
18 Judges have acted and conspired over a period in excess of 8 years to defiantly and deliberately deny, obstruct and prevent life, liberty, and the resolution or redress of any grievance and access to any other court.

The judiciary has lacked jurisdiction. An essential requirement of their power.
The judiciary conspired to prevent exposure of their lack of jurisdiction/power.
The judiciary abused the power of their office to conceal their lack of jurisdiction.
The judiciary abused the power of their office and position to retaliate to the challenges to their jurisdiction.
The judiciary further abused their office to prevent others from actions to intervene and resolve.
The judiciary abused their office to compel the criminal participation of other County Departments and resources.

The deliberate actions of the judiciary to undermine the constitution and undermine the law is treason.

For that they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The judiciary are clearly exposed through the court record. They have been a directly involved party with extreme bias to an action in divorce where to conceal their criminal bias, they acted to cause and permit one party to destroy every aspect and essence of the other party.

When they could find no exit which would eliminate the discovery of their crimes, Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio issued the most vile, evil and extreme orders intent to bring about the suicide of one party to relieve the judiciary of the fear of being exposed and prosecuted. Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio acted with deliberate purpose. The terror of the experience having been stated in her courtroom. Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio acted with purpose to destroy the victim who reported the judicial corruption in her court.

Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccios ordered the destruction of one party to be committed at the hands of the other.

The judiciary which lacks any integrity cannot be protected unless it is by someone equally without integrity.


I recognize that Judge Haaz is the only judge to have acted in accordance with law, ethics, etc… and it left them further exposed. Perhaps those to whom he reported the activity chose to permit it to continue. The Judicial Conduct Board had ignored the terror of injustice in spite of the many times their intervention was requested.

Judge Haaz was reassigned from the matter.


Judge Page by his actions which have exposed his crime and the crimes of those before him… will bring them all down. Finally.

I documented to Judge Page that his request for an accounting was akin to compelling a rape victim to explain in detail every thrust of being violated with the knowledge he was about to join the attack.

And he did.
He is acting to prevent the appeal.
He is acting to prevent the court record from being produced.
He is acting to deny further rights
He is acting against the law.
He is trapped and failing further with every action he takes.
He is acting to further avoid responding to the the one question whose answer has been in plain sight all along and the answer which has been prevented and ignored…

An undeniable and essential part of their criminal abuse of power… they lacked JURISDICTION.

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