

Currently prevented from posting on Facebook… and each attempt extends the ban.

The problem with being hacked on computers and phones is that it is impossible to escape.

Try resetting a password without it being sent to either computers, email or txt messages or all of them. Succesfully revealing your actions to the hackers.

And IF you succeed by using another computer or device, all they need to do is force a password reset and you are re-exposed.

There is no escaping a targeted attack on computers and phones.



I live each day to be further terrorized…

because I survived and persevered…

and they have not killed me yet.

I survived their terror… and because I did, It will expose all of the suicides they caused…

Their efforts have been organized.
I’m not their first victim.
I am only the one who lived.


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. Injustice ignored is further enabled and endorsed.

The longer I wait the more they attack and terrorize. In the last week…

1 – Police parked in front of my house for 30 minutes for no particular reason.
2 – New networking device found attached to the house. No explanation offered when it was reported.
3 – Facebook hacked – all posts removed for the last week or so.
4 – Another hearing scheduled – but we already had the hearing in February…
5 – No word from the judge on the ruling from prior hearing.
(It will cause the prior judge GREAT embarrassment because current judge must reverse the prior rulings nested in a triple deep lack of jurisdiction… and expose the crimes of all of the prior judges – voiding their immunity.)

So I remain further terrorized while denied due process, denied access to the courts, denied any life of freedoms, denied my family, and denied any happiness. Injustice ignored is further enabled and endorsed. Justice delayed is justice denied… and terror and harassment will not end.

I live each day to be further terrorized… because I survived and persevered… and they have not killed me yet. I survived their terror… and because I did, It will expose all of the suicides they caused… Their efforts have been organized. I’m not their first victim. I am only the one who lived.


Even though the Montgomery County Web site has been updated. Their file access system STILL insists on undermining your computer’s security. If you wish to use their system be aware you are giving them alot of control.

Reported multiple times to the elected Prothonotary, Mark Levy and his staff. It has been ignored. It is ignored. They won’t fix it while D.A. Risa Ferman is trying to obtain search warrants INTO YOUR COMPUTER WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORZATION. She is trying to change the law to permit that illegal conduct which she has been doing since she took office… after that election where she committed election fraud and then she went after the person’s family who reported her crime to the Federal Government.

Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office is employing hackers. The same ones who hacked Gabrielle Drexler’s machine for making a report against a police officer on the Drug Task Force. They then neglected to tell the Grand Jury about those capabilities SO the DA charged Gabrielle with perjury. And the DA created the situation to make it appear that is what Gabrielle did. HOW FUNNY IS THAT? It’s not. It’s criminal… and the DA is behind it.

Mess with the DA’s elite team of private investigators and police operating outside the bounds of law, and you will feel her wrath. Try to prosecute a private investigator once you catch him… and see how the DA ignores you. She can’t reveal her team. She won’t prosecute her team.

The Montgomery County system will deliberately and intentionally cause your computer to be vulnerable to attack. And they know you installed it from their web reports. So they can jump onto your computer and upload anything – incriminating files. Or simply programs to harass and torture your life. Hack finances, emails, social networking. You are forced to give over the access to your life. AND IF YOU TRY TO FILE ANYTHING AGAINST IT… THEY CAN DELETE IT… KILL YOUR COMPUTER… OR ANYTHING THEY WANT. TRY TO FIGHT A HACKER IN THIS SITUATION. They dare you. They’ve got judges who will make your life hell. They’ll make you wish you were capable of committing suicide. AND WHEN YOU DON’T… they will continue until you do.


When my story gets out to too many people, my Facebook account is hacked and reported. Causing the Facebook controls to block me from posting ANYWHERE for days/hours/weeks. It is arbitrary. If they need me to be shut down longer they can always hack back onto it and report more posts.


They also removed my posts. Again.

Facebook has reported back the hacking IP address (spoofed of course). They know who is doing it to me, but there is no stopping the activity. It’s happened before, it will continue.


And why can’t I see their posts…

The Private Investigator News Wire? They seem active on Facebook.

The FB servers can see their content to retrieve it in a link, but I can’t get there from my computer, my phone or my tablet.