
I am reaching out to inform the National Association of Attorneys General of the Complaint – Constitutional Challenge filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on August 8, 2013.

The Plaintiffs look forward to working with the Attorneys General to address the challenge as our goals are not in opposition and the task before us is great.

The Plaintiffs see you not as adversaries, but fellow patriots, who can see and respect a sincere interest in returning the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the judicial system.

As such, Plaintiffs will reach out through your national organization to provide to you a courtesy copy of the document filed in the courts. You may also obtain a copy here.

The official documents which provide for the proper legal service will be provided in due course.

Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim

(UPDATE: Spoke with Marjorie, Message left with Jeffrey Hunter.)

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