

When you all use the same sites/programs to hide your IP trace, it makes it look as though half of Asia has developed an interest in your actions and has Googled your names.

It becomes very obvious.

Let’s do your conspiring and stealth a little stealthier, eh?

And perhaps stop further harassing the whistleblowers.

The Montgomery County Code of Ethical Condict prevents any whistleblowing activity to reveal the misconduct of any party employed or engaged by the courthouse. The idea is to let the Courthouse Judges and everyone in the District Attorney’s Office and the Prothonotary commit their simple crimes, undermine the laws and the state and federal constitutions, and commit treason at will without fear of them getting caught. if they get caught it requires even more of them to self-sacriofice to cover things up…. and that gets messy.

It might even escalate to a level where 15 judges end up assigned to a simple divorce over a period of 7 years and are forced to continue the injustice to conceal the crimes of the judiciary. Like has happened in Healy v Healy #2007-12477. Once we get bounced back from Superior Court – unless another Carluccio-like blockade denies that again – we are looking at Judge #16 being assigned.

Montgomery County is fast running out of judges with integrity and honor. Small wonder the PA Supreme Court had the entire bench recused in one case. Even the Supreme Court of PA knows the level of conspiracy, duplicity and corruption on the Montgomery County bench has cause them to be completely ineffective. But for them to take responsibility would be embarassing, so the lawlessness and outright corruption continues. NO ONE STOPS A CORRUPT MONTGOMERY COUNTY JUDGE…. they just pile another judge on their sacrificial barbecue of injustice.


Today my phone battery went from fully charged to dead in under 4 hours. I hope the people using it to listen to my conversations enjoyed the extended discussion about the Lindbergh Baby, Reese Witherspoon’s Grandpa and Sally Field.

The only thing that cannot be prevented from detection when your cellphone is under surveillance is the fact that the battery is being used up.

When I took a call from my friend in Seattle, I heard 3 people scrambling to tell each other to shut up that I could hear them. They need to improve their surveillance methods. Especially when they are so dang noisy. Or maybe they should turn their microphone off on their end.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA97d/14/huty/6781/40444px-Reese_Witherspoon,_20118632576_2


I have met a woman who is being terrorized by the same technology and tactics. She is also involved in a divorce in Montgomery County. She is facing the same judges I have stood before. The same corrupt judges under Division Head Rhonda Daniele, all of whom lack integrity and any respect for the law.

When I entered in her home it was an Ants on the Inner Walls experience for me. It all came rushing back to me so quickly it was disorienting. I knew what it was so I was not worried, but it did affect me and it took me a few minutes to regain composure and be able to speak in full sentences instead of frightened sentence fragments. After living in the house with the ‘noise’ for all those years, I had taught myself how to relax when under ultrasonic attack. Walking back into a wall of it, as it felt when turned all the way up, truly was unsettling.

I confirmed many of the things she was experiencing. I had experienced them in my own home.

She was feeling as if she were losing it. I assured her that the ‘noise’ she was experiencing was very real and then went on to confirm parts of my situation with her that I had never discussed with anyone before. Her experience was/is the same.

While wanting to help her out, I couldn’t wait to get out of her home.

I imagine it is the same private investigator out of Bucks County who is behind the terror at her place… using the same devices and tactics.

The radio/bug detection devices do not detect ultrasonic devices. Though ultrasonics can be detected when a flourescent light tube will light up without electricity required. When the signal was this strong at my home, a 4 foot fluorescent tube lit up like a light saber.


I’ve decided to confront the informants and their handlers. When asked the following question, I received the following responses. Their methods are all the same.


Their anger is understandable. Once exposed they must relocate or risk exposing others involvement. The live in fear of being forced to relocate – and that can happen based on speculation or actual exposure… it’s even happened when I completely made stuff up in phone calls. They live in fear of being exposed as informants.

