
Alexander Hamilton described the separation of powers…

The Executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community.

The Legislative not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated.

The Judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither FORCE NOR WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.

Hamilton neglected to see how each state judiciary enacting a law could undermine the whole of the government. By enacting a law which mandates the silence of lawyers, aggressively enforcing THEIR law, and undermining the legislature through it’s lawyer membership and the executive through it’s governor/lawyers. By enacting a law which undermines constitutional rights, and the law, without proper authority where it affects the rights protected by the Constitution of the United states and the state Constitutions.

The Judicial Branch has demonstrated their power to undermine the Constitution of the United States, because they alone have the authority to decide what is constitutional and ignore when they violate constitutional rights.

This is not speculation. This is why the constitution and the rule of law are ignored in the united States. And lately, the judiciary committee is trying to silence the whole country.

The mistake was letting the judiciary make their law without review of the collateral impact of the opportunity for denial of constitutional rights, and of equal protection of the law.

Rule 1.6 undermined the government and mandated the confidentiality of lawyers (the legislative) and law enforcement (the executive branch). As the judiciary has the power of judgment, they have effectively usurped force, will and judgment. One law controls them all, and mandates their silence.

Quietly rolled out to each state from 1984 through 2009… and modified ONLY when it exposed their judicial corruption – leaving bread crumbs demonstrating intent. Only a legislature could stop the power shift. A a mandate of confidentiality and the shame of what the government had allowed to happen has kept every legislature silent.

The judiciary controls judgment, force and will – and aggressively attacks any challenge to their unconstitutional, unlawful and unjust actions.

The government is controlled within one organization – the American Bar Association, and it’s pretend government structure. An effective silent overthrow of the United States…




An unconstitutional law enacted by the judiciary without any review during construction for constitutionality is further excluded from any ‘checks and balances’ because ONLY THE COURTS can decide constitutionality which causes judicial corruption and injustice to be ignored while denying basic constitutional rights.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality further mandates that lawyers take no action which would adversely affect the integrity of the court.

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality further mandates that an Attorney General not expose corruption within the OAG, by state officials or other state agencies.

Rule 1.6 mandates the victim to be abused and terrorized within the courts made destitute, homeless or incarcerated until their suicide.

Rule 1.6 is so powerful that lawyers, attorneys general and judges will deny law, constitutional rights, human rights, and facts to conceal the corruption and injustice which it causes.

Kids for Cash corruption concealed the crimes of Judge Ciavarella.
Judges, lawyers, prosecutors, district attorneys, attorneys general, public defenders, Supreme Court Justices, Judicial Conduct Boards, Disciplinary Boards,… THEY ALL CONSPIRED TO CONCEAL THAT A JUDGE WAS TRAFFICKING CHILDREN INTO A JAIL FOR KICKBACKS FOR YEARS.


Judge Ann Lokuta who contacted federal authorities was disciplined for violating Rule 1.6 and removed from the bench. She may never hold judicial office again.

It only requires a judge and lawyer commit misconduct. The resulting injustice will overwhelm. Whether aware of the injustice’s existence or not, the target experiences the loss of rights and the denial of the protection of the law. Even if the initial injustice is discovered, there is no method by which a victim may recover or survive. There is no possibility of regaining your rights where they have been deliberately denied by the judiciary.

The victim knows what it means to be terrorized. Any attempt to survive requires the court and judiciary to address the denial of rights. They don’t. They won’t. Ever. It’s their law.

The law was deliberately written without opportunity for escape. It’s intent was destruction. It has been allowed to foreclose on millions of people’s homes. It has thrown innocent children in jail. It has denied parents of their children. It has thrown innocent people in jail.

Homeless. Destitute. Suicide. Incarceration. THE ONLY CHOICES UNDER RULE 1.6. Perseverance is self-torture. Survival is futile.

Rule 1.6 destroys HOPE last. Hope is requisite for justice – even where you know justice will be denied. There is no alternative. You must return to the corrupt court seeking justice that won’t come… …until you are dead.

If you have been involved in litigation and the following description fits. then you are a victim of Rule 1.6.

