
You haven’t lived in my skin and felt the arrows pierce.
You haven’t sung the story that no one cares to hear.
You may feel it’s all righteous to judge another one.
You haven’t lived tomorrow, God Bless You when it comes.

When it all comes down. When all is said and done. Will you be ready when it comes.
Oh, when it comes.



TERANCE HEALY and TODD M. KRAUTHEIM in the name of THE UNITED STATES file this pleading against KATHLEEN KANE, Pennsylvania Attorney General and the ATTORNEYS GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES challenging the constitutionality of Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Plaintiffs seek to restore the constitutional rights of Pro Se litigants while restoring the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the legal profession and deliver to the legislature the ability to perform the duties of their position to responsibly manage the law.

Plaintiffs additionally offer that they are in the extremely unique position to be acting lawfully with proper standing while having a valid causes for relief in the proper forum for the rule to be addressed.

Yes, we’ve got standing AND a cause for relief AND a venue.
Evidence in Family Court, Civil Court and Criminal Court.

American Bar Association…


It seems that everything is now aligned to resolve the Pro Se loss of rights in America.

To the other victims like myself. Don’t be angry. There is reason to believe that those who knew about it were as frustrated at their inability to fix it, or have it fixed. No one would continue to ignore the abuses in the system unless it was mandated by law.


That my mother’s house was not surrounded by law enforcement after my messages to the Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Governor Tom Corbett and US Attorney General Eric Holder indicates to me that they are prepared to address what happens next. There were no call backs… of course, they couldn’t. The law prevents it.

The law which has prevented Pro Se litigants from being heard in the courts will have the reverse effect tomorrow. The representatives of the States will be unable to take any action and unable to be heard in court. The law prevents them from taking action. I am certain that the Attorneys General are in favor of the restoration of the rights of the people, while they may not legally indicate that intention. Their mandated silence may permit the immediate resolution of the matter by the Federal Court.

My efforts will permit the Attorneys General to take actions necessary to restore honor and integrity to their state’s judiciary and to protect the people of their state.

Consider that tomorrow it would be illegal for any member of the bar association to hold open a door for me as it could be interpreted for disciplinary action if they helped me in any way.

I will be in Federal Court tomorrow. I plan to restore the reputation and integrity of the judiciary and the legal profession. I will provide each state the opportunity to restore the ability of disciplinary and review boards to perform their designated functions professionally and effectively. I plan to restore justice to the United States for everyone – the victims, the children, the families – and more importantly for Americans who have no idea that their Constitutional Rights were at risk when they needed them most.

I respect that the State government has not gotten in my way to prevent my efforts. I understand they are following the law.

It was only at the point where my Constitutional rights were unavailable that this resolution became visible and possible.
I never imagined it would come to this.
I plan to succeed.


UPDATE: An overwhelming situation, which occurs each time I retell or retype one part, it destroys me emotionally. It became necessary to delay a few days. The necessity of having it right superceded the want of having it done today. – It’s gonna happen.

The most vicious and malicious of the judges in my case was also the President of the Montgomery County Bar Association at the time of her actions.

Her actions, whether she knew about 1.6 or not, demonstrate the power of the national organization in controlling the judiciary.

From the moment Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio was assigned my case, she was committing judicial misconduct. All subsequent actions furthering her misconduct and destroying the Pro Se victim.

Her thoughts on judicial misconduct should be followed – ” impose a series of sanctions appropriate to the misconduct”. She made me homeless, destitute, denied of all Constitutional rights, no contact with family, no alternative, no appeal, no assistance from any level of government, that would be a good series of sanctions to consider.




I recognize the situation and the scope of legalities involved. I present this opportunity so that there can be an acknowledgment that I am working to resolve the problem for everyone involved. – Terance

My post yesterday about the American Bar Association was an essential step in the recovery of our rights.

I am a Pro Se victim as well. Read the site and you know I know your suffering.

There are things which must happen in a precise way at this point. I am working on them. I understand how they must happen. If not done properly and with the proper understanding of the overall situation, it will only result in the frustration we have experienced for years.

The problem was designed to resist correction at all costs.

I’ve got this figured out. Getting to the root problem was no easy task.

The correction requires everyone I turned to for help to get out of my way. They couldn’t be involved in any way – and they haven’t been. [They received the nastygrams yesterday which indicated to them that I know.] If they didn’t want this to be resolved, there would have been a clear indication. It seems this morning, they have done absolutely nothing. This is essential to the resolution.