The handlers have their work cut out for them. I wish them luck in their law enforcement, but they should realize it is becoming more obvious that they are cultivating their cases, pretexting and creating situations and opportunities for them to act. It’s kind of like entrapment. Well, it is entrapment, and that’s why they keep letting thousands people out of jail when that entrapment is exposed. No exaggeration. Thousands have been let out of jail in this area in the last year because of the exposure of law enforcement tactics.

Those who have been let out of jail may be angry with those who put them in jail. I had nothing to do with it. I made no false reports. I made no reports at all. I informed everyone I was under surveillance in an attempt by private investigators to set me up. YES, I knew many times I was telling the people doing it what they were doing to me.

Informants face dangerous situations. And they can’t discuss it with anyone. If they do they go directly to jail. Their phones are monitors and all electronic communications are monitored. They are illegally monitoring my phones for that same purpose… to see if anyone who has been trying to set me up confesses it to me. Ron Trombino, Jay “Discord” and Andy Atkinson all disappeared after I tested that theory by telling a friend over the phone that they apologized for their part in terrorizing me.

The injustice and terror continues in my life. There is no escaping it until law enforcement confesses to their prolonged targeting of me. Until judges act according o the law instead of to protect the injustice… and to prolong the injustice. 15 judges, since 2007, in a divorce action?

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#1. dude NO and now I dont need to talk to you because your an ass ,,,, total ass and Im gonna make sure all my buds know it … you didnt ask anyone about me FUCK YOU @@

Jr’s response is evasive and aggressive. Jr. had referred to a troubled and desperate informant as a “client” during a conversation. What type of person refers to a troubled friend as a ‘client’? AND What does he mean that I didn’t ask anyone about him? Where did he get this information? From the people monitoring my computers and phones??? Leading him to think he was in the clear. Foolish arrogance. Hios next remark was that he had been in the area for 20 years, then, his comments were more insulting, vulgar and threatening. Then, I was blocked. Through him there were 3 people additional who I realized are involved.

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#2. Well now I want to know who? And I mean it…. don’t beat around the bush…. I want a name!
Matt and Jay.
#2. Matt Metzger and his friend Jay Anhorn? You are the one that told me they both were. Do me a major favor, and this one I must insist that you do…

I gave Jimmie the names of the people who told me about him. They had lived at his place. He knows them. He knows they knew me. The troubled and desperate informant mentioned in #1 lived with him also.
The response to getting the names is expected. Joe was from Harrisburg, and is also the ‘client’ mentioned by #1. I’m do nothing to land me in jail, why would he think that? OH, because they failed to set me up.

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#3 Jack has not yet replied. Though I imagine his friend, Sam/Scott Mathis, has already revealed enough.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#4 I don’t expect to hear from Rick. Since Brian Marks had the debilitating stroke which revealed they were more than just recent acquaintances.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#5 Since It was discovered that Steve Ryanwas also involved in the psych field, he has not responded to any texts or calls.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#6 Since Fernando Santanilla had secretly taken pictures of my home and his friend told me about it, he has not returned calls or messages.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#7 Glen has not been seen since revealing that Ron Trombino was caught embezzling from a tech company in Bucks County. It turns out Glen’s information was somewhat incomplete as HE TOO was caught in that same crime. Bucks County has a record of something happening, but the court files have been expunged.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#8 “Special Agent” Ron Trombino walked out the door of my house in the middle of winter without even a coat when questioned about his direct actions and has not been seen since. I think he went back to hide in Minneapolis.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#9 Collin Maier walked out the night he was caught in multiple lies. Upon being asked about his activity, he got up, packed, and left. He has not been seen in the area since. Though there is a video of him playing a public piano in new York City.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#10 Wally Swinehart responded to my comment that I was curious about the location of MAGLOCLEN by saying it does not exist. ODD? Well it if did not exist, why didn’t he ask what it was? It does exist. And was within walking distance of the place where that conversation took place.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#11 Chris Guaruccio was clearly caught and is so messed up, he is either in too deep, or is messed up and dead. Perhaps still teaching high school in South Jersey – about as close to “Breaking Bad” as my story ever got.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#12 Matt Metzger relocated back to Pittsburgh. Where his fall from grace occurred and his ‘opportunity’ knocked.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#13 Jay Anhorn is working in Lansdale probably under a steroid type sting. He’s not very visible, but he told me about everyone of the characters he encountered. And the ones he brought around were not very good at not blowing their cover. He revealed so many people, and tried to set me up in so many ways. I almost began to think i was the final test to see if people could maintain their cover. Jay Anhorn wanted to stay in the area as his father was not well. His father has passed, sadly, so perhaps now he will relocate like all the others who were revealed.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#14 Mark Smylie revealed that Jay Anhorn was a cop, and then stopped all contact. Mark Smylie, a former Private Investigator, also housed Matt Metzger, and DJ Ulrich, and several others.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#15 Brian attempted to explain to me the benefits of underage porn. I told him he was definitely wrong. That he was knowingly wrong. That I wanted nothing to do with it. That I had no interest in it. That is he was attempting to set me up. I had just explained to him that I knew conversations were being recorded AND HE COMES OUT WITH THAT TYPE OF STATEMENT.