“I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPS… NO ONE HELPED… “

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 continues to persevere on behalf of the survivors and to help further victims. BUT, I am exhausted… fighting the misinformation and corruption art every level of the courts. It proves my case against Rule 1.6, while it consumes my life and terrorizes every moment since 2006. There are no vacations, no breaks, no relief, ever… I understand why people break.

It has annihilated my life. Every minute of every day of every week of every year form over 9 years. Not one moment of relief during that entire time. Destitute. Property destroyed. No protection of the law. Constant technology intrusions and attacks. Tech attacks against any friends or supporters – they disappear. Constant fraudulent litigation. Court orders issued without lawful jurisdiction. Ignored Appeals. Further harassing litigation without jurisdiction. Court Records denied and prevented from the appeals court. Somehow I have survived when I would have preferred suicide.

I find Rule 1.6 which causes the situation. Only to discover it was intentionally written and enacted to destroy people, children, families,… Destruction without any empathy or mercy. Rule 1.6 is the purest most vile form of evil I have ever encountered in my life.

Please Persevere. I understand. Terror, destruction and isolation is no life.

Every. Person. Matters. JUSTICE IS COMING.


The judicial branch was established in the U.S. Constitution as a co-equal third branch of our government.

The primary purposes of the judicial branch are to solve disputes by making fair and impartial decisions based upon facts, uphold the rule of law, and protect our rights.

“Judicial independence does not just happen all by itself. It is tremendously hard to create, and easier than most people imagine to destroy.”

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
The National Voter
February 2008

Rule 1.6 – CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION causes a loss of constitutional rights to a litigant where there has been acts of judicial misconduct, corruption and injustice. Once that occurs any attempt to address the loss of rights is ignored by the courts. Rule 1.6 was enacted into law by the state supreme courts and rolled out during a period which started in 1984 (New Jersey) and continued through 2009 (Maine).

Kids for Cash – injustice ignored
Foreclosure Crisis Nationwide – based on fraudulent documents
Injustice in the Family Courts – Suicides, Homelessness, …
Child Trafficking – What the Sandusky Report kept confidential

A Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was filed in August 2013. The federal courts improperly dismissed the matter after 56 state attorneys general had defaulted. Rule 1.6 injustice continues. The Constitutional Challenge will next be submitted to the US Supreme Court and the US Congress.

Since the founding of our nation, a system of checks and balances has ensured that each branch of government can function effectively, but cannot overpower the other branches. The main check that the judicial branch has on the other two branches is the power to declare executive or legislative acts unconstitutional.

There is no authority outside of the judiciary for declaring acts unconstitutional.

The judiciary has the authority for writing the laws to conduct the business of the judicial branch.

Judicial authority to self-legislate is limited only in that it can not infringe upon constitutional rights secured by state constitutions and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Where the judiciary, acting within their self-legislative authority, enacts a law which is unconstitutional, there is no authority to review the ‘law’.

– Their law violates the US Constitution.
– Their law violates the federal authority to self-legislate.
– Their law violates state constitutions.
– Their law violates the state authority to self-legislate.
– There is no preliminary review.
– No checks and balances.


The ‘LAW’ was written by the American Bar Association whose membership is mandated to silence and profits from the unconstitutional law. Prior to being enacted confidentiality was discretionary, as a ‘law’ IT IS A MANDATE WHICH IS AGGRESSIVELY ENFORCED.


1. They ignore it.
2. They conceal it.
3. They retaliate.
4. They conspire on appeal.
5. They deny the facts, the law, and rights.
6. They prevent judicial review.
7. They lose judicial independence.
8. They sacrifice integrity.

9. They undermine impartiality.
10. They undermine the facts.
11. They undermine the rule of law.
12. They undermine people’s rights.

They undermine judicial independence.

The judiciary, upon proper petition to address the unconstitutional aspects of ONE law enacted by EVERY state supreme court, has prevented any review by ignoring the facts, not applying the rule of law, and undermining people’s rights.


