

Dignity. Respect. Intent. Care.
Deliberate. Suspect. Intellect. Lies.
Unknown. Reason. Death. Life.
Liberty. Suicide. Future.

And I cried. Tell them they lie.

Be thankful for the struggle. Wash your spirit clean.

There’s only us. There’s only this. Forget regret or life is your’s to miss. No other road, no other way.

Knowledge is power.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Reason says I should have died years ago.

I was downhearted. Disappointment my closest friend. It soon departed never to show it’s face again.

Love keeps liftin’ me, Keeps on liftin’ me, Lifting me higher and higher.

…because every life matters.

No day but today.

In the name of justice, We are going to serve this document to the world.
We will not take no for an answer.
The injustice nightmare is coming to an end for everyone.



“Plaintiffs, Terance Healy and Todd M. Krautheim,
on behalf of Mark McBride, Helene Finno, Darren Moyer, Karen Baxter Randall, Michael LaBate
and the People of the United States of America hereby present for the consideration and review to this Honorable Court their Complaint – Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 of the Code of Professional Conduct.”

Mark McBride is an essential party in the Challenge. He is presently unavailable to sign or authorize his consent or add his case to the Constitutional Challenge.

Helene Finno is a friend whose support has always been there and never failed.

Darren Moyer is a friend whose support has always been there and never failed.

Michael LaBate is a friend whose support (mostly by phone) arrived when needed most and has never failed.

Why Karen Baxter Randall?

Karen Baxter Randall believed in me, and she believed in the system… even when forced to carry out the judges improper instructions. Karen is an employee in the Court Administration office at Montgomery County Courthouse.

While Karen watched the system abuse me since 2007, she gave me the strength to make it through the procedural paperwork required.

And then there was that one day…
Homeless. Destitute. Exhausted. Alone. Beaten up. When I turned to face Karen just to file some paperwork, my eyes filled with tears and I wanted to turn and run. Karen stood firm demonstrating her belief in justice. Karen was resolute. Karen was lawful. Karen did her job professionally and with all the empathy permitted under the circumstances. I was surrounded by deputies who had been improperly ordered to remove me from the courthouse because they had been told I had no business there. Karen held my hand and looked me directly in the eye. Karen indicated that I WOULD GET MY DAY IN COURT.

Karen Baxter Randall has my sincere respect. Karen Baxter Randall demonstrated her unwavering belief in justice. As Todd & I were writing the closing paragraph, it was clear that her name belonged among the others on behalf of whom we have filed the Constitutional Challenge. Karen Baxter Randall, you have our admiration, our respect and our gratitude.


I have modified the masthead of this website. For the first time in years…

“I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPS. ”

modified… NO ONE HELPED.
added… NO ONE COULD HELP… until the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6.

I am a sane man dealing with an absolutely insane situation. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPED… NO ONE COULD HELP… until the Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6.


Pssst… I have just explained why there seems to be so much injustice in the United States. Lawful failure to address the actions sacrifice the reputation and the integrity of the judiciary. That can now change,

Pssst… I have just explained Cash for Kids in Pennsylvania. How it happened and how it could happen again. That can now change.

Pssst… I have just explained the foreclosure crisis in the United States. How it happened and how the fix agreement fails and how it continues to happen still but more quietly now. That can now change.


Lawful failure to address the actions sacrifice the reputation and the integrity of the judiciary,
and deny constitutionally protected rights.

Pssst… You are going to want to be ready when the other shoe drops.


The Resolution was born out of the experience. There was a week long labor to write it and deliver it. The resolution was born on August 8, 2013 in Philadelphia.

Healy and Krautheim walked the same streets where the United States was founded to file the document. Imagine that.

A document marking a rebirth to the principles upon which this country was founded… the litigants were required to return to the place where it all began to file the documents.

Center City Philadelphia walking by the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Philadelphia’s City Hall and the National Constitution Center.




No one is reading the Document. OMG ROFL.

Of course not. Pro Se litigants are too beat up to bother. Lawyers and judges have been trained to ignore the Pro Se litigant. All are resigned to their facts of the situation. They can’t imagine the resolution.

Yesterday, when a copy was properly filed and hand-delivered to Bucks County Court Administration, A request was made to have the document provided to a judge promptly. It’s their emergency process. The receptionist asked if I was a lawyer. I replied that I was not a lawyer, and I was certain the judge in the matter would be interested. She threw the paperwork on her desk and walked away. She ignored and dismissed me completely.

