvania Republicans BLOCK this web site – making it impossible to inform them. So we go to their offices with information. We endure the scheduling issues and the insulting innuendo.

I face the impossibility of contacting those who can make a difference on a daily basis. Do you think maybe people are calling about an issue of importance and deserve an answer? Some respect? I have been doing this since 2007, you are not the first GATEKEEPER.

The first GATEKEEPER experience in 2007 had exposed the ridiculous pretend investigation by the DEA while purporting to be the FBI. No one at any FBI office knew Agent “Rose” when I called. After speaking with her for over a month, I left a message on her phone to buy donuts for her office because they did not know who she was. She never called back.

Rep Kathy Watson, YES, it took 10 months to get a meeting with you. After repeated contact and visits to your office because the phones are intercepted. I have no cell phone. Most homeless and destitute folks have no phones. The messages were left at my mother’s house. So Yes, after being ignored in person and on the phone for months, I again walked into your office. When confronted, your staff strongly indicated it was my fault for not repeatedly contacting them – though I had. ONLY THEN DID WE GET THE MEETING.

You finally met with us and understood the issue.

During that meeting, I had to accept criticism for raising my voice at your staff about their neglecting to contact me. I had to accept criticism about how I was dressed. I am homeless. I have no money in my pocket. You are talking about the expense of replacing your desk. My underwear is ripped. My clothes are clean, but there ARE NOT MANY HOMELESS FOLKS IN BUSINESS SUITS. I was not supposed to live through the experience – and I wish I hadn’t. Forgive me for taking things personally but I am experiencing it personally. The interference is personal. The ability to not fall apart completely fails on occasion. Because I am human like that.

There is never enough time to meet to discuss the issues. There is always time to make excuses and criticize the victim who is begging for help. I realize the perception that because I write about what happened, I’m the ungrateful one. EVEN THOUGH, I noticed and appreciated your preparedness and knowledge of the issue.

I receive the disrespect and rudeness from strangers on a daily basis. You cannot imagine what it is like to spend an hour in my existence. I wouldn’t wish it on you or anyone.

Rep Marguerite Quinn. I am not the enemy. You could have been prepared for the meeting.

You accused me of bashing lawyers. Though I present WHY lawyers are perceived to be corrupt and the law which mandates that participation in corruption.

You suggested I was about to insult your uncle when I began to speak about the Federal case. When I am presenting how this issue affects the integrity of the judiciary by mandating judges to conceal the injustice and corruption of prior judges in the matter. IT IS PROBABLE THAT “UNCLE JUDGE” NEVER EVEN SAW THE MATTER BECAUSE IT WAS INTERFERED WITH BY THE COURT CLERKS – LAWYERS MANDATED TO CONCEAL INJUSTICE.

Your preconceived notions of me were dead wrong. I demonstrated that and didn’t shy away from anything you raised about ME. You realized that whatever information you thought you knew was incorrect. POINTS to Archbishop Wood Class of 81. Me too.

Then the game of send information by email begins – when the information is in your hands. Our Computers and phones are hacked. We cannot trust the technology. ( Think about what Snowden reported and put it in the hands of the local bar association and the private investigators who are outside the law. )

Why are the Pennsylvania Republicans blocking the Work2BDone web site? That same information blocking program prevents email from getting through also.


Rep Todd Stephens. Clueless and trained stupid. In practice, the judges can destroy people by ignoring the law and the constitution. In law, they cannot. The law we are talking to the lawyer about causes this injustice to be ignored BY MANDATE. AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE which requires lawyers to ignore the rights of the litigants.

Senator Stewart Greenleaf. You prevent resolution while sitting on the judiciary committee. You are a coward who cannot even face the victim of the injustice you proliferate, endorse and maintain. Your staff are well informed about the experience. They watched as I begged for help. They watched as I found the problem. They watched as I presented numerous examples of the injustice WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. YOU ARE MORE THAN PART OF THE PROBLEM. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM PERSONIFIED.

Senator Chuck McIlhinney. What gives? We ask you to bring the issue to the PA legislature in December 2013. We meet. We keep you informed. You stall. You delay. You stop responding. We hand deliver letters. You tried to pawn it off onto Senator Greenleaf instead of working together. He’s a lawyer. You are not. He is prevented by law. You are not. You both know the seriousness of the issue. Could the ‘Bucks County Machine’ really tell you to SHUT UP and stop meeting with those guys. And is that what you’ve done?