Judicial independence is an essential element of jurisdiction. Where the court lacks jurisdiction, they lack authority to issue any ruling, order or opinion in the matter. Their actions are void ab initio and have no validity.

Where the courts refuse to address their lack of lawful authority and corruption, the victim is subject to retaliation and continued terror while denied any opportunity to address the loss of constitutional rights.

Injustice does not end injustice. It extends it.


interview with Attorney General Kathleen Kane

Kathleen Kane’s credibility is on the line – MORNING CALL July 5, 2014

Rule 1.6 is a law which mandates confidentiality of information. It’s unconstitutional. it causes judges to sacrifice their integrity. It requires law enforcement to ignore corruption and injustice. Rule 1.6 mandates that Kathleen Kane not explain that it is being used by those who are well aware of it to attack her credibility where she is mandated to conceal their corruption and misconduct.

Rule 1.6 mandated confidentiality is a tool for corruption and injustice – and the denial of constitutional rights. The Kids For Cash scandal. The Sandusky Conspiracy. Foreclosure through fraud. All enabled, delayed, and ignored for years because of a mandate that lawyers and judges MUST ignore judicial corruption and injustice. Rule 1.6 demands that confidentiality from district attorneys and attorneys general.

The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was undermined by a member of Kathleen Kane’s office. His actions required the integrity of the federal courts to be sacrificed – made the courts deny the law and the constitution and prevented them from explaining. Because of Rule 1.6, Kathleen Kane can take no action to expose the case being undermined by her office.

The Weaponized version of Rule 1.6, seems to be the choice of the District Attorneys of Pennsylvania. They dare to attack the actions of the Pennsylvania Attorney General with the knowledge that she is not lawfully permitted to answer their statements. Seth Williams hired Frank Fina after Fina undermined his own investigation requiring the case to be dropped. Both know that Attorney General Kane is mandated to confidentiality when it would expose the misconduct of employees of the office of the Attorney General.

Same conditions with regard to the stalled Sandusky investigation which was delayed for years.
The Sandusky report was a sham… mandated by Rule 1.6 to not include misconduct of the investigation. The Supreme Court actually updated the Rules of Professional Conduct to conceal the emails – over 8 times they edited the law for the purpose of email confidentiality. BUT, Rule 1.6 prevents AG Kane from saying it. She must protect the integrity of a court which boldly and arrogantly lacks any shred of integrity. A Supreme court which hides behind a curtain of confidentiality THEY CREATED TO CONCEAL JUDICIAL CORRUPTION.

I have been victimized for over 9 years by injustice and corruption – no protection of the law and no constitutional rights. Homeless, destitute and terrorized to the point where I had to find out why they thought it was OK. Rule 1.6 makes it OK to ignore corruption, injustice and terrorism.

JUSTICE IS COMING. And while Kathleen Kane can’t do anything to help because of Rule 1.6 mandating her taking no action, when she is attacked and cannot defend her silences. I CAN.

Rule 1.6 may have been able to annihilate my life… but it does NOT mandate my silence about it’s corruption. It does not prevent me from challenging the constitutionality of a very twisted law which has damaged millions of Americans.

I don’t know how she can restrain herself. As I read the articles attacking her credibility my respect for her grows. People don’t understand. I’m supposed to hate her and be angry at her for what she did NOT do for me. BUT, I understand her silence. Her silent support of my cause. She’s following the law… (even if it kills me.)



In a crowded theater, the person who yells FIRE is responsible for the panic – not the fire, not the arsonist.


Cville Firemen in Hose FightsTodd Krautheim & Terance Healy are running to the theater shouting “LOOK AT OUR HOSE”.

Tugging the rug out from under judicial corruption and injustice in America.




Attn: The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches

With regard to the conspiracy, denial and failure to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States… to regain the public trust in the federal government, it may be necessary to remove EVERY member (or former member) of the American Bar Association and every affiliated association in state and federal jurisdictions from holding any government office.

