
The Letter sent to US Government Officials

I am reaching out to inform you of the Complaint / Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on August 8, 2013.

Rule 1.6 causes a complete loss of constitutionally protected rights for litigants when there has been any misconduct by lawyers or judges in the matter.

The Plaintiffs look forward to working with the Attorneys General to address the challenge as our goals are not in opposition and the task before us is great.

The Plaintiffs view the Defendant Attorneys General not as adversaries, but fellow patriots, who can see and respect a sincere interest in returning the integrity and reputation of the judiciary and the judicial system, delivering to the legislature the ability to perform the duties of their position to manage the law, and restore the rights of all citizens in the state.

As such, Plaintiffs are reaching out to inform the Senate of their action and their intent. Where the legislature has lost the opportunity to take lawful action, the plaintiffs are returning the ability to act on behalf of the citizens they represent.

The official documents have been served on the Attorneys General. A copy is attached for your review.

Terance Healy
Todd M. Krautheim

Time for Integrity. Time for Respect. Time for Justice.

Sent to US Senators
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