
I have been asked what will happen if the Federal Court grants Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s Motion to Dismiss.

The answer. Appeal.

Which continues in front of another Federal court. SCOTUS?

Rule 1.6 is a parasite that feeds on the integrity of the court. It craves the higher court. It fears only one thing – exposure.

So much effort is placed in concealing it’s existence. The smokescreen of the way it is written. The ridiculous notion that keeping lies a secret builds trust between lawyer and client. It’s even called CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION. Clearly, Rule 1.6 wants to be unknown.

There is only one method which prevents Rule 1.6 from consuming the integrity of the court.

In my case, it spread through 18 judges in Montgomery County. Only one (1) judge in my case in Montgomery County suffered no loss of integrity. He was also the one best positioned to KNOW what occurs when Rule 1.6 is involved in a matter.


He was the only one who did NOT make it worse. No better. But uniquely, Judge Haaz is the only one who did not make it worse. Which was the best move for everyone involved. He suffered no loss of integrity – because he did not hold the hearing; he did not respond to letters; he ignored the case.

I keep thinking “First, do no further harm” best describes Judge Haaz handling of the case. Immediately. When the criteria for RULE 1.6 were presented in his court, Judge Haaz did nothing. The best he could do in the situation.

Judge Bertin did not go willingly into the corruption of my case. He could not make things better. Rule 1.6 prevents it.

Judge Carluccio delighted in the malice and destruction. Her intent was clear – suicide. When I could not oblige, the case was prevented from the Superior Court. A temporary situation waiting for the target to … go away.

Judge Page thought he had integrity, even after being warned that each judge had sacrificed their integrity to protect the integrity of the prior judges. Ironically, his was the fastest, most informed and most blatantly visible loss of integrity.

The integrity of the Superior Court was about to be served. Salvaging the integrity of the Superior Court, and the Supreme Court of PA which was next could only be accomplished in a Federal Court with jurisdiction, standing and a cause for relief etc… no divorces… Yes, we had a constitutional complaint as soon as we find the law that caused everything. Rule 1.6 was clearly responsible.

Rule 1.6 is NOT a good thing. Look what it does to good people. Judicial integrity, ethics, morals sacrificed to conceal the injustice cause by Rule 1.6. No redeeming qualities. Rule 1.6 could cause a holocaust and avoid exposure. Kids for Cash in Luzerne County comes immediately to mind.

The only way to bring mandatory lawful injustice to an end is to face it as a nation. The current Attorneys General have the opportunity to act lawfully to address the situation. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 1.6, THEY TAKE NO ACTION WHICH REVEALS MISCONDUCT AND CORRUPTION.

The recent decision and order by Judge Thomas O’Neill demonstrates an understanding of the situation. Yes, I noticed. Well played, your Honor.

When issuing the order to extend the deadline for AG Kane to respond, and further extending the deadline for the remaining responses to 30 days after his decision on AG Kane’s motion, Judge O’Neill did not indicate a due date for AG Kane’s response. An indefinite hold? It would do no further harm.

That thought is sincerely appreciated and respected.

Todd Krautheim and Terance Healy filed the Challenge on behalf of the United States of America and served it to the Attorneys General of the United States. All 56, because this state law is a national issue. Our cases are special only in that we survive. There are alot of Americans suffering under the injustice of Rule 1.6.

In the name of Thomas Ball of New Hampshire, I pray the court acts with all due haste. The efforts of the Attorneys General should be on what will happen once Rule 1.6 is declared unconstitutional, not on delaying the now inevitable resurrection of justice.

The problem has been discovered and identified and lawfully presented. Ordering AG Kane to provide her response sometime last year would immediately eliminate the injustice caused by Rule 1.6, by default, quietly, and with prevention to address the court. Rule 1.6 style. And the deadline for an appeal has passed. Thank You.

Let’s fix this. Rule 1.6 does not affect every legal proceeding. Rule 1.6 should not affect ANY legal proceeding. Never again.

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