Consider …
There is no ability for the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches to address the failure of the US Government which has occurred through the Judicial Branch
– where the organization responsible for the sedition and treason of the government has members in every branch of state and federal government
– where the judicial branch of state and federal government have required lawyers to be members of the federal, state or local bar association.
– where ALL members of the American Bar Association ( and every affiliated bar association ) witnessed the denial of the law and of constitutional rights, observed the court’s loss of judicial independence and jurisdiction, and further conspired to ignore the judicial corruption and injustice.

The usurpation of authority and overthrow of the United States Government by the American Bar Association is HUGE. All elements of conspiracy were are met. The ABA conspired to undermine and deny the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States.

The nearly 400,000 members of the American Bar Association have participated in the conspiracy to conceal the activity regarding the promulgation of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct which took a discretionary rule for confidentiality and enacted a MANDATORY ‘law’ regarding CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION which affected every level of law enforcement and was aggressively enforced through swift disciplinary actions. Legal professionals are required by Rule 1.6 to conceal judicial corruption and injustice even where it clearly caused the denial of constitutional rights of millions of litigants and prevented any resolution or justice from the courts.

Their policy could be called DON’T TELL. DON’T TELL. OR ELSE.

The American Bar Association went MASSIVE with the scope of their crime and have involved so many people including the entire judiciary in every federal and state court – each was mandated to conceal the injustice for the purpose of protecting judicial integrity. Injustice does not end injustice. It extends it. Their sedition and treason was a deliberate and intentional act, motivated, planned and rolled out over decades to each state.

Additionally, Rule 1.6 mandated confidentiality regarding Rule 1.6 – a mandatory participation in the conspiracy against the public trust where if lawyers attempted to take any corrective or revealing action they would be ignored (as evidenced by the Constitutional Challenge in Federal Courts) and aggressively disciplined for their actions.

Don’t tell. DON’T TELL… OR ELSE!

President Barack Obama is a lawyer. Where President Obama takes ANY action in this matter he could possibly meet his oath. Should his resignation be required because inaction and his affiliation with the American Bar Association, the succession follows the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.

Vice President – Joe Biden is a lawyer. Syracuse Law School.

Speaker of the House – John Boehner – NOT A LAWYER.

President Pro Tempore of the Senate – Patrick J. Leahy is a lawyer. Georgetown University.

Secretary of State – John Kerry is a lawyer. Boston College Law School.

Secretary of the Treasury – Jacob J. Lew (Jack) is a member of the bar. SCHOOL UNKNOWN.

Secretary of Defense – Chuck Hagel – NOT A LAWYER.

Attorney General – Eric Holder is a lawyer. Columbia Law School.

Secretary of the Interior – Sally Jewell – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Agriculture – Tom Vilsack is a lawyer. Albany Law School.

Secretary of Commerce – Penny Pritzker is a lawyer. Stanford Law School.

Secretary of Labor – Thomas E. Perez is a lawyer. Harvard University.

Secretary of Health and Human Services – Sylvia Mathews Burwell – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Shaun Donovan – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Transportation – Anthonmy Foxx is a lawyer. New York University School of Law.

Secretary of Energy – Dr. Ernest Moniz – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Education – Arne Duncan – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs – Sloan D. Gibson (Acting) – NOT A LAWYER.

Secretary of Homeland Security – Jeh Johnson is a lawyer. Columbia Law School.

Article II Section 1 Clause 6

In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:–“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”


The Crisis in the American Judiciary can not be ignored any longer. One unconstitutional ‘law’ is on the books in every state and it prevents the current ‘powers that be’ from taking action to remove it. Yes, it has built in self defense and protection logic.

Lawyers and judges are required to follow the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Rule 1.6 – Confidentiality of Information is in the Rules of Professional Conduct.

The law mandates confidentiality of information where it will adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary. The unconstitutional ‘law’ was followed by attorneys general, district attorneys, prosecutors, public defenders, and lawyers … when clearly they all knew better and could see the injustice and corruption of the court which denied constitutional rights and ignored the rule of law. There is no way to address Rule 1.6 which will not adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary.

