
No one is reading the Document. OMG ROFL.

Of course not. Pro Se litigants are too beat up to bother. Lawyers and judges have been trained to ignore the Pro Se litigant. All are resigned to their facts of the situation. They can’t imagine the resolution.

Yesterday, when a copy was properly filed and hand-delivered to Bucks County Court Administration, A request was made to have the document provided to a judge promptly. It’s their emergency process. The receptionist asked if I was a lawyer. I replied that I was not a lawyer, and I was certain the judge in the matter would be interested. She threw the paperwork on her desk and walked away. She ignored and dismissed me completely.

Rude. Disrepectful. Reaffirming my purpose.

Blocked by a Gatekeeper. She was not a lawyer. She had been trained to treat Pro Se litigants like they had no rights – because they HAVE lost their rights. That’s unconstitutional! She had no idea that the document she threw on her desk would affect all peoples rights.

p_gordon-ramsay_1584816cOn Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsey tries to help restaurant owners/chefs who immediately respond to his suggestions by ignoring him, running away, hiding and crying. Only when they sit and listen do they realize he has their problem solved.


Kathleen Kane, Eric Holder and JB Van Hollen probably haven’t read it either. Someone be ready, when they do.

I had no idea that this was where things were leading. The Resolution is clear. The time has come to stop pointing to the problems and begin pointing towards the resolution. I have left my experience on the web site as it is necessary to understand how I got here. I challenge anyone to point to any injustice which when investigated doesn’t pivot on an act of misconduct.

“Will you be ready when it comes. Oh, When it comes.” ~Walela


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