
The volume of paperwork required to survive the corruption and injustice… to survive, to stay out of prison, to persevere… to not grant them the suicide which they seek.

Non-stop litigation since 2007. Over 20 judges. 3 undecided appeals. Every level of state court. federal district court and court of appeals. The US Congress contacted for intervention.

Direct communication with every law enforcement agency in the government – nationwide, Department of Justice and US Attorney within each and every state. Direct communication with every state representative and senator. Direct communication with every state Attorney General. ( <<< - - All in the last 3 weeks) Over 30 archive boxes of paperwork. Computers and phones hacked and intercepted. No end in sight. No explanations. No rule of law. No escape. This is one month of litigation.... Sometimes the Bitstrips are too accurate. 2014-08-26 18.28.57 (1)10622919_10152438916924398_9196551205694772838_n


It is illegal for the lawyers and judiciary to expose that the judiciary has been undermined, lost their independence and sacrificed their integrity.


Senator Stewart Greenleaf and the Judiciary Committee
They won’t meet on this. (It is illegal for them to do so.)

The lawyers on the Judiciary Committee have caused covered up and perpetuated this national disgrace.



The lawyers cannot restore what they destroyed.

The United States government existed for over 200 years WITHOUT Rule 1.6 corruption and injustice. It has no necessity and no justification in law, ethics, morality, humanity or justice. Enacted to conceal the corruption of those believed to be uncorruptable because the integrity of the judiciary is beyond reproach. Those without integrity have twisted the judicary and denied the US constitution.

Senator Greenleaf’s Profile on his web site indicates he has been in the Pennsylvania government since before Rule 1.6 promulgation into law. For over 30 years, Greenleaf has stood by and watched as people’s families and lives were destroyed.

He ignored me. For years. I begged and pleaded and cried. HE DID NOTHING. No wonder his Chief of Staff, Pat, is too ashamed to even face me.

I found the problem. HE WON’T MEET. ??? Stewart Greenleaf IS the problem. He is a coward who cannot even face the victims of his corruption.

facebook-logoContact Senator Greenleaf

On Facebook Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf

Harrisburg Office
Senate Box 203012
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3012
(717) 787-6599
(717) 783-7328 Fax
TTY: 800-364-1581
District Office
711 North York Road
Suite 1
Willow Grove, PA 19090
(215) 657-7700
(215) 657-1885 Fax

His listed awards are all self-serving awards from lawyers under duress and compelled to pay homage to the man who perverted the judicial branch and the legislature of the commonwealth for over 30 years.

Recognition of “his efforts and resolve in protecting the rights of Pennsylvanians under civil law” – Something only lawyers could recognize apparently. WHAT A TWISTED BIOGRAPHY OF EGO AND MISDIRECTION.

State Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf (R-Montgomery / Bucks) has represented Pennsylvania’s 12th Senate District since 1978. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 1977 to 1978, serving on the House Labor Relations and Judiciary Committees as well as the Subcommittee on Crime and Corrections. He also served as an Upper Moreland Township Commissioner, as an Assistant District Attorney, Chief of the Appeals Division for the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, and as an Assistant Public Defender in Bucks County. He is a member of the Bar Associations of Pennsylvania and Montgomery County.

A native of Montgomery County, Senator Greenleaf is a lifelong resident of Upper Moreland Township. He is married to Cecelia “Kelly” Greenleaf. Having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, he received his law degree from the University of Toledo School of Law.

He is Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is currently a member of the Senate committees on Appropriations, Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, Education, and Finance. He is also Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Operations Committee. He is a Senate appointed board member of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

He has served on the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, the Task Force on Death Penalty Litigation in Pennsylvania, and the Statewide Steering Committee on Court Automation. He currently serves as chairman of the Joint State Government Commission’s Task Forces on Real Property Law; Decedents’ Estates Laws; Domestic Relations Law. As a member of the Commission on Judicial Reform, he participated in the development of recommendations to improve the process of judicial selection and was prime sponsor of constitutional amendment legislation to revise the state’s system of judicial discipline. He serves on the State/Federal Assembly of the Law and Justice Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Criminal Justice Task Force of the American Legislative Exchange Council. He is a board member of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority. He was chairman of the Senate Impeachment Committee during the 1994 impeachment trial of former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Rolf Larsen. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Commission for Justice Initiatives and Task Force on Student Loan Forgiveness and Repayment Assistance.

The senator is the author of the Clean Indoor Air Act of 2008, Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law, the Grandparent Custody Law, the Rails to Trails Act, the School Pesticide Law, the Health Club Consumer Protection Act, the Puppy Lemon Law, the “No Means No” Rape Law, the Amusement Ride Inspection Act, the Missing Children Act, the Divorce Code Reform Act and the Divorce and Custody Mediation Act. He was also prime sponsor of a law that extends the period of legal recourse for abused children, the constitutional amendment allowing for the option of electronic testimony for child victims and witnesses, the law requiring tougher penalties for cruelty to domestic animals, and the law allowing extended sentences when baseball bats are used in violent criminal acts.

As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, the senator conducted hearings on the corrections system in Pennsylvania and achieved passage of legislation to reduce overcrowding in state prisons and county jails through intermediate punishment programs. He is also sponsor of state sentencing reform legislation and of a law that provides for addiction treatment for eligible offenders. In 2010, the Senator passed his Criminal Justice Reform Act. He also conducted hearings on the state’s system of probation and parole, resulting in the enactment of public safety reforms in the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole and in the Interstate Compact, which deals with interstate parole arrangements.

