
Terance Healy and Todd M. Krautheim have filed a Constitutional Challenge with the Attorneys General of the United States regarding Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Rules of Professional Conduct as the rule causes the complete denial of constitutionally protected rights while subverting justice and corrupting the integrity of the judiciary.

Minute_Man_Statue_Lexington_Massachusetts_cropped15Healy and Krautheim seek a determination that the state law is unconstitutional which will restore their rights in the state, and restore the integrity of the judiciary and the reputation of professionals involved in the process and enforcement of law.

A finding of ‘unconstitutional’ will permit the state to address litigants with their civil rights in full force and effect without a ‘lawful’ mandate which denies law, obstructs justice and negatively affects the integrity of the courts.

Their cases in the state courts are presented as evidence of the denial of rights. Healy and Krautheim do not seek this courts direct involvment or action regarding decisions in those matters.

Healy and Krautheim act ‘in the name of the United States’ to challenge the same law in place in every state.

The Motivation and the Deliberate Intent of Rule 1.6