
On May 28, 2013, I went to the Montgomery County Courthouse for the following:

1.) Meeting with Sheriff Eileen Behr.
2.) File and present “Letter to the Judiciary”
3.) File Notice of Appeal (re: Order of May 21, 2013 Judge Garrett Page)
4.) File Petition for Production of “Good Cause Shown”
5.) File Petition to Schedule a Hearing on Ex Parte Order of May 21, 2013
6.) File Petition Requesting Explanation and Reason for the Prothonotary’s Failure to Act on the Appeal Filed August 15, 2011
7.) File Defendant’s Statement in Absence of Transcript (re: Order of May 21, 2013 Judge Garrett Page)

The meeting with Sheriff Behr was the result of a chance meeting in the courthouse last week where I mentioned that she had been avoiding addressing my situation and questions for quite some time. The meeting was an opportunity for her to put a face on my situation. To see the person, the individual, the victim of extreme corruption, destruction and terror. Where every question asked remained unanswered. Where law remained ignored. Where procedures were not followed. Where every person to who I had turned for help never helped. When one big simple question was posed, on presentation of the immediate answer, the expression on Sheriff Behr’s face was clearly genuine. Honest. Indicative. The initial answer indicated that “no answer is available”. At the end of the meeting we resolved to get the answer to the question.

The “Letter to the Judiciary” was filed with the Prothonotary and delivered to the mailroom for distribution. I wanted the judges to recognize that their participation in my destruction was no small thing to me. Their collective “wink wink injustice” was/is inescapable, life-threatening and terrifying and constant.

The NEW Notice of Appeal was NOT ACCEPTED at the Prothonotary. I had been granted “pauper” status when an Appeal was filed on April 26, docketed on April 29. The required paperwork was served, requested and ordered in accordance with published procedure. The ‘concise statement’ was filed and served revealing the basis of the Appeal.

Judge Page immediately
(1) without any proceeding,
(2) acting outside of procedure and law,
(3) illegally,
(4) unethically and
(5) deliberately,
(6) conspired
(7) to obstruct justice and
(8) conceal evidence through
(9) intimidation and
(10) abuse of power
(11) under color of law.
revoked the “pauper” status granted to permit the appeal of his ‘absurd’ Order of April 3, 2013.

His action granting the status had immediately provided access to further evidence which exposed his order was ‘void ab initio’ AND exposed the obstructive actions preventing an Appeal filed August 15, 2011 where the Prothonotary neglects to prepare and transmit an Appeal filed August 15, 2011 to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

The Prothonotary would not accept a NEW Notice of Appeal without “in forma pauperis” status. You can’t appeal the denial of IFP status without IFP status? A knowledgeable employee of the Prothonotary is compelled by the direction of the elected official to deny constitutionally protected rights.

I am not certain who felt worse. It was not fair… him… in that position. Again. I’m sorry for what they did to you. The Courthouse Code of Ethical Conduct prevents the knowledgeable employee from any revealing action. He is afraid to speak. Any contact with me places him at risk. A courthouse deputy confirmed a previous situation was ‘handled’ as I had suspected. The Court Reporters were similarly ‘handled’. Intimidation is a very destructive and demoralizing thing. The people who see, hear and read about the deliberate and destructive abuse of judicial power every day know the active destructive inescapable malice of a corrupt judiciary.

The petitions were filed.

A copy of the NOTICE OF APPEAL was delivered to Judge Page’s chambers.

Judge Page had fair warning. I had filed my objections to the reassignment of the case. Instead of considering my fears of what could happen should there be further integrity issues, Judge Page ignored my concerns. I can’t cause a judge to have integrity, but I could warn him that if he had none, he was going to demonstrate it. I have tried to prevent another judge falling victim to their corruption and further victimizing me.

In 15 minutes or less, in July 2012, Judge Haaz had demonstrated integrity which was powerful enough to stop the continuing terror against me. The hearing he ordered was prevented from the schedule. I think he may have acted… done something. There had to be a reason that Valerie Angst did not want him. He stands out as the ONLY JUDGE TO DO NO HARM to the situation. His Order to schedule a hearing put the case in check. If he had held the hearing, it could have… (but that did not happen.)

Judge Page demonstrated quickly that he lacked integrity. Valerie Angst knew that. She was counting on it. One sentence in the January transcript confirms it.

Judge Page’s actions further caused Judge Austin to act denying access to the court to obstruct the appeal of his absurd order.

Judge Carluccio did not issue the one part of her illegal order of September 23, 2011 because of a vexatious petitioner. The Petitions were becoming a clear documentation of the corruption of the judiciary, their lack of jurisdiction and their deliberate abuse of power under color of law to conceal the transgressions of the prior judges.

The truth can be very intimidating.

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