Attorney General Kathleen Kane. You’ve seen first hand in this issue how the staff of the Attorney general’s office can undermine justice, the law and a persons constitutional rights. It was done on a public stage with 55 other attorneys general. And still you hide behind a law which has been demonstrated to be unconstitutional and corrupt and affecting millions. You cannot be disciplined for addressing what will be deemed a nullity. It’s not a law, it’s a nullity.

We have provided documentation about the issue to:
every Governor,
every US Senator,
every US Representative,
every Pennsylvania legislator,
every Pennsylvania Sheriff,
every US Attorney,
every judge in Bucks County Pennsylvania,
every judge in Montgomery County Pennsylvania

The homeless and destitute victim was able to communicate the issue, file in federal court, repeatedly refile motions in Superior court to address ‘pretend’ per curiam orders, the paper, postage, copying, the expense of enduring the lawlessness, and of courser they don’t have to provide the court records so prepare your appeal without the documents necessary for the appeal.

You are fighting for your rights.

The courts think you are trying to expose their corruption when THEY are providing the evidence of their own corruption. You are just trying to survive it.

The lies of the American government agencies are tremendous. DOJ tells us to write to the US Attorney. The US Attorney indicates that they only have jurisdiction where a federal law has been broken. The US Constitution is a federal law – the supreme law of the land.

Doesn’t the US Attorney know that? Once you lose your constitutional rights, the refusal to commit suicide is considered spite. The disappointment at your not going ‘mad’ so they can arrest you is clear. They will make you homeless, destitute and alone… writing stupid letters if you still have an address. You were not supposed to survive and expose the problem. And ONLY a victim would have standing to present it in court – without any lawyer involved. You are not supposed to have survived this long.


The walls and blockades erected by the lawyers to whom everyone turns for advice. THEY ARE MANDATED TO CONCEAL THE PROBLEM. And I know this. I have experienced this. I excuse them because their twisted unconstitutional law MANDATES they do this to people and to me.

I excuse the govt officials who are prevented from exposing that the judiciary has failed because they may not expose the collapse of the govt. WHILE ALL AROUND US WE SEE THE FALL.

The inhumanity of their actions and how they turn a society at will.

Lawyers can create a economy. Have a cop shoot an unarmed kid and the lawyers revenue goes through the roof. Riots, media, govt officials, victims, innocent bystanders, all brought together and needing a lawyer.

The only ones who are getting paid are the lawyers…. and by those who have not got the money to afford it.

I persevered thru the nightmare, I found the cause of the issue, not just for me but for millions. I have endured the hatred the misinformation and the redirection. Been denied simple respect from people who were afraid once they heard that the LAWYERS HAVE UNDERMINED THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT. I exposed HOW they did it. I backed up every statement with well-known examples and evidence.

And still… The injustice continues. I was not supposed to survive. Family friends and everyone are gone. They were exhausted and frightened by the experience.

I sit alone most days. Trying to live. Explaining the corruption of an entire society and a country. A deliberate crime committed by the lawyers, the American Bar Association. They have the ability to block every resolution and prevent exposure by the media.

The reasons to ignore the issue are overwhelming. The ability to present it are quickly undermined by misconceptions, misinformation, or a simple expression. I am accused of everything that THEY are doing to me. I walk in the front doors. I ask for help. I try to summarize the issue. They ask for more information and when they hear it they become more and more frightened by what they are hearing.

No one has ever said I was wrong. Yes, I have thought about most every angle. I have explanations for every scenario. Not because I am a know-it-all… but because I have lived this nightmare.

Accuse me of anger. You’re wrong but the reality is that I am supposed to be angry – who wouldn’t be angry after going through this experience. That’s how they usually have the victim thrown in jail.

There is no happiness in the isolation of the prison of information to which I am confined. And no one gives a damn until they are in the ‘next cell’ and no one is listening to them either. I understand the suicides.

There’s no joy. The illusion of hope I present exists as much for myself as for the others who endure it.