Rude. Disrepectful. Reaffirming my purpose.

Blocked by a Gatekeeper. She was not a lawyer. She had been trained to treat Pro Se litigants like they had no rights – because they HAVE lost their rights. That’s unconstitutional! She had no idea that the document she threw on her desk would affect all peoples rights.

p_gordon-ramsay_1584816cOn Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsey tries to help restaurant owners/chefs who immediately respond to his suggestions by ignoring him, running away, hiding and crying. Only when they sit and listen do they realize he has their problem solved.


Kathleen Kane, Eric Holder and JB Van Hollen probably haven’t read it either. Someone be ready, when they do.

I had no idea that this was where things were leading. The Resolution is clear. The time has come to stop pointing to the problems and begin pointing towards the resolution. I have left my experience on the web site as it is necessary to understand how I got here. I challenge anyone to point to any injustice which when investigated doesn’t pivot on an act of misconduct.

“Will you be ready when it comes. Oh, When it comes.” ~Walela



Terance Healy and Todd Krautheim have extended a courtesy to Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Eric Holder, United States Attorney General, and J. B. Von Hollen, of the National Association of Attorneys General to to address this challenge as our goals are not in opposition and the task before us is great.

The Plaintiffs respect the Attorneys General and do not view them as adversaries, but fellow patriots, who can see and respect a sincere interest in returning the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the judicial system.

Fax to Kathleen Kane
Fax to Eric Holder
Fax to J. B. Von Hollen

Courtesy Copies to the following as they are mentioned in the Challenge Document.
Letter To Paul J. Killion
Letter Robert A. Graci

In January 2013, upon taking the oath as state attorney general, Kathleen Kane said, “My charge as attorney general of Pennsylvania and the charge of each citizen in the commonwealth is clear. It’s time to take our streets back. It’s time to take our schools back.”

Mrs. Kane you have been patriotically provided the additional opportunity to take our courts back, to take our legislature back, to restore our government. We look forward to your historic actions on behalf of the people of the United States. WE GOT THIS KATHLEEN! LET’s MAKE HISTORY!


Terance Healy and Todd Krautheim have filed a document in federal court which ushers in a new age of justice.

Injustice will no longer be lawfully ignored.

Those responsible for managing Rule 1.6, at which they have failed greatly, may now be relieved of that responsibility.

I am unaware how they lawfully came to be in charge of lawful injustice, while I lawfully offer them the opportunity to return the justice system and permit the restoration of the integrity of the judiciary and the reputation of law.

An entire generation of lawyers and judges have come to accept that the injustice up until this day has been lawful. In good conscience they were unable to see the error which lawfully permitted sociopaths to lawfully victimize the people and to terrorize the individuals.

Thank you for your service. You failed. An epic failure. We’ll take it from here.

Terance Healy
Todd Krautheim


I am reaching out to inform the National Association of Attorneys General of the Complaint – Constitutional Challenge filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on August 8, 2013.

The Plaintiffs look forward to working with the Attorneys General to address the challenge as our goals are not in opposition and the task before us is great.

The Plaintiffs see you not as adversaries, but fellow patriots, who can see and respect a sincere interest in returning the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the judicial system.

As such, Plaintiffs will reach out through your national organization to provide to you a courtesy copy of the document filed in the courts. You may also obtain a copy here.

The official documents which provide for the proper legal service will be provided in due course.

Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim

(UPDATE: Spoke with Marjorie, Message left with Jeffrey Hunter.)


Every American is just one act of legal misconduct away from lawfully losing all of their constitutionally protected rights. Lawful failure to address the actions sacrifice the reputation and the integrity of the judiciary.
Today, that can change.

Terance Healy, Todd M. Krautheim, in the name of the United States


Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General;
The Attorneys General of the United States

Complaint – Constitutional Challenge

– Filed on August 8, 2013 in the Eastern District Court of the United States of America.
– Filed concurrently with Motion in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania regarding Healy v Healy.
– Filed concurrently with a Kings Bench Petition to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania regarding Healy v Healy.
– Filed concurrently with a Kings Bench Petition to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania regarding Bank of America v Todd M Krautheim.

Complaint to be served and filed as notices in all related and associated courts in the coming days.