The shame and unwillingness of the judiciary to take responsible action to correct the injustice of Rule 1.6 IS NOT ANY REASON FOR AMERICAN PEOPLE TO WAIT FOR THEIR RIGHTS. We have assembled a plan – a lawful plan which takes into account the public reaction and keeping the peace.

Rule 1.6 may explain why the judges and lawyers did nothing, however, it is not an acceptable excuse. An unconstitutional law is a nullity. They know that.

Rule 1.6 – Confidentiality of Information in The Rules of Professional Conduct enacted by the state supreme courts without the legislatures or the governors or any review of it’s unconstitutional impact.

Once Rule 1.6 is declared unconstitutional, The US Constitution will be in full force and authority once again. It always has been as Rule 1.6 is a nullity, but the courts and lawyers were following Rule 1.6 and enforcing Rule 1.6.

We did the responsible thing in the situation. We took the matter directly to the federal court and did not request more than was necessary. We did not extrapolate or attempt to assign blame or responsibility. We provided and presented facts and indicated the sources which would corroborate our facts. It would seem that the courts failed to recognize the responsibility and restraint in our documents and our approach.

Terance Healy and Todd Krautheim on behalf of the United States filed the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 and served it upon the fifty-six state attorneys general. As non-Lawyers, Healy & Krautheim’s filing was lawful and intended to restore their constitutional rights, to restore the integrity of the judiciary and the reputation of legal professionals, and to provide the Legislatures with their ability to perform their duties.

The Challenged was filed with the District court – the proper venue for a pre-emptive constitutional challenge where the court had jurisdiction. The Challenge was served upon the Attorneys General, with a concise Statement of their Claim of violation of the US Constitution. Each state Attorney General having the constitutional authority to enforce the federal court’s ruling within their state.

The Challenge of Rule 1.6 got ONE POINT SIX’D itself when a member of the Office of the Attorney General filed a late motion after the Attorney General of Pennsylvania had defaulted. Rule 1.6 does not allow the Attorney General to reveal information which would expose a liability and affect the Office of Attorney General. The federal court would sacrifice their integrity by failing to address the facts and dismissing the matter where dismissal was not proper in law or doctrine.

The Third Circuit affirmed the dismissal without signature, an while failing to address the issues and facts not reviewed on appeal. Any Hearing or Rehearing En BANC was denied without signatures of the court.

Now, the Challenge moves to the Supreme Court of The United States. The Challenge will be filed concurrently with the US Congress in an attempt to prevent the Supreme Court from sacrificing their integrity. We are fearful that the Supreme Court of the United States may be similarly mandated to conceal the matter and perpetuate the injustice and corruption. Where the Rule 1.6 loss of integrity has affected every court in the United States, Healy & Krautheim seek to allow SCOTUS to maintain at least a shred of their dignity by not requiring their participation in the matter further. Either way, the integrity of SCOTUS would be adversely affected by not granting certiori or by declaration that the law is unconstitutional.

Had Randall Henzes from the Office of the Attorney General not filed an improperly titled document; filing it LATE – after the default date had passed; without excuse or explanation; while failing to serve it upon the 55 other attorneys general while purporting to extend the due date for their Answer. Where the court would have been able to issue A DEFAULT RULING, Henzes’ motion required the court to write opinions/memoranda where the court’s integrity was further damaged on the record.

Fifty-five Attorneys General who did NOT file any response or appearance in federal court were prevented from DEFAULT in the matter. The Court ignored that the attorneys general had no notice, or awareness of the Request for Extension upon which to base any delay in responding.

Terance Healy, Todd Krautheim, the states Attorney Generals and the People of the United States (ALL OF THE PARTIES TO THE CHALLENGE) were denied the opportunity to present the issue to the government for resolution by the judiciary – who had caused the problem in the first place.

The Government has provided constant examples where the Constitution is being ignored. It is my sincere belief that there are people with integrity in the government who support our efforts in the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6

Every news story with a controversy or injustice is affected by Rule 1.6 – There is something being kept confidential. Often Lawyers hire lawyers to make sure that any of their liabilities are confidential… and mandated to be confidential.

