
Terance Healy and Todd Krautheim have extended a courtesy to Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Eric Holder, United States Attorney General, and J. B. Von Hollen, of the National Association of Attorneys General to to address this challenge as our goals are not in opposition and the task before us is great.

The Plaintiffs respect the Attorneys General and do not view them as adversaries, but fellow patriots, who can see and respect a sincere interest in returning the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the judicial system.

Fax to Kathleen Kane
Fax to Eric Holder
Fax to J. B. Von Hollen

Courtesy Copies to the following as they are mentioned in the Challenge Document.
Letter To Paul J. Killion
Letter Robert A. Graci

In January 2013, upon taking the oath as state attorney general, Kathleen Kane said, “My charge as attorney general of Pennsylvania and the charge of each citizen in the commonwealth is clear. It’s time to take our streets back. It’s time to take our schools back.”

Mrs. Kane you have been patriotically provided the additional opportunity to take our courts back, to take our legislature back, to restore our government. We look forward to your historic actions on behalf of the people of the United States. WE GOT THIS KATHLEEN! LET’s MAKE HISTORY!

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