
Where Kathleen Kane appropriately invoked the Rules of Professional Conduct in removing herself from the DOMA Constitutional Challenge in Pennsylvania, that option is not available as the matter before this Court is the constitutionality of the Rules of Professional Conduct specifically Rule 1.6.

Were Attorney General Kane to invoke the Rules of Professional Conduct to remove herself from this matter,
– she would demonstrate the plaintiff’s allegation that the law is preventing their rights; (Rule 1.6)
– further exposing her actions are preventing the plaintiff’s constitutional rights; (Rule 1.6)
– further exposing her client for the improper, unlawful and unconstitutional denial of their rights, (Rule 1.6) and
– further exposing the Supreme Court of enacting an unconstitutional law which denied and prevented (Rule 1.6)
The Rules of Professional Conduct prevent her from removing herself from the matter.


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