Perhaps, Rule 1.6 will prevent them from speaking until it is declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


The following movies were released in theaters in 2014… The Injustice and corruption of the judiciary is exposed. We only needed to find the needle in the haystack of injustice to correct the crisis.
























The American Bar Association has undermined the United States Government. They have had a 30 year head start on me. I only found their method a year ago. Rule 1.6 – one single law in every state which undermines the entire American Government and everything we are supposed to stand for in this country.

The domestic terrorists have been identified… and they have undermined the government and infiltrated EVERY level of the government… and they have violated The People.

Their impact can be seen in the lawless accusations they make towards each other. A Congress which boldly accomplishes nothing. American Government so bogged down in the effort to keep the secret that they have been undermined and out of control for the last few decades.

Where such dramatics and political theater as a presidential blowjob was used to distract the people from discovering the federal government was being undermined as ONE ‘LAW’ had already been rolled out and enacted in almost 3/4 of the states.

Where every stupid and insipid and dopey news story contributed to the dumbing down of the american people. While complete morons dominated American television making everyone feel so superior and smarter than the folks they see on TV. The news programs ceased being about the facts. They were reading press releases until the arrival of overly biased analysts dividing the population with rhetoric and misinformation – SuperPundits so boldly ignorant and blind of the facts, they assigned labels to groups and unashamedly divided an uninformed nation. We accepted the excuse offered by the networks – the news divisions had been combined with the entertainment divisions and they were whores for ratings.

Where people in american courts have been denied the law and terrorized out of existence….
Where courts EXCUSED FRAUD and foreclosed on millions of peoples’ homes…
children sold to prisons where a judges received a kickback AND EVERY LAWYER KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT FOR YEARS…
Where an attorney general contracted creation of a public reports to a lawyer mandated to keep information confidential and mandated to further conceal any liability of the attorney general…
Where a governor contracted creation of a public report to a lawyer mandated to keep information confidential and mandated to further conceal the any liability of the governor.
The public trust of the American People has been violently and repeatedly raped.

Imagine the value of having a district attorney, attorney general, judge or governor in your organization which purports to help children.

Should someone in the organization be preying on the children, Rule 1.6 disables or prevents effective prosecution of their crimes and would cause a scandal – if and when ever revealed.

Children are placed at risk where Rule 1.6 would hinder prosecution and mandate a cover-up by the lawyers responsible for law enforcement and prosecution being active and directly involved in these organizations.

This is not speculative. It happened in the Jerry Sandusky case. These twisted and sociopathic lawyers without integrity… without respect for people… without respect for human dignity.
If you pay attention… They allow people to be victimized. They ignore it until it can be ignored no longer. Then, they arrive like the hero. AND ALWAYS SELF CONGRATULATE AND CELEBRATE THEMSELVES.

YOU MAY THINK THAT IS TWISTED… but it is so commonplace you can find new examples everyday.

The state appointed commission blamed the Kids For Cash scandal on the people of Luzerne County for not complaining, though they had complained and were ignored. That commission was lead by the same judge who ordered the suppression of information to the public regarding the prolonged investigation of Jerry Sandusky. AFTER THE CONVICTION. He also ordered the lawyers involved in the case to provide the names of every person who had viewed any of the evidence or documents related to the investigation. That Court Order sure as hell sounded like a hit list for a coverup.

When judges order people not to help the homeless. The actions of kindhearted and good people become criminal and they are prosecuted. This is happening all over the US.

The injustice and terror is happening to me. Personally. Today and every day for the last 8 years. And their is no escape without them being exposed. No relief except by going directly to their door. And each time before a judicial bench, the failure of court and the denial of justice was deliberate, demonstrated and void of explanation. An American denied their constitutional rights in American Courts is an unimagineable concept. Yet, the unimagineable was experienced and documented at every level of the courts.

It became necessary to determine why everyone in law enforcement thought their failure to take any action was lawful. The needle in the haystack of injustice was concealed nested multiple ways within the cross references and comments of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Rule 1.6 – Confidentiality of Information – An aggressively enforced silence in the face of judicial corruption and injustice.