This document has been sent to every Pennsylvania Senator via their web based form. This web site is blocked by the Republicans in the legislature. Though, Democrats can see it. Email to the legislature is blocked and prevented by a similar program. I receive over 11,000 emails per day which prevent me from receiving email – the mailbox is always full. The reason this issue has not seen the light of day is because they have made it impossible to maintain effective communications with anyone. Phones and computers are hacked. You cannot trust the technology.
The Pennsylvania Senate.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.”

Alloway, Richard L. (R)
Argall, David G. (R)
Baker, Lisa (R)
Blake, John P. (D)
Boscola, Lisa M. (D)
Brewster, James R. (D)
Browne, Patrick M. (R)
Brubaker, Mike (R)
Corman, Jake (R)
Costa, Jay (D)
Dinniman, Andrew E. (D)
Eichelberger, John H. (R)
Erickson, Edwin B. (R)
Farnese, Lawrence M. (D)
Ferlo, Jim (D)
Folmer, Mike (R)
Fontana, Wayne D. (D)
Gordner, John R. (R)
Greenleaf, Stewart J. (R)
Hughes, Vincent J. (D)
Hutchinson, Scott E. (R)
Kasunic, Richard A (D)
Kitchen, Shirley M. (D)
Leach, Daylin (D)
McIlhinney, Charles T. (R)
Mensch, Bob (R)
Pileggi, Dominic (R)
Rafferty, John C. (R)
Robbins, Robert D. (R)
Scarnati, Joseph B. (R)
Schwank, Judith L. (D)
Smith, Matt (D)
Smucker, Lloyd K. (R)
Solobay, Timothy J. (D)
Stack, Michael J. (D)
Tartaglione, Christine M. (D)
Teplitz, Rob (D)
Tomlinson, Robert M. (R)
Vance, Patricia H. (R)
Vogel, Elder A. (R)
Vulakovich, Randy (R)
Wagner, Scott (R)
Ward, Kim L. (R)
Washington, LeAnna M. (D)
White, Donald C. (R)
Wiley, Sean (D)
Williams, Anthony H. (D)
Wozniak, John N. (D)
Yaw, Gene (R)
Yudichak, John T. (D)


Remedy of the people when rights are violated

THIS CONSTITUTION, and the LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES which SHALL BE made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND; and the JUDGES IN EVERY STATE SHALL BE BOUND THEREBY, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

Whoever having knowledge of treason, conceals and does not make known the same to some judge, is guilty of treason for contempt against the sovereign, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Bribery of any public official directly or indirectly, gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person to influence any official act.

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State the deprivation of any rights, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, documents filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court, shall be fined or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Whoever, being a clerk, willfully refuses or neglects to make or forward any report, certificate, statement, or document as required by law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State subjects, or causes to be subjected, any person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall 8be liable to the party injured in an action at law.

If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire for the purpose of depriving, either directly or indirectly any persons rights the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of damages against any one or more of the conspirators.

Every person who, having knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be done or are about to be committed, and having power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the same, neglects or refuses so to do, if such wrongful act be committed, shall be liable to the party injured.

Exerpt from the Grand Jury Hand Book.


This week we traveled around Bucks County stopping to deliver packages of the letters and the newspaper from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre and requesting meetings with Congressmen, State Senators and Representatives regarding the unconstitutionality and the injustice of Rule 1.6.

We appreciate the interest and the support we are receiving from those who have been informed and anticipate further cooperation and effort from those who are only now learning about this national constitutional issue.

US Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick received a copy of the documents and newspaper in his office near Newtown. Then, as luck would have it, we ran into him at the Courthouse in Doylestown to hand deliver a set and quickly discuss the urgency of meeting on the issue. A meeting with the congressmen has not yet been scheduled by his office.

Representative Scott Petri’s people had some time to sit with us for a discussion of the issue. A meeting with the representative was requested.

Representative Marguerite Quinn has scheduled a meeting.

Representative John T. Galloway’s assistant Brenda sat with us and reviewed the documents left for the representative. A meeting with the representative was requested.

Representative Tina Davis’s Chief of Staff met with us and heard an overview of the issue. The package was left with him to review with the representative. A meeting with the representative was requested.

Representative Steven J. Santarsiero’s people had some time to review the issue. Chief of Staff Rosemary Wuenschel accepted the paperwork to review with the representative and schedule a meeting to discuss the topic.

