
Don’t say you were not informed. Where Republicans are continuing to block the web site, that doesn’t seem very productive. There’s quite a bit of information they are ignoring.

You would have to wonder how they expect someone made homeless and destitute would be able to write, respond, and send hundreds of letters, emails, faxes and tweets and all that litigation paperwork.

Annihilate the target. They failed at obtaining my suicide… EPIC FAILURE.

President Barack Obama

Senator Patrick Toomey
Senator Robert P. Casey

Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama
Governor Sean Parnell of Alaska (Puget Sound School of Law)
Governor Mike Beebe of Arkansas (University of Arkansas)
Governor Lolo Letalu Matalasi Moliga
Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona
Governor Jerry Brown of California (Yale)
Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado
Governor Dan Malloy of Connecticut (Boston College)
Governor Jack Markell of Delaware
Governor Rick Scott of Florida (Southern Methodist University)
Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia (Walter F. George School of Law)
Governor Eddie Baza Calvo of Guam
Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii
Governor C.L. Butch Otter of Idaho
Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois (Northwestern University)
Governor Mike Pence of Indiana (Indiana University)
Governor Terry Branstad of Iowa
Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas (University of Kansas)
Governor Steven L. Beshear of Kentucky (University of Kentucky)
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana
Governor Paul LePage of Maine
Governor Martin O’Malley of Maryland
Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts (Harvard)
Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan (University of Michigan)
Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota
Governor Phil Bryant of Mississippi
Governor Jeremiah W. Nixon of Missouri (University of Missouri)
Governor Steve Bullock of Montana (Columbia University)
Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska
Governor Bruce Sandoval of Nevada ( )
Governor Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire (Northeastern School of Law)
Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey (Seton Hall University)
Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico ( )
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York (Albany Law School)
Governor Pat McCrory of North Carolina
Governor Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota
Governor Eloy Inos of Northern Mariana Islands
Governor John Kasich of Ohio
Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma
Governor John Kitzhaber of Oregon
Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania (St Mary’s University School of Law)
Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla of Puerto Rico (Interamerican University)
Governor Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island
Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina
Governor Denis Daugaard of South Dakota (Northwestern University)
Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee
Governor Rick Perry of Texas
Governor Gary Herbert of Utah
Governor Peter Shumlin of Vermont
Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia (Georgetown Law School)
Governor John deJongh, Jr of the US Virgin Islands
Governor Jay Inslee of Washington (Willamette University)
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin of West Virginia
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin
Governor Matt Mead of Wyoming (University of Wyoming)