The unconstitutional Rule 1.6 once removed would permit recovery from their terror. But, it won’t go quietly. The lawyers just won’t let it. Acting with integrity, the state attorneys general were denied their lawful ability to default and expose the unconstitutionality of Rule 1.6. Fifty-six Attorneys General were undermined in the federal courts and remained silent while the district court and the Third Circuit refused to review the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 and perpetuated their injustice against the litigants and the entire country.

The federal courts have made their intention very clear while failing to substantiate their decisions in law, doctrine or constitution. The federal courts have participated by deliberate stupidity. They have demonstrated that they have been undermined to the point where they have no authority and no jurisdiction to even attempt lawful action. ‘Judicial independence’ is managed by the Judicial Independence Department at the American Bar Association. I suppose that the name of the department would be ironic in itself, except it demonstrates the ABA arrogance.

The law is for the protection of the people… and the ABA believed they were/are the law while they undermined and usurped the judiciary, the legislatures, the US Constitution and the entire government.

One thing the American Bar Association failed to see.


The American Bar Association is NOT part of that deal. The PEOPLE only gave to the Government what it needed to govern. The Government promised to secure and protect the rights of the people.

The ABA is not a part of the American Government. They are a non-essential organization with no constitutional necessity. The ABA has no constitutional authority. The ABA is a trade organization for lawyers.

The American Bar Association has undermined, usurped and infiltrated the government through the judicial branch. Each state Supreme Court carelessly enacted the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct into ‘law’. Discretionary rules became lawful mandates and the law and rights of the people were aggressively attacked and denied without mercy. Judges acted witl clear intent and full knowledge of their abuse of power under color of law. The ABA’s controlled judiciary has proceeded to act in a very unconstitutional manner overreaching their authority and ignoring, concealing and continuing their violation of the public trust.

The lawyers in the Congress were somehow convinced that ignoring the overthrow of the judicial branch was in the best interest of the People AND were additionally mandated to confidentiality by Rule 1.6. The lawyers in Congress further convinced the non-Lawyers in Congress to ignore what had to be an obvious problem – their jobs were empty. They did nothing. Even when shut down, the country did not fall. Could it be possible that those government shut downs were threats to the Congress to ‘play along’ or the government will fall. Oversimplification, maybe. Think Occum’s razor.

So let’s go THERE. Take notice of how the sedition and treason of the United States was ignored, concealed and further enabled.

The US Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush as President. A court which had been usurped and undermined and controlled, while lacking judicial independence, succumbed to the threat of exposure. They appointed the son of the President who was in office while Rule 1.6 was being rolled out and enacted in each state. George H. W. Bush, the former head of the CIA who had indicated that “the Constitution is just a god damned piece of paper.”

The People survived that incompetent presidency and ELECTED the next president who has been prevented from effective efforts by a Congress which refuses to cooperate or do anything – and a judiciary who believes they can do absolutely anything they like.


Reboot the United States under it’s existing Constitution but without the unconstitutional Rule 1.6 – unconstitutional in every place where it was ever improperly enacted, followed and enforced – by professionals who knew what they were doing was wrong – morally, ethically, constitutionally.

Rule 1.6 is a nullity repugnant to the United States Constitution which remains the supreme law of the United States of America.


This information has already been provided to the US Senate.


The constitutional authority of the sheriffs must be used to maintain order while the government re-establishes the justice system. The sheriff has the authority, the resources available and the staff to accomplish this responsibility. The sheriff may also expand his organization as needed by calling for the assistance of local and state police to assist in maintaining order.

Any suggestion that the sheriff lacks constitutional authority in this instance is incorrect. It is necessary to recognize that the courts – judges and lawyers undermined by the American Bar Association – were responsible for convincing the sheriffs of their diminished role and authority. A deliberate and intentional fraud to enable and permit the corruption and injustice to continue.

As the only non-lawyer with authority in law enforcement, the Sheriff as Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the county is essential to the non-violent restoration of the government.

Authority of the Sheriff pre-dates the state constitutions, as such their authority is broad and absolute and includes all areas of law enforcement. It is only by specific direction by the Legislature within a law or statute that the authority of the sheriff can be removed or excluded from law enforcement responsibilities.