Our neighbor in Doylestown, Senator Chuck McIlhinney, was not available to meet. We left updates and documents with his staff and AGAIN requested an opportunity to discuss the silence from the Pennsylvania Senate since December 2013 regarding the issue.

Senator Robert Tomlinson’s assistant accepted the paperwork and the request for a meeting on the topic.

Representative Frank Farry’s office manager sat down for a very good meeting and discussion of the topic. After reviewing the documents and newspaper articles, a meeting with the representative was requested.

Representative Kathy Watson had obviously reviewed the documentation delivered prior to our meeting. A very productive discussion and explanation and review of the issue ended with a request for the PA Legislature to be formally informed of the issue. Representative Watson understood and recognized the problem we were reporting and attempting to address. We anticipate her involvement in the resolution of the matter for the sake of the Commonwealth and the country.

Representative Clymer’s office was not open when we visited.

Senator Bob Mensch’s office is on our list for Montgomery County visits.

Senator Stewart Greenleaf’s office refuses to schedule a meeting on the issue. As head of the Judiciary Committee this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. We will continue to pursue the involvement of Senator Greenleaf while questioning his deliberate, intentional and well informed avoidance of the issue. His silence demonstrates complicity.

Representative Todd Stephens was caught in his office and denied meeting with Healy before in 2011 about the corruption in Montgomery County. That was when Healy v Healy had only involved 16 judges. Now it’s at 20 with two appeals in Superior Court pending. Rep. Stephens has been trained to believe that judges may deny people’s rights which are protected by the US Constitution. TODD STEPHENS IS WRONG. After that foolishness was addressed, the impromptu meeting ended abruptly. A meeting with the representative was requested to further discuss the issue.

While we were out enjoying the back roads of beautiful Bucks County, the fax was sending copies to EVERY Pennsylvania State Representative. Confirmations received.

The government of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has been notified of the issue.


We are meeting with local politicians and presenting the issue of Rule 1.6 undermining the American Judicial system. To accomplish this requires the repetition of the experience, the facts, the results – homelessness, incarceration and suicides.

It requires me to do something I have tried avoiding. The retelling of my experience causes me to relive the stress and emotion. The purpose of the web site was so that i did not have to explain the details to people who wanted to know more – or who couldn’t imagine surviving the truth of the story.

A person who has lost their rights can best be identified by the following statement:

I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPED…
NO ONE COULD HELP… until the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6

The message is getting out… Those we have spoken to have been emotionally moved. Those who refuse to meet and discuss the problem can be categorized and described in one word – LAWYERS.

The lawyers know what has happened. The law prevents them from any action to resolve the situation UNTIL THEY RECOGNIZE THAT IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND STAND UP LIKE AN AMERICAN AND FACE THE MESS THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION HAS CREATED.

The non-lawyers need to rescue the US before the divisive tactics of those who seek the country’s destruction succeed.

We are Americans. We don’t allow injustice to persist. We can fix the mess created and resolve the damage done to millions of Americans stripped of their Constitutional Rights.

Through countless retellings, I persevere. JUSTICE IS COMING.


The following media outlets have received all of the letters to state and federal law enforcement and government.

boston globe logo New-York-Times-Logo nbc-logo Cbs-logo news-los-angeles-times-logo AP cspan download (1)



Will the Family Courts ever stop their destruction of lives and families?

Robin Williams, post-divorce, back in rehab in Minnesota
– posted in High Asset Divorce on Friday, July 11, 2014.

Robin Williams was divorced in 2009, after he and his wife filed for divorce the year before, and he has said that he believes it was because of his drinking problems. He did note that he could tell his wife that he was sorry, but he said that that just was not always enough to get rid of the issues. The official reason for the divorce has been listed as irreconcilable differences.

The actor did give up both drugs and alcohol at some point in the 1980s. However, he has not been been completely off them since then. Most notably, he began to drink again back in 2003. He was in Alaska, doing a movie, and he started drinking because he felt lonely. He then went to a rehab center in Oregon in 2006.

The actor’s long battle appears to be continuing, as recent reports indicate that he is at the Hazeldon Addiction Treatment Center, which is close to Lindstrom, Minnesota. However, the program that he is doing seems to be one that is aimed at helping people refocus before they relapse, so he may not have started using alcohol again.

