
Saw it years ago… I must have been unable to see the solution to the problem because they were so effective at my destruction. So determined for my demise. The cancer of injustice grew beyond any comprehension of reason.

Knowing what I know now… The judges in Montgomery County were acting as terrorists to annihilate a target who was a potential threat. And I had no idea that on August 1, 2013, I would learn the scope of their organized efforts. Far more than a simple conspiracy, far more than a few judges deciding to protect one of their own… The size of the organization behind every injustice in America would blow my mind.

The deliberate actions against their victims who were routinely brutalized and left destitute, homeless and alone…
They cleverly arranged it so that the only one who could lawfully make a change was an individual who they intentionally targeted and victimized.

The chance of survival, and finding and proposing a resolution, and surviving the further injustices to hinder any progress.

They arranged it so that they could not lawfully resolve the problem once enacted. ONLY a pro se litigant who survived would be the only one who could see the necessity, see the problem, find the Constitutional aspect, have proper standing, have a cause for relief, be able to demonstrate the loss of rights, and USE THEIR OWN RULE 1.6 AGAINST THEM. LAWFULLY!

Rule 1.6 sets it so that lawyers can not lawfully act to expose misconduct; any effort to respond to the Challenge which leads to exposing misconduct would be a violation of Rule 1.6. I’m curious how the Defendants may approach this tangled logic. Damned if they do. Damned if they don’t. Either way they potentially violate the rule and face disciplinary action for doing so. Publicly speaking about misconduct, and not paying your association dues are 2 ways of getting disciplined. Any misconduct concealed by Rule 1.6 is entirely ignored.

Forge documents and steal a House. THAT’s OK.
Don’t pay your association fees. SUSPENSION!
Subvert the integrity of 18 members of the judiciary. THAT’s OK.
Forget to go to “lawyer update” classes. SUSPENSION!

Reading what I wrote 2 years ago, you might think I had it all figured out. The constant chaos never allows their target to think outside their case, outside their life, outside the box.

Their injustice was intentional. Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio said I intimidated her. Her victim intimidated her. I told Judge Carolyn Carluccio, that she must have been intimidated by the truth. Perhaps she foresaw the Constitutional issue. Clearly she knew to obstruct and prevent letting any Appeal out of Norristown, out of the County. Her instructions from the ‘main office’ was to destroy me.

That was 2 years ago… Why did the Bar Association advise their local president to destroy the one man who would stand up for the Constitutional rights of all Americans.

I’d like to think that instruction was the last corrupt action concealed lawfully by Rule 1.6. It only takes one act of misconduct lawfully concealed by Rule 1.6 to deny an unknowing target of their constitutional rights.

In the Family court someone who has committed no crime can lose everything.
Rule 1.6 makes that possible. Read the Challenge.
In the Criminal court someone who has committed no crime can be incarcerated.
Rule 1.6 makes that possible. Read the Challenge.
In the Civil court one act of misconduct can result in an innocent person losing their home.
Rule 1.6 makes that possible. Read the Challenge.

Rule 1.6 is the basis for over 80 deliberate pages of Rules of Professional Conduct. Every issue winds its way back to Rule 1.6, at which point each act of malicious misconduct and fraud can be lawfully ignored. Read the Challenge.

240px-South_end_of_Lake_Monomonac,_Winchendon_MAIn June 2011, Thomas Ball lit himself on fire at the courthouse in Keene, New Hampshire. I often recall that while he was en route to Keene, I was alone out on Monomonack a few miles away thinking I could end my suffering then and there. I just couldn’t do it.

Time for Integrity. Time for Respect. Time for Justice.
The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Time for Integrity. Time for Respect. Time for Justice.


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