Taking any action right now may cause you great frustration. Knowing the problem and fixing the problem is a very precise situation in this case. While I know we have been beaten to the point where trust is something we can only hope to be capable of doing again someday.

I understand. Read my story. I’ve got this. Trust me.



I am a Pro Se Litigant who under your Rule 1.6 which undermines and prevents any Pennsylvania resolution has effectively beren denied my constitutional rights. This has resulted in a volume of judicial disciplinary actions (which they cannot address because of 1.6).

Your 1.6 Rule has stolen my US Civil Rights. I will be coming for them.

If you would like to review the disaster your 1.6 has created in my life.
If you would like to review the 18 judges who have been on my simple divorce.
If you would like to review the 8 years and over 450 docket entries of litigation…


How were you able to fool the States into destroying your only competition, Pro Se litigants – individual destitute people involved in litigation and going through the worst moments in their lives.

RULE 1.6 which prevents any corrective action because it would expose the liability you caused for the judiciary. The liability which grows while it terrorizes litigant.

You undermined the Constitution of the United States. You caused the TREASON of every Government which has adopted YOUR TWISTED JOKE AGAINST PRO SE LITIGANTS.


I see what you have done… and have done to Pro Se victims all over the United States…

Read On My web site….


If I disappear, please make sure this information gets out.

The State Of Pennsylvania is using laws written by the American Bar Association.

The Confidentiality part of the Code of Professional Conduct became a twisted set of phrases which completely denies, obstructs and prevents the constitutional and civil rights of Pro Se litigants.

The ABA further has provided scripts to the Judiciary which premit them to draft orders without regard to the facts, without thought. They just select their intended outcome.

The scripts also indicate to the judges how to obstruct justice by preventing Appeals, tampering with evidence, etc. I found this as I was attempting to address why the exhibits were not forwarded to the Superior Court, along with other missing documents. They would be the docs which would demonstrate the fraud from the hearing which they do not want shown to the higher court.

For 8 years I have been terrorized by injustice. There’s no choice but to survive it. They destroyed every aspect of my life. I never committed suicide.

To find out tonight the tremendous resources which were working to destroy me is beyond description.

What has happened to the USA? The American Bar Association, The PA Legislature, The PA Judicial System have all conspired and participated to deny my Constitutional Rights. Their abuse of power under color of law, obstruction of justice and the COMPLETE DENIAL OF ANY SEMBLANCE OF A LIFE FOR 8 YEARS… With no explanation. Every possible aspect of the PA Judiciary is affected.

There is no law, no way to address the corruption of the lawyers and the judges. Rule 1.6 aggressively prohibits judges and lawyers from discussing their ‘misdeeds’ with non-lawyers. This results in any disciplinary action called to the attention of the Judicial Conduct Board or the Disciplinary Board being ignored . Even their letter neglects to indicate anything more than the dismissal.

i AM TERRIFIED BEYOND BELIEF BECAUSE I HAVE SURVIVED THIS LONG ONLY TO DISCOVER every level of government was not just ignoring my pleas for help. They were participating.

Terance Healy

I can’t believe America is truly lost. Pennsylvania is not the only state using the program to do this. You can find the others by Searching: “1.6 Confidentiality Of information”
Any US State which is using the ABA’s words for their laws is also likely to be using their abusive tactics and scripts to destroy people.



To The Governor of Pennsylvania:
Can you please advise why the American Bar Association has provided the Code of Conduct which permits the complete denial of my constitutional rights? With scripts to twist the law provided to the judiciary?

WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED? 8 years of terror and now I find this as they abuse power and obstruct justice and terrorize me through additional court proceedings which grow more and more absurd.

I turned to you for help. 8 years of terror.

Now i find the judiciary and legislature are teamed, am I that big a threat as a pro se defendant that the entire American Bar Association, the PA legislature, and the judiciary have collectively conspired to deny my constitutional rights? The abuse of power under color of law executed by the Montgomery County Judiciary and scripted by the ABA has destroyed my life for 8 years.

When did the people of Pennsylvania lose their rights? And when did the government start destroying the citizens for sport?


Rule 1.6 The Proof of The Corruption of the PA Judiciary http://work2bdone.com/live/2013/08/rule-1-6-of-the-pennsylvania-rules-of-professional-conduct/


As i was preparing documents for a Superior Court Appeal, I discovered that my civil rights have been denied deliberately… I still cannot understand how this has happened. This post has been left in place intentionally. The assembly of scattered information which demonstrated, necessitated and evolved into The Constitutional Challenge.

