
The Certificate of Service for the initial pleading was filed upon completion of service to ALL 56 Attorneys General.

The document was filed in person at the US District Court in Philadelphia as plaintiffs have not yet been granted permission to file electronically.

The document demonstrates service, delivery and receipt of the initial pleading by each Attorney General.

Initial Pleading Cerificate of Service


As of September 4, 2013, the USPS reports that ALL Attorneys General have received and signed for the certified documents relating to the Constitutional Challenge.

The first was the first state – Delaware.
The last was the farthest – American Samoa.

[gview file=”http://work2bdone.com/live/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/0019.pdf”]

0019 Pennsylvania
0026 Alabama
0033 Alaska
0040 American Samoa
0057 Arizona
0064 Arkansas
0071 California
0088 Colorado
0095 Connecticutt
0101 Delaware
0118 District of Columbia
0125 Florida
0132 Georgia
0149 Guam
0156 Hawaii
0163 Idaho
0170 Illinois
0187 Indiana
0194 Iowa
0200 Kansas
0217 Kentucky
0224 Louisiana
0231 Maine
0248 Maryland
0255 Massachusetts
0262 Michigan
0279 Minnesota
0286 Mississippi
0293 Missouri
0309 Montana
0316 Nebraska
0323 Nevada
0330 New Hampshire
0347 New Jersey
0354 New Mexico
0361 New York
0378 North Carolina
0385 North Dakota
0392 Northern Mariana Islands
0408 Ohio
0415 Oklahoma
0422 Oregon
0439 Puerto Rico
0446 Rhode Island
0453 South Carolina
0460 South Dakota
0477 Tennessee
0484 Texas
0491 Utah
0507 Vermont
0514 Virgin Islands
0521 Virginia
0538 Washington
0545 West Virginia
0552 Wisconsin
0569 Wyoming


The Challenge does not insist on the belief that it is an adversarial challenge.

There is no reason to believe that the State Attorneys General will not want the reintroduction of the integrity of the judiciary, the return to the legislature of their ability to do their job, and the restoration of the rights of every citizen.

Perhaps I am idealized into believing that not all government officials want injustice to persist. I assure you any response which does not wish this to happen will be met with the simple question.


UPDATE: October 29, 2013. Genuine Title has failed to respond to a subpoena for the documents used in the fraudulent conveyance of my home.

If Genuine Title participated in a fraudulent transaction concerning your home. Contact the authorities, and let me know. Considering fraudulent documents seem to get a free pass and suddenly disappaear even when submitted as evidence in hearings, and then fail to show up in the Superior Court when ordered to be produced… The ability of lawyers and judges to hide each others ‘misconduct’ seems to have no boundaries.

It will now be necessary to issue Federal Court Orders to produce the documents relating to the fraudulent sale of my home. There must be some very interesting frauds to be found. The participation in it seems to have been done with great enthusiasm.

And considering that a lawyer by the name of Valerie Angst, aka Valerie Rosenbluth, aka Valerie Park among other combos of the names almost exclusively dealt with foreclosures prior to 2007 when she began Healy v Healy… It would seem she knows how to manipulate other areas of misconduct… and how to conceal her fraudulent paper trail.

Quoting Terance Healy :


Produce the court orders you allege authorized the fraudulent conveyance of my home. Were they authorized by the real estate connected Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio?

Did the orders also indicate to NEVER permit me to discover their existence or content?


Produce the documents. if they exist.


Quoting Terance Healy :
Right, Jay. You didn’t say that first though.

Please provide copies of the file. Otherwise, I will obtain the information by subpeonas and seek federal investigation and depositions of everyone in your company relating to the fraudulent sale of my home – which will also question any involvement in other transactions where peoples homes were stolen out from under them without due process in violation of their federally protected constitutional rights.


Quoting Jay Zukerberg :

The check was for a recording overage that’s all.

Sent from my iPhone

Quoting Terance Healy On Sep 3, 2013, at 5:21 PM1:

Your failure to produce the court order, and failure to file the court order, and failure to follow the court order is yet another indication of your participation in the fraudulent conveyance of my home.