I have presented the problem, the cause, the organization responsible, their motivation, their corruption, their sedition and treason, their crimes, their efforts to evade detection, their efforts to avoid prosecution, their theft of property, their lack of empathy or mercy, their efforts to undermine an entire society.

When presented with the evidence which would become their undoing, the arrogant and defiant demonstration of their usurpation of power and authority and corrupting influence on the federal judiciary to subvert and to obstruct the authority of the United States Constitution.


The American Bar Association has taken control of everything. Their actions to misdirect and perpetrate artificial conspiracy theories to distract and prevent their exposure… ALL EVIDENCE now that Rule 1.6 provides an explanation and a reason for the lawless of the American Government and the American Courts.

When you view the actions of the American Government for the last 25 years through the Rule 1.6 filter… Every stupid action, every injustice, every corruption, every scandal, every unfathomable court decision done without authority, morals, ethics, civility, humanity… Every unconstitutional and lawless act. All violations against people’s rights and dignity, which distracted an apathetic population from the conspiracy of the American Bar Association.

Perhaps distracted by prosperity during the 80’s, in the 90’s while an entire country was distracted by stains on an interns dress, which honestly should not have been headline news, the coup had been silently accomplished. Civil rights were being denied. Constitutional rights were being denied. Human rights were being denied.

And no one could explain it. Because the lawyers mandated SILENCE under Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.

Once the unconstitutional Rule 1.6 was exposed, the lawyers and the state and federal judiciary had a responsibility to address it and take immediate action against a law which could no longer require their silent participation. The Mandate of Confidentiality was removed where educated and informed legal professionals who had witnessed the unconstitutional results knew the ‘law’ to be a nullity, without any effect.

As part of the REBOOT, there should be no authority outside of the Legislature to make law unless expressly granted by the legislature. The judiciary has demonstrated their failure to take responsible action when their abuse of power and authority was raised in their own courts.

The founding fathers expressed great concerns about the potential for abuse of power within the judicial branch… there was no shame in trusting.

The SUPREME COURT has clearly tried to have the People recognize their lack of judicial independence for quite some time. Their bold and obvious decisions which lacked any basis in the law and exceeded their authority defined in the constitution. Could there have been a more BLATANT CRY FOR HELP AND ATTENTION than the Supreme Court’s preposterous decisions indicating Corporations were people… and have the right to freedom of religion. Such was the level of public trust placed in the courts, that their corruption and injustice was ignored.

Rightfully so. But, not ever again.


Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information mandates injustice, fraud, conspiracy and corruption.
It requires the sacrifice of integrity, ethics and morality and contributes to a destruction of dignity.

The victim does not have to follow the Rule. However, they must deal with the fact that the denial of constitutional rights, civil rights, and human rights is being committed by lawyers, judges, district attorneys, attorneys general, prosecutors, public defenders.

Their actions defy explanation – as any explanation is prevented by the mandate of confidentiality which if breached is promptly addressed by an aggressive disciplinary proceeding which can result in sanctions, suspension or disbarrment.

Imagine placing your career on the line everday. Where if you reveal a truth, your career is over, and your ability to work in the future can be denied and prevented… BECAUSE YOU TOLD THE TRUTH.

Though under threat, the lawyers, judges, district attorneys, attorneys general, prosecutors, public defenders are NOT the victims. They are under threat from EACH OTHER and are thus compelled to prevent and deny constitutional rights, civil rights, human rights and any protection of the law from the victim.

… being bullied by his friends because he has not been able to get you to kill yourself.

The terror continues unstoppable and inescapable against the victims who dare to survive and persevere through the destruction and annihilation of their lives while every attempt to address the injustice and lawlessness is ignored.

Their self-respect, integrity and dignity remains in spiteful defiance. Something which is akin to waving a red cape in front of a bull. They abandoned their ethics and morality which they conceal behind empty words and false adulation.

Lawyers, judges, district attorneys, attorneys general, prosecutors, public defenders…

What the fuck is wrong with you?