
The Snitching Blog – a comprehensive resource on criminal informants: legal developments, legislation, news stories, cultural reactions, commentary and more….

“Criminal informant policies have costs as well as benefits.

On the one hand, informants can be powerful investigative tools against organized crime, gangs, corporate fraud, and corrupt political practices.

But many informants get away with serious crimes while they are cooperating with the goverment, while numerous innocent people have been convicted based on unreliable information from informants.

Sometimes vulnerable people are unfairly pressured into becoming informants, with devastating consequences for them and their families.

Finally, in some high-crime neighborhoods criminal snitching can be so pervasive that it affects the safety of innocent residents.

All too often, the public does not know the true extent of these costs.” – Professor Alexandra Natapoff, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles – The Snitching Blog

Imagine what a compensated informant can do when used in a terroristic divorce case. Imagine when their entire teams of informants and their tactics are exposed on a web site because their target was not committing any crimes. Read A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE and you can get an idea of the extent to which judicial corruption, aggressive and unnecessary failures in a law enforcement environment so intent on destroying a man, that they commit immeasureable civil rights violations, and criminal violations, and search violations and Constitutional violations that undermine everything that law enforcement is supposed to be about.

And then see their target turning to law enforcement for protection. Turning to the very people who are doing it to him for help. And being ignored and turned away and further terrorized because he realized what they were doing to him.

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