A photo recently surfaced of the actor at a Dairy Queen near the treatment center, which was taken with a female employee of the shop.

Statement by President Obama on the Passing of Robin Williams

Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien – but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most – from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. The Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams.


downloadA chance encounter with Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick outside the Courthouse in Doylestown today gave Todd an opportunity to explain the Rule 1.6 issue and pass along the letters which have been sent to all levels of state and federal government nationally.

The letters had been hand delivered to his Newtown office last week.

A meeting will be arranged this week to have a full discussion of the topic.

PDF of the Letters delivered to Rep. Fitzpatrick.


The Superior Court of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Office

Terance Healy : NO: 900 EDA 2014
V. :
David R. Miller :
Jennifer K. Miller :


Regarding the Per Curiam Order attached.

The caption is INCORRECT.

The decision is UNEXPLAINED.

The per curiam order is UNSIGNED.

The per curiam order is UNDATED.

The motion was UNCONTESTED.

Please identify the judge, the motions panel, and/or the member(s) of the Central Legal Staff involved in the careless preparation of the document.

Attached are copies of the following Superior Court Of Pennsylvania which demonstrate the previous decisions of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania with regard to procedurally defective orders where the court lacked jurisdiction.

J-A01019-14 Kozel v. Kozel #461 WDA 2013
J-A27027-13 Wagner v. Wagner #235 MDA 2013
J-S17007-13 Hauck v. Hauck #1984 WDA 2011
J-A02029-13 Reece v. Reece #987 WDA 2012
J-S21041/08 Danz v. Danz #1506 WDA 2007
J-A14035/09 Bingaman v Bingaman #1644 MDA 2008
J-A30006/02 Lazaric v. Lazaric #263 EDA 2002

The evidence is clear. The law is clear. The precedents are well established.

Every action of the courts demonstrate the efforts to obstruct, misinform and misdirect somehow made ‘lawful’ by Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct causing the denial of life and liberty and terrorizing every aspect of life.

Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio issued a deliberately defective and void order. The court record indicates that she clearly lacked jurisdiction. The court record demonstrates the obstruction of the appeal filed on August 15, 2011.

There is no escape for the litigant. The court is mandated to terrorize and destroy the litigant ‘to protect the integrity of the courts.’ pursuant to Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct.

A deliberate, intentional and malicious court order issued by Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio without jurisdiction has terrorized the litigant from the day it was issued. An action done without jurisdiction to conceal the actions of fifteen prior judges in the matter which have attacked their victim since 2007.

The County & Court then went to work to obstruct and deny the appeal of that order issuing further void orders based on the defective and void orders. Those who enforced the defective and void orders becoming involved in criminal acts for doing so. The mandate for protecting integrity of those without integrity growing exponentially.

The Court personnel and all lawyers are mandated to obstruct and deny the victim ‘to protect the integrity of the court’. In doing so, they become involved in the obstruction of justice.

Each court believing the litigant is causing their involvement in this crime. Not the ‘judge’ acting without jurisdiction… not the Courts which mandated their participation in the denial of justice. Each ignoring the law and the US Constitution in the process of self-preservation and sacrifice of their own judicial integrity.

The Appellant is being denied Life, Liberty and equal protection under the law. He is experiencing the complete loss of rights and privileges protected by the Constitution of the United States, and the Pennsylvania Constitution.

The inability to accomplish anything with regard to the Appeal is caused by the courts, enabled by the court, endorsed by the courts, made ‘lawful’ by the courts as everyone involved in the denial of constitutionally protected rights is mandated to conceal the corruption, injustice and lack of jurisdiction of the court.

The victim can do nothing to escape the game of “The order is not void until we say it’s void’. There have been over 80 attempts to have the court take the lawful action to void the order. Every attempt has been ignored.

The Superior Courts are mandated to obstruct and deny the victim ‘to protect the integrity of the court’. In doing so they became involved in the obstruction of justice. Their knowledge of the void and defective orders mandated that they address the issue. A mandatory action, not a discretionary issue for the court.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is mandated to do the same. The Supreme Court enacted the law and in doing so must follow it. This prevents the Supreme Court from repealing the law or addressing the injustice.