United States Senators
Richard Shelby – Alabama
Jeff Sessions – Alabama
Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Mark Begich – Alaska
John McCain – Arizona
Jeff Flake – Arizona
Mark Pryor – Arkansas
John Boozman – Arkansas
Dianne Feinstein – California
Barbara Boxer – California
Mark Udall – Colorado
Michael Bennet – Colorado
Richard Blumenthal – Connecticut
Chris Murphy – Connecticut
Tom Carper – Delaware
Chris Coons – Delaware
Bill Nelson – Florida
Marco Rubio – Florida
Saxby Chambliss – Georgia
Johnny Isakson – Georgia
Brian Schatz – Hawaii
Mazie Hirono – Hawaii
Mike Crapo – Idaho
Jim Risch – Idaho
Dick Durbin – Illinois
Mark Kirk – Illinois
Dan Coats – Indiana
Joe Donnelly – Indiana
Chuck Grassley – Iowa
Tom Harkin – Iowa
Pat Roberts – Kansas
Jerry Moran – Kansas
Mitch McConnell – Kentucky
Rand Paul – Kentucky
Mary Landrieu – Louisiana
David Vitter – Louisiana
Susan Collins – Maine
Angus King – Maine
Barbara Mikulski – Maryland
Ben Cardin – Maryland
Elizabeth Warren – Massachusetts
Ed Markey – Massachusetts
Carl Levin – Michigan
Debbie Stabenow – Michigan
Amy Klobuchar – Minnesota
Al Franken – Minnesota
Thad Cochran – Mississippi
Roger Wicker – Mississippi
Claire McCaskill – Missouri
Roy Blunt – Missouri
Jon Tester – Montana
John Walsh – Montana
Mike Johanns – Nebraska
Deb Fischer – Nebraska
Harry Reid – Nevada
Dean Heller – Nevada
Jeanne Shaheen – New Hampshire
Kelly Ayotte – New Hampshire
Bob Menendez – New Jersey
Cory Booker – New Jersey
Tom Udall – New Mexico
Martin Heinrich – New Mexico
Chuck Schumer – New York
Kirsten Gillibrand – New York
Richard Burr – North Carolina
Kay Hagan – North Carolina
John Hoeven – North Dakota
Heidi Heitkamp – North Dakota
Sherrod Brown – Ohio
Rob Portman – Ohio
Jim Inhofe – Oklahoma
Tom Coburn – Oklahoma
Ron Wyden – Oregon
Jeff Merkley – Oregon
Bob Casey, Jr. – Pennsylvania
Pat Toomey – Pennsylvania
Jack Reed – Rhode Island
Sheldon Whitehouse – Rhode Island
Lindsey Graham – South Carolina
Tim Scott – South Carolina
Tim Johnson – South Dakota
John Thune – South Dakota
Lamar Alexander – Tennessee
Bob Corker – Tennessee
John Cornyn – Texas
Ted Cruz – Texas
Orrin Hatch – Utah
Mike Lee – Utah
Patrick Leahy – Vermont
Bernie Sanders – Vermont
Mark Warner – Virginia
Tim Kaine – Virginia
Patty Murray – Washington
Maria Cantwell – Washington
Jay Rockefeller – West Virginia
Joe Manchin – West Virginia
Ron Johnson – Wisconsin
Tammy Baldwin – Wisconsin
Mike Enzi – Wyoming
John Barrasso – Wyoming

Patrick Leahy
Diane Feinstein
Charles Schumer
Dick Durbin
Sheldon Whitehouse
Amy Klobuchar
Al Franken
Christopher Coons
Richerd Blumenthal
Mazie Hirono
CHuck Grassley
Orrin Hatch
Jeff Sessions
Lindsey Graham
John Cornyn
Mike Lee
Ted Cruz
Jeff Flake

Bob Goodlatte
F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
Howard Coble
Lamar Smith
Steve Chabot
Spencer Bachus
Darrell Issa
J. Randy Forbes
Steve King
Trent Franks
Louie Gohmert
Jim Jordan
Ted Poe
Jason Chaffetz
Thomas Marino
Trey Gowdy
Raul Labrador
Blake Farenthold
George Holding
Doug Collins
Ron DeSantis
John Conyers, Jr.
Jerrold Nadler
Bobby Scott
Zoe Lofgren
Sheila Jackson Lee
Steve Cohen
Hank Johnson
Pedro Pierluisi
Judy Chu
Ted Deutch
Luis V. Gutierrez
Karen Bass
Cedric Richmond
Suzan K. DelBene
Joe Garcia
Hakeem Jeffries
David Cicilline

United States House of Representatives (Pennsylvania)
Robert Brady
Chaka Fattah
Mike Kelly
Scott Perry
Glenn W. Thompson
Jim Gerlach
Pat Meehan
Michael Fitzpatrick
Bill Shuster
Tom Marino
Lou Barletta
Keith Rothfus
Allyson Schwartz
Mike Doyle
Charles Dent
Joseph Pitts
Matthew Cartright
Tim Murphy

Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Stewart Greenleaf, Chariman
John. C. Rafferty, Jr.
Joseph B. Scarnati, III
Richard L. Alloway, II
John H. Eichelberger, Jr.
John R. Gordner
Dominic Pileggi
Randy Vulakovich
Gene Yaw
Daylin Leach
Lisa M. Boscola
Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr.
Wayne D. Fontana
Michael J. Stack




July 30, 2014

United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20510

Robert Brady, Chaka Fattah, Mike Kelly, Scott Perry, Glenn W. Thompson, Jim Gerlach, Pat Meehan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Bill Shuster, Tom Marino, Lou Barletta, Keith Rothfus, Allyson Schwartz, Mike Doyle, Charles Dent, Joseph Pitts, Matthew Cartright, Tim Murphy
For Distribution to all members.

