
IT IS LAW. Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information.

A lawyer has an obligation to maintain confidentiality where information
– would affect the integrity of the judiciary, or
– would reveal the misconduct of their own office, or
– would expose individual liability, or
– would negatively impact their client.

When a lawyer hires a lawyer to represent him, that lawyer must maintain confidentiality where information
– would affect the integrity of the judiciary, or
– would reveal the misconduct of their own office, or
– would expose individual liability, or
– would negatively impact their client.

Government lawyers are unsure of WHO their client even is…
– Public
– Government as a whole
– Branch of government in which employed
– Particular agency or department
– Responsible officers who make decisions with an agency or department.

THE LAW MANDATES CONFIDENTIALITY FOR THE CLIENT – even when you have no idea who your client is, or may be, or might be, or will be.

3535Along comes Attorney General Kathleen Kane ending an investigation and saying nothing. CONFIDENTIALITY – mandated by LAW.

Along comes Kathleen Kane with a lawyer to visit the Philly newspapers and saying nothing. CONFIDENTIALITY – mandated by LAW.

Read the accusations by other lawyers who know what she cannot say and speculating. Those lawyers know very well that Kathleen Kane BY LAW must not say anything. But they can speculate all they want.

Chris Christie Gives Speech On Financial Integrity And Accountability In DCNJ Governor Chris Christie releases a report on BRIDGEgate through his lawyer.

Christie must do that to protect the state, the governor’s office, he can’t say anything. IT’s THE LAW.

So Chris Christie hires a lawyer, who must protect the client, and the lawyer says nothing. He can’t say anything. IT’s THE LAW.

Aside from the political games being played in full view of the entire country, the Rule 1.6 game plays out in every level of courts every day. It denies and obstructs justice to litigants when the lawyers and the courts must take every action to maintain confidentiality of the corruption and the injustice in the United States Courts.

The law becomes clearly unconstitutional when it denies rights and privileges guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

The lawyers can’t fix it because they would violate the LAW.

The courts can’t fix it because it would violate the LAW.

The legislature can’t fix it because it would violate the LAW.


The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 is in the Federal Courts – Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Filed and served upon every state which is following the same ‘law’ which demands the unconstitutional denial of the rights of litigants to protect a system which has self destructed protecting the integrity of a judiciary which lacked integrity, concealing the misconduct of lawyers, hiding the individual liability of lawyers and law enforcement who are prevented from their responsibilities because of a ‘law’ buried in the Rules of Professional Conduct.

And then there are the media lawyers who have informed the news media to ignore the story.

The American Bar Association, the author of the ‘law”, has undermined and corrupted the judiciary of the entire United States… and they hide from the two pro se litigants who proved the ABA’s conspiracy and mandate of silence in the name of integrity. You cannot encourage integrity by a mandate which sacrifices integrity. JUSTICE IS COMING.