Pennsylvania Legislature and Judiciary is not the government you think…

Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct is unconstitutional to Pro Se litigants.

The rule causes the complete denial of all state and all federally protected constitutional rights, civil rights etc.

Efforts to observe the Rule results in the complete and absolute obstruction of justice for Pro Se litigants. It further obligates every legal professional to ignore any effort to address any reported violation of ethics, professional rules.

The Rule must be suspended in all matters relating to Pro Se litigants, as a ‘fault’ can be intentionally initiated by a represented party to undermine the Pro Se litigant and result in the complete failure of the judicial and legal system with no recourse or recovery.

The Rule has a built in self defense mechanism which prevents lawyers from taking any effort to change it.

I am not a lawyer.

As a Pro Se Defendant, the Rule is unconstitutional for me and void.

Has the unconstitutionality of 1.6 been addressed?

I will find it very difficult to accept that the entire legal profession was unable to identify this situation because, as lawyers, the Rule is constitutional and valid. It prevents itself from ever being addressed.

It cannot be possible that extreme injustice was occurring everyday and Rule 1.6 prevented anyone from ever addressing it.

– The moment it was made into law, it became untouchable.
– (Paraphrasing 1.6) Lawyers are prohibited from exposing the crimes of lawyers and judges.
– (Paraphrasing 1.6) Judges are prohibited from exposing the crimes of lawyers and judges.
As the legislature is made up of lawyers, they are precluded from changing the law, or taking any action which could lead to the changing of the law.
How do you correct RULE 1.6, when the only people who can make the correction, pass the law, suspend the law, are prevented from taking any action with regard to the Rule.
How do you get around a law which cannot be changed? YOU LOOK. 8 Years of Injustice. Easy one.


– A legislature which passes a law with the express purpose of denying constitutional rights to a segment of society?
– The resultant denial of all rights – constitutional, civil, parental, human – requires one element to make it work. – It requires the judge to participate.
The legislature has passed this RULE which prevents any correction as a lawyer can not have anything to do with the correction.So who legislated the deliberate perpetual inescapable destruction of Pro Se litigants?
I went to Harrisburg because 1.6 was a TURD that needed flushed.
I wanted to meet the author and suggest a change to the Rule which denied me ALL OF MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
I went to see RULES and requested a suggestion for the proper format to present the proposed change.
That RULE was not written in Harrisburg by our elected legislative branch.
A demonstration of a level of corruption and conspiracy so pervasive that you I could not possibly have anticipated.
Even after the injustice I have experienced at so many levels.
Is the American Bar Association really that intimidated by Pro Se litigants that they would draft a Rule which causes their destruction? the complete loss of constitutional rights?
MANIPULATED INTO A LIABILITY… The entire Government of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
It will be clear who caused it, allowed it, or compelled it, or corrupted the entire government.
Because the law revision dates show a gap. In 2005, this series of laws were enacted.
During that time the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in Pa was Tom Corbett.

I cannot fathom what the hell kind of explanation could exist, but why has the American Bar Association completely subverted the law causing the complete denial of rights of Pro Se litigants?
I’ve already stumbled on the scripts they have provided which are used by the judiciary to twist their court orders into whatever they like based on nonesense and random use of 1.6.

Time permitting I’ll check what other laws have locked which appear to be programatic. Let’s see what the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION has destroyed.

These lawyers have been giggling at my suffering through injustice for the last 7 years.
Todd Stephens?? Kate Harper?? Stewart Greenleaf?? Seriously??? What do you have to say

Have I assembled the entire team who has been terrorizing me yet? I have said so many times, it is not about divorce it is about destruction, but I could never have truly believed that the entire PA Government and Judiciary were truly involved. What has happened to the USA?

(Based on the documents which are prevented from being printed/displayed, my hackers have provided necessary information. And self identified. Thank you.

So who legislated the deliberate perpetual inescapable destruction of Pro Se litigants?

I am going to review the edits in the lawbooks. It best not be called SkyNet, .

As the Rule, The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:

The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it.

An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.

Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it…..

A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the lend, it is superseded thereby.

Please indicate if your State has rules which require lawyers to maintain confidentiality with regard to misdeeds by lawyers and judges.

The Pennsylvania Rule 1.6 creates an adverse position for the Pro Se defendant as lawyers may not exchange information regarding professional and ethical violations with the Pro Se Litigant.