In addition to his interest in criminal justice and judicial issues, Greenleaf has sponsored numerous consumer protection initiatives relating to telemarketing controls, octane level testing, the travel industry and the expansion of the Lemon Law to leased vehicles.

The recipient of a number of honors, Greenleaf has been presented the 2005 Leadership Award of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape; the 2002 Montgomery County Bar Foundation Milton O. Moss Award; the 2002 Clean Water Fund Leadership Award; the Pennsylvania Legal Services Ambassador for Justice Award, the Pennsylvania Credit Union League Keystone Award, the Montgomery County Bar Association Outstanding Service Award; the Vince Fitzpatrick Humanitarian Award, the Pennsylvania Legal Services Outstanding Leadership Award; the Fraternal Order of Police Award; the Matty Muir Award from the Victim Services Center of Montgomery County; the Montgomery County Association for Retarded Citizens President’s Award; the Conservation Legislator of the Year Award by the Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation; the National Federation of Independent Business Guardian of Small Business Award and the Humane Society of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region Humanitarian Award. He was selected Man of The Year by the Willow Grove Chamber of Commerce and the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center. He was chosen for the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association 1992 Annual Award in recognition of his “efforts and resolve in protecting the rights of Pennsylvanians under civil law.”

He has also received the B’nai B’rith Humanitarian Award, the North Penn Korean Association Community Award, the Boy Scouts of America Community Service Award, the Caroline Earle White Award of the Women’s SPCA, the Korean Senior Citizens Service Award, the Deputy Sheriffs Association Distinguished Public Service Award, and the Pennsylvania Legislative Animal Network’s Humane Legislator of the Year Award.

Senator Greenleaf has most recently been presented with the William E. Zeiter Award from the Statutory Law Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute for his efforts to update and consolidate Pennsylvania’s statutory law. Also, in 2008, the Senator was awarded a proclamation from the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association and the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine for the advancement of animal welfare issues, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) Guardian of Small Business award, and the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award from the University of Toledo College of Law, in recognition of his lifetime of legislative accomplishments.


August 26, 2014

Rep. Katherine M. Watson
Rep. Marguerite Quinn
Rep. Todd Stephens
Rep. Tina Davis
Rep. Scott Petri
Rep. John T. Galloway
Rep. Thomas Murt
Rep. Steven J. Santarsiero
Rep. Frank Farry
Rep. Paul Clymer
Rep. Gene DiGirolamo
Rep. Bernie O’Neill
Rep. Kate Harper
Sen. Bob Mensch
Sen. Robert Tomlinson
Sen. Charles McIlhinney
Sen. Stewart Greenleaf
Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick
Senator Bob Casey
Senator Pat Toomey

A package of information regarding the loss of constitutional rights and liberties caused by Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct has been delivered to your office, by hand, and by fax, with a request to meet to discuss the issue, and ways to address it.

We have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with members of your staff, or directly when your schedule has permitted. Those meetings have proven to be productive and informative.

As we are all located nearby to each other, we are proposing a meeting with everyone who is available. Please contact our office with 3 possible dates/times when you are available in the coming weeks and if you are interested in hosting the meeting at your office, another location, or our location in Doylestown.

Thank You for your attention to this very important issue.

Terance Healy
Todd Krautheim


A law enacted by the state supreme court in every state without proper construction, without constitutional review, without involvement of any state legislature and without the signature of any governor designed to ignore judicial corruption and injustice which includes an aggressively enforced MANDATE of silence for all lawyers while ignoring, denying and preventing the constitutional rights of litigants.


Rule 1.6 affects civil, criminal, family, federal district and federal appeals courts making it impossible to address the loss of constitutional rights when committed by a judge.

The Rules of Professional Conduct – Rule 1.6 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION mandates confidentiality of client information where the information
– would affect the integrity of the judiciary,
– would reveal the misconduct of their own office,
– would expose individual liability,
– would adversely affect their client.

The Attorney General of Pennsylvania represents the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Governor, the Attorney General’s office, various branches of the government, their agencies and their officers and the public. All Clients.

This is why Kids for Cash was ignored by the Attorney General, the Luzerne County District Attorney, every lawyer in Luzerne county, the PA Supreme Court and the Judicial Conduct Board.

This is why the ‘Sandusky Report’ released in 2014 failed to indicate any improper conduct. The Report also failed to include a disclaimer that Rule 1.6 Confidentiality mandated the silence of the Attorney General regarding information about the Office of the Attorney General, the Governor, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, etc…

This is why millions of foreclosures were ignored by the Attorneys General nationwide with no prosecutions while millions of people lost their homes based on fraudulent and robosigned deeds and other documents.

Rule 1.6 has undermined law enforcement and the judicial branch in the states and federally.

Rule 1.6 is a core part of the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Most, if not all, rules point back to Rule 1.6 by cross reference.

The ABA presented their Model Rules to each state supreme court for promulgation into law. As trade rules, confidentiality was discretionary. As law, the confidentiality became an aggressively enforced mandate which denied people of constitutional rights and prevented anyone in law from acting on behalf of the victims against it’s unconstitutional effect. The victims having no protection of the law become 1) destitute/homeless, 2) incarcerated, or 3) suicidal.


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Fax’d 8/26/2014 11:25 AM – 1:13 PM