
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has demonstrated their tactics which while preventing the matter from going before any judges rules without any court appearances AND affirms that ruling by every judge in the Third Circuit.

The thing is that no judge signs anything in the Third Circuit. Yet, one must play along to the point of foolishness pretending.

– even when the attorneys general have indicated they were told not to participate.
– even though no order is ever signed
– even though the clerk of courts never provides the briefs to the judges
– even though the US Marshalls are watching the case
– even though the rulings are not based on facts (there’s been no hearings so everything has to be on the paper.)
– even though the technology demonstrates the clerk of courts misdirection

The evidence that the matter never went before any judge for review is clear. The fact that they think people are stupid and that the court persists in this disrespect is aggravating.

What’s wrong with these people? So afraid of facts? So afraid of justice? So afraid that they cannot substantiate their decisions based on the facts of the case THAT THEY MAKE UP STUFF and rule based on that.

The incomprehensible injustice of the American Court system.

Pray you never learn this fact first-hand.

So the matetr is off to SCOTUS, BUT with the knowledge that SCOTUS would never acknowledge that the United States Judiciary has been undermined by the American Bar Association in every state and given the full power to attack and destroy it’s critics.

Remember how many years Nelson mandela spent in prison. It was the South African Courts whichn put him in jail. It was the South African Courts which jailed it’s critics.

It is the South African Constitution that saw to it that the Judicial Branch of their Government would not have that power to undermine justice in South Africa ever again.

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