When A Pro Se litigant reports an injustice, the investigating lawyer may not communicate any information with the Pro Se litigant as it violates the rule. This can result in the actual denial of all rights, OR the appearance of the denial of all rights, with no ability to Appeal or recourse to address the situation as those to whom the appeal is escalated must also follow the rule.

In a final twist, I suppose the correction has not been made because a lawyer may not put the correction in place as that would be a violation of the rule.

I will have more on this later. Read this post for more background. The Document may seem a bit incomplete. I was editing the post when I realized the unconstitutionality of the law. This situation has destroyed so many people I stopped the edit and have begun to prepare Information, Rule Change Requests and documents to file to suspend the Rule for my specific case.

I am preparing a Mandamus Petition to suspend the Rule for all participants for the duration of my matter and retroactively to the initial filings on the matter.

I am uncertain as to why the Rule of Professional Conduct has stood for so long while adversely affecting Pro Se litigant who have been destroyed by it’s influence.

Conceptually, any attorney who would present, prepare and produce this document would be violating the Rule and be subject to disciplinary action. Any lawyer taking any effort to address this Rule would be effectively violating the Rule and unable to proceed.

Why this state rule is taking precedence over all others remains to be determined.

I am hoping this revelation prevents any future, destruction of Pro Se litigant in Family Court.
I could use some help preparing that Federal Lawsuit.
I have an Brief which must be filed this month. I must suspend the Rule for the Superior Court Judiciary to have the freedom to communicate the appeal issues with me. If Rule 1.6 is not suspended, The Superior Court cannot address issues of the appeal as they will affect the integrity and reputation of the judiciary.

I still cannot understand how this has happened. Pennsylvania Legislature and Judiciary is not the government you think… The Judicial Branch has taken over the country… and the only way to identify and realize it is to read through the above. It is my thought process though and I was only discovering myself as I sorted through the info in order.

It gets a little sci-fi at this point., I am not a sci-fi author.

To get here, I have endured the taunts. I survived. I had no idea. Save the ineffective taunts, I am over them.

I don’t yet know who else knows what I have learned.

The Judicial Branch has taken over the State Government of Pennsylvania and many other states.
The take over started on January 1, 2005. On that day the Rules Of Professional Conduct was revised for the first time since April 1, 1988.

REMEMBER: Ray Gricar, Centre County District Attorney, has been missing April 15, 2005.

The people I met in Harrisburg the other day were not aware of the damage that Rule 1.6 had done to me.
When I left, they understood who I was, what had happened to me, and that 1.6 was the problem I went to expose, address and change.

While, I found it odd that they really had no idea. There was no sense that they were hiding anything. They were cordial, friendly and willing to listen and relay the message to their.

As far as I know there are only 3 possible people who may have known what I have just discovered.
Tom Corbett, Governor
Kathleen Kane, Attorney General
And One Other.

There are now people all over the world who are seeing this. Surely some are rolling their eyes.
Others are probably thinking does this explain the craziest divorce story ever?Some had recently changed their opinion of my ‘life’after Edward Snowden.

Edward, were you about to tell the world the US Government has been overthrown and was now under the full absolute control of the Judicial Branch.
From here it is clear that Pennsylvania, and the other states, have the ability to destroy and attack peoples lives, and no matter how unjust, or how much they beg from help at all levels of government, their destruction persists unstoppable. AND NO ONE HELPS.

Rule 1.6 has given the Judicial Branch of Government full and absolute control of everything.

The trigger for any persons destruction MUST be an improper action by a judge.

From that point forward, the targeted person is heading toward destruction.

If you had a lawyer, the lawyer cannot do anything which reveals the misdeed of the judge, so you cannot be saved. Your life can only be extended. You will end up Pro Se, without rights, and completely ignored by a society that has no clue that Pro Se litigants are denied all Constitutional Rights.

There is no resolving it, there is no escaping it. Rule 1.6 prevents that.
Apparently I know the secret to survival.


The Rules of Professional Conduct set out the minimum ethical standards for the practice of law and constitute a set of rules which all lawyers must follow.”

Ethical standards which aspire to attain the minimum clearly demonstrate the underacheiver mindset.
What is “minimum ethical standards”?

eth·ics [eth-iks]
plural noun
1. ( used with a singular or plural verb ) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture.
2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence.
4. ( usually used with a singular verb ) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

What are minimum moral principles?
What is minimum rightness?
What is minimum wrongness?
What is minimum goodness?
What is minimum badness?
What is minimum motivation?

Minimum ethics is no ethics.

“These Rules were originally promulgated by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on April 1, 1988.”
This was done on April Fools Day? Really? REALLY?