A judge will not be worried about your position or lack of proper paperwork. See attached Federal Civil Action.

Your failure to explain the check makes your fraud appear intentional. Or do you have a court order telling you to issue the check also?


Quoting Jay Zukerberg :

Sir you will need to go through the courts as we went off the courts instructions as well. There is nothing the title company can do. If the court order was fraud then you will need to talk to the judge.

Sent from my iPhone

Quoting Terance Healy On Sep 3, 2013, at 3:55 PM wrote:

Your continued failure to respond in any form indicates willful participation in the fraudulent conveyance of my home.

Quoting terance@work2bdone.com:
I am in receipt of a check for $ 159.50 and have no clue as to why It was sent to me.

I have not sold my home at 110 Banbury Avenue, North Wales, PA 19454

I have not had any dealings with Genuine Title except to inform you 2 years ago that you participated in the fraudulent conveyance of my home. At that time, I waited for a call back from Jodi. It never came.

I called earlier this week, and again no one – not even Jodi – called back.

The transfer of the deed to the property has been confirmed to be defective by the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds and represents a fraudulent conveyance for the following reasons:
– Fraud. A person represents that they are the true owner of the land, but they are not.
– Forgery. A person has given a forged deed.
– A Bad Power of Attorney. A person claims to have power of attorney but does not have the legal authority to act for another person; the power of attorney is invalid; the power of attorney is not properly executed or notarized.
– Misrepresentation of marital status.
– Undue Influence.
– Mistakes were made recording legal documents.
– Falsified title records.
– Representations on legal documents are invalid or incorrect

I have begun legal proceedings to have the people trespassing in my house removed. Could this be why you sent me a check for $159.50? So that it would appear (If I were to cash it.) as though I was a party to the transaction.

I assure you I wasn’t. The real estate agent at Keller Williams, Chris Grucella, also participated in the fraud and was fully aware of the crime being committed. Her manager also prevented me from knowing any information about the sale. Documents were filed in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas which clearly demonstrate the deliberate criminal and fraudulent activity. Docket #2007-12477

Instead of sending me bogus checks, I would appreciate copies of all paperwork involved in the transaction immediately.

Thank you,

Terance Healy
c/o 871 Mustang Road
Warrington, PA 18976

jay@genuinetitleinc.com, sbondroff@genuinetitleinc.com, afink@genuinetitleinc.com, cdavis@genuinetitleinc.com, critter@genuinetitleinc.com, kblackburn@genuinetitleinc.com, dpfister@genuinetitleinc.com, mpiezonki@genuinetitleinc.com, kminter@genuinetitleinc.com, rsmith@genuinetitleinc.com, scook@genuinetitleinc.com, bkool@genuinetitleinc.com, jnemtsev@genuinetitleinc.com, gwetherson@genuinetitleinc.com, hneal@genuinetitleinc.com, mrothenberger@genuinetitleinc.com, mwolfe@genuinetitleinc.com, dobrien@genuinetitleinc.com, klewis@genuinetitleinc.com, rlawton@genuinetitleinc.com, creno@genuinetitleinc.com, jodi@genuinetitleinc.com, chertsch@genuinetitleinc.com, emaildocs@genuinetitleinc.com, alisona@genuinetitleinc.com, jgelman@genuinetitleinc.com, ccook@genuinetitleinc.com, cmilstread@genuinetitleinc.com, agregory@genuinetitleinc.com, mduncan@genuinetitleinc.com, aross@genuinetitleinc.com, amcdonald@genuinetitleinc.com, mcaputo@genuinetitleinc.com, ktesterman@genuinetitleinc.com, msalkin@genuinetitleinc.com, bwolfe@genuinetitleinc.com, tstright@genuinetitleinc.com, nwhite@genuinetitleinc.com, jayl@genuinetitleinc.com, aloeffel@genuinetitleinc.com, tmowrey@genuinetitleinc.com, psidle@genuinetitleinc.co, jbach@genuinetitleinc.com, bglickstein@genuinetitleinc.com, afiorani@genuinetitleinc.com, jcassell@genuinetitleinc.com