
July 15, 2013

Kane behind ouster of judge from corruption role

Selected Quotes from PhillyNews.com article by Angela Couloumbis and Craig R. McCoy.

kathleenkane “In a bitter and secret legal fight, state Attorney General Kathleen Kane has succeeded in ousting the judge who has long overseen corruption investigations in Pennsylvania, The Inquirer has learned.”

Could this be why no one has investigated my case?

“After a conflict that had been roiling since she took office in January, Kane took the unusual step of asking the state Supreme Court to remove Judge Barry F. Feudale as the supervising grand jury judge in Harrisburg. Kane told the high court in April in sealed papers that the judge was no longer fit to run a grand jury.”

“The dispute is part of a larger struggle, between the new attorney general and her office’s old guard of career prosecutors, that has spilled over into how several high-stakes cases are being handled – including a probe into political corruption in several counties, Philadelphia among them, according to people familiar with the situation. The scope and specifics of that investigation could not be learned.”

“In May, the Supreme Court ruled in Kane’s favor. The court’s order did not bar him from serving as a judge, but removed him from the grand-jury position. The order was sealed and has not been made public.”

“Judge Feudale worked as a “floating” senior judge, assigned by the Supreme Court to hear cases in 63 of the state’s 67 counties. Over the last 12 years, chief justices have appointed him to preside over a series of investigating grand juries. Judges in that role are crucial players, refereeing fights over subpoenas or evidence and even putting a personal stamp on the outcome.”

So this is a man who can prevent an investigation into corruption by guiding a grand jury to ignore injustice and corruption.

I hope and pray that Attorney General Kathleen Kane is reading this web site and recognizing the level of corruption and injustice being delivered upon the people of Montgomery County by a completely malicious judiciary determined to conceal their criminal abuse of power under color of law by continuing their actions to obstruct justice.

And… I am not the only one, there are other victims. Thankfully, their lives have not been as obliterated by injustice and failure to resolve issues which are repeatedly ignored, denied and delayed.

What made an entire judiciary decide that because of a divorce (and no other reason) one person should be victimized and lose every aspect of life with little hope or future of escaping their malice. Because of the simple reason that I recognized the injustice, identified it, documented it, survived it. I should be destroyed because they failed to do their job.

My sons have been denied their father, and the extended family. My family has suffered enough, but the judges won’t stop the terror of their injustices until they attain my suicide which regrettably I have learned I am not capable of providing for them.

I have been pushed so close to suicide, at so many times. I understand it. I know it. I only wish I was capable of it and could have put my misery to an end. Instead, I live each day to be further victimized.

There’s never been any walking away. When that was attempted, they came for me again, with more fraud and lies. AND ANOTHER NEW JUDGE. Who is now in the process of acting without jurisdiction to manipulate the court reporters to ignore requests for hearing transcripts. Their team grows and grows.

Judges have power which when abused can incriminate those who attempt to enforce their corrupt and void orders. So Judge Garrett Page compels the court reporters to inaction. Judge Page does so with a void order where he lacks jurisdiction. When queried on the ex parte order issued without any proceedings, Judge Page refuses to respond; or provide reasons for his actions; and refuses to hold any hearing on the matter.

The entire matter is being raised to the Superior Court Of Pennsylvania, where I am certain they will recognize the lack of jurisdiction and the judge’s refusal to address their lack of jurisdiction. Without jurisdiction, the judge has no authority.

The Superior Court Judges are going to wonder, WHY ARE THE COMMON PLEAS JUDGES FAILING LIKE THIS?

JURISDICTION is basic. It must be addressed. It is simple to address.

Ignoring the lack of jurisdiction is indicative of larger abuses. It is those other abuses which became terroristic in scope and determination to obliterate an innocent victim of corruption.

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