Dear Congressmen/Congresswomen,

Please permit us to present a document sent to President Barack Obama which has national impact relating to the judiciary. The situation has evolved to where it defies any corrective action by the judiciary.

In August 2013, a Constitutional Challenge to Rule 1.6 was filed and served upon the Attorney General for every state, fifty six in all, to address a law enacted by the state supreme courts without benefit of the state legislature or the signature of any governor. The unconstitutional aspects were not taken into consideration during construction of the law.

Every state attorney general failed to respond to the summons and challenge by the deadline, yet the district court refused to accept or acknowledge their deliberate default action. The Challenge was concealed and then dismissed based on unsubstantiated doctrine and fictional misinformation. That decision only served to harm the integrity of the court. The very integrity which the Challenge had sought to restore while re-securing the constitutional rights of all Americans.

The national foreclosure crisis is an example of Rule 1.6 confidentiality undermining the judiciary and removing people from their homes based on fraudulent and robo-signed documentation. Pennsylvania’s Kids for Cash scandal demonstrated Rule 1.6 even more cleanly.

The judiciary is mandated to follow the very law which is being challenged and to protect the integrity of the court by sacrificing the integrity of the court. A seriously flawed logic which prevents lawyers and law enforcement from addressing judicial corruption and injustice within the state and federal judicial system. The federal courts follow the local (state) Rules of Professional Conduct where Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information is an indirect law which undermines the government and trumps EVERY law including the US Constitution.

Addressing the injustice of Rule 1.6 is an inevitability. Facing it responsibly will affect the public reaction to this realization. We ask your involvement, or where your direct action is ‘unlawful’, whatever assistance of support and resources which will permit us to succeed for the betterment of the nation in the best interests of every American.

We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the issue in further detail.


Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim


July 31, 2014

Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Stewart Greenleaf, Chariman
Harrisburg, PA

Committee Members
John. C. Rafferty, Jr., Joseph B. Scarnati, III, Richard L. Alloway, II, John H. Eichelberger, Jr., John R. Gordner, Dominic Pileggi, Randy Vulakovich, Gene Yaw, Daylin Leach, Lisa M. Boscola, Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr., Wayne D. Fontana, Michael J. Stack

For Distribution to all members and all Senators and Representatives.


Please permit us to present a document sent to President Barack Obama which has national impact relating to the judiciary. The situation has evolved to where it defies any corrective action by the judiciary. Since 2013, Senator McIlhinney had been informed and holding meetings with us on this issue.

In August 2013, a Constitutional Challenge to Rule 1.6 was filed and served upon the Attorney General for every state, fifty six in all, to address a law enacted by the state supreme courts without benefit of the state legislature or the signature of any governor. The unconstitutional aspects were not taken into consideration during construction of the law.

Every state attorney general failed to respond to the summons and challenge by the deadline, yet the district court refused to accept or acknowledge their deliberate default action. The Challenge was concealed and then dismissed based on unsubstantiated doctrine and fictional misinformation. That decision only served to harm the integrity of the court. The very integrity which the Challenge had sought to restore while re-securing the constitutional rights of all Americans.

The national foreclosure crisis is an example of Rule 1.6 confidentiality undermining the judiciary and removing people from their homes based on fraudulent and robo-signed documentation. Pennsylvania’s Kids for Cash scandal demonstrated Rule 1.6 even more cleanly.

The judiciary is mandated to follow the very law which is being challenged and to protect the integrity of the court by sacrificing the integrity of the court. A seriously flawed logic which prevents lawyers and law enforcement from addressing judicial corruption and injustice within the state and federal judicial system. The federal courts follow the local (state) Rules of Professional Conduct where Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information is an indirect law which undermines the government and trumps EVERY law including the US Constitution.

Addressing the injustice of Rule 1.6 is an inevitability. Facing it responsibly will affect the public reaction to this realization. We ask your involvement, or where your direct action is ‘unlawful’, whatever assistance of support and resources which will permit us to succeed for the betterment of the nation in the best interests of every American.

We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the issue in further detail.


Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim