Civil Docketing Statement 900 EDA 2014

Table Of Contents

Civil Docketing Statement 900 EDA 2014
Civil Docketing Statement ( 2 Pages )
Appeal from Order of March 4, 2014 ( 1 Pages )
Description of Appeal ( 3 Pages )
Concise Statement – Weilheimer ( 5 Pages )
Docket 2013-29976 ( 3 pages )


Previous Pending Appeals

Concise Statement – Page ( 25 Pages )
– Concise Statement
– Appeal filed August 15, 2011
– Concise Statement – September 15, 2011

Court Record, Documents, Transcripts and Exhibits have NOT been forwarded to Superior Court.


Concise Statement – Carluccio (7 pages)

Court Record, Documents, Transcripts and Exhibits have NOT been prepared or forwarded to Superior Court.


Previous Pending Appeals

Concise Statement – Page (25 pages)
– Concise Statement
– Prior Appeal filed August 15, 2011
– Previous Concise Statement – September 15, 2011

Court Record, Documents, Transcripts and Exhibits have NOT been forwarded to Superior Court.


Previous Pending Appeals

Concise Statement – Carluccio (7 pages)