And so it goes, that every effort to prevent any interaction with the judiciary is the primary focus. It is essential to ‘protect the integrity of the judiciary’. The denial of justice to the litigant is a consequence. The continued peril and jeopardy of the victim is not a concern.

The chaos injected by the letter dated August 8, 2014 and the improperly captioned, unexplained, unsigned, undated decision to the uncontested motion.

The Montgomery County Court has neglected to provide the full court record to the Superior Court and has obstructed efforts to produce the documents and transcripts to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

This Court has been notified of the litigation in the Federal Courts which is now before the United States Congress and the President to provide the only escape from the nightmare created when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and EVERY state supreme court, enacted the Rules of Professional Conduct into law without ANY constitutional review, construction by a legislature or signature of any governor. Copies of notices attached.

I respectfully request review of this matter based on the fact that Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct results in the absolute denial of right and liberties protected by the United States Constitution and that the supporting staff of this Court cease from unexplained and unsubstantiated actions to obstruct, prevent and deny justice in this matter.



Terance Healy

NB: The game of the Prothonotary deliberately improperly captioning the matter is obvious and tiresome. Please correct all records and documents accordingly.

The matter has left the appellant homeless and destitute and forced to respond to the Courts.

The appellant has no choice but to persist as he is not capable of suicide.

J-A01019-14 Kozel v. Kozel #461 WDA 2013

J-A27027-13 Wagner v. Wagner #235 MDA 2013

J-S17007-13 Hauck v. Hauck #1984 WDA 2011

J-A02029-13 Reece v. Reece #987 WDA 2012

J-S21041/08 Danz v. Danz #1506 WDA 2007

J-A14035/09 Bingaman v Bingaman #1644 MDA 2008

J-A30006/02 Lazaric v. Lazaric #263 EDA 2002

Letter to United States Attorneys August 8, 2014

Letter to President Barack Obama July 28, 2014

Letter to US Senators Patrick Toomey and Robert Casey July 28, 2014

Letter to the Senators of the 113th Congress July 28, 2014

Letter to US Senate Committee on the Judiciary July 30, 2014

Letter to Sheriffs of Pennsylvania July, 31, 2014

Letter to Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee July 31, 2014

Letter to United States House of Representatives July 30, 2014

Letter to US House Committee on the Judiciary July 30, 2014

Letter to Governor of EVERY state July 28, 2014

Letter to Governor Tom Corbett August 2, 2014

Letter to EVERY Pennsylvania Senator August 2, 2014

Letter to the Pennsylvania Legislature – Representatives August 2, 2014

Letter to Governor Tom Corbett, the Sheriffs of Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Legislature, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania August 3, 2014





Rule 1.6 has NOT been Misinterpreted or Misunderstood

The Constitutional Challenge posed by us, Todd Krautheim and Terance Healey, is NOT misinterpreting or misunderstanding Rule 1.6 of the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the association’s most important confidentiality rule.

These are the dismissive suggestions of lawyers with regard to the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6. It is what they tell people who ask them about it. They offer no further information to back up their statement. They further indicate that we will never succeed (and neglect to explain why we won’t).

These lawyers are WRONG.   .   .   . READ MORE


August 8, 2014

The United States Attorneys

It has been one year since the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was filed to address the Constitutional Crisis in the United States.

A law enacted without proper construction, without constitutional review, without involvement of any state legislature and without the signature of any governor designed to ignore judicial corruption and injustice which includes an aggressively enforced MANDATE of silence for all lawyers.

Filed and served upon every state Attorney General yet the federal courts undermined the preemptive challenge, concealed the matter from fifty six state attorneys general and improperly dismissed the matter without substantiation while ignoring the relevant doctrine. The actions by the court confirmed the deliberate intent and purpose of the law and it’s denial of constitutional rights without regard for the injustice served upon the people of the United States..

Enclosed are letters to the President, the US Congress, the Governors of the United states, et al.

Please review and respond. This issue will not go away on it’s own.

The Constitutional rights of the American People are being denied by the courts and held hostage by a mandate of confidentiality for all attorneys in state and federal courts which has effectively undermined the United States Government.

Your attention to this matter is anticipated and expected. Please contact us to arrange a meeting.


Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim

PDF Version with ALL attachments