
Sheriff Eileen Behr
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA 19404

Sheriff Behr,

Please accept and review the attached letter to Gary Kline about an experience at the Domestic Relations Office on November 7, 2013. County Deputies continue to act on false information from Court personnel.

This issue in the DRO was addressed with Corporal Kohl yesterday. This circumstance was pointed out to he and Corporal Haas years ago. your deputies have recognized that it is the County Personnel who are acting to deny access to the court, to harass, deter and prevent information from being available. The County Personnel are misinforming and using your staff to hinder, undermine and threaten my efforts and my freedom.

I take my freedom and my liberty seriously. The survival of my experience since 2007 in the Courthouse has documented and exposed the criminal sedition of the Pennsylvania Government by judges and lawyers who are unable to address or correct their damage. I have raised the matter in the Federal Courts for myself and on behalf of those who have not survived, baited into jail, forced into homelessness, drugs, isolation and suicide.

The criminal fraudulent conveyance of my home has been documented and proven, yet there has been no action. i remain homeless. Denied access to the District Court by Court Administration. prevented from hearings by Court Administration. Why am I still homeless while the crime is ignored and my home is occupied by people without a valid title to the property. if someone stole a car or a wallet, THAT would have been returned and the crime addressed.

The criminal fraud provided to domestic Relations Office is being ignored. In the past they have denied my rights falsely indicating paperwork was not properly provided to them and served. Their own records demonstrate the files have been deleted. My file is marked CONFIDENTIAL and not available for review.

I remain homeless and destitute and continue to be terrorized and threatened by the harassment and intrusions into my life. I again request your intervention and support. Thank you as always for the professionalism of your deputies.


Terance Healy

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