Turns out he was friends with a man from Rochester, with direct connections to Jack/Sam/Scott Mathis. The teams use social networking and Facebook, and often link their ‘co-workers’. (Yes, the FBI and DEA are looking at your connections with people… and often we can look back and clearly see what they are attempting to investigate.) AND when they all communicate with each other, and look at my profile, and block me for no reason,… they will further confirm their involvement. And there’s nothing illegal or in violation of terms of service stopping me from creating a new Id and using all their favorite buzzwords and exposing them further. I know their game. I know how it is played.

The tactic is clear. Deny, Insult and Attack and Threaten. They do this because once they are exposed, they must relocate. Their exposure causes others to be exposed. I can understand the anger. Many have been living very comfortable lives destroying the lives of other people.


The Snitching Blog – a comprehensive resource on criminal informants: legal developments, legislation, news stories, cultural reactions, commentary and more….

“Criminal informant policies have costs as well as benefits.

On the one hand, informants can be powerful investigative tools against organized crime, gangs, corporate fraud, and corrupt political practices.

But many informants get away with serious crimes while they are cooperating with the goverment, while numerous innocent people have been convicted based on unreliable information from informants.

Sometimes vulnerable people are unfairly pressured into becoming informants, with devastating consequences for them and their families.

Finally, in some high-crime neighborhoods criminal snitching can be so pervasive that it affects the safety of innocent residents.

All too often, the public does not know the true extent of these costs.” – Professor Alexandra Natapoff, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles – The Snitching Blog

Imagine what a compensated informant can do when used in a terroristic divorce case. Imagine when their entire teams of informants and their tactics are exposed on a web site because their target was not committing any crimes. Read A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE and you can get an idea of the extent to which judicial corruption, aggressive and unnecessary failures in a law enforcement environment so intent on destroying a man, that they commit immeasureable civil rights violations, and criminal violations, and search violations and Constitutional violations that undermine everything that law enforcement is supposed to be about.

And then see their target turning to law enforcement for protection. Turning to the very people who are doing it to him for help. And being ignored and turned away and further terrorized because he realized what they were doing to him.


FBI, DEA or Informant. Which are you?

BRIAN MARKS: r u kidding me! do think i’m smart enough to these jobs if so thanks! all i ever wanted was your friendship, makes u a very sad man. how has your mother been hope your getting along.

Sorry, Brian. But you weren’t a very good liar. Me sad? No. I find the people who lied to me to be a very sad group of folks though. I extended friendship and was setup, mocked and ridiculed. And I have decided to contact them and the reactions tell me even more. The case is going to Federal Court this week. 7 years of terror… and you will be part of that story.

BRIAN M: do not drag me into your life again with federal court you will be sorry!

So you want to threaten me how?
You are already a part of the story. You can’t escape it. Your antics, your bullshit, your lies,…

You gotta wonder… Brian Marks follows all the normal tactics. Deny and attack/insult. He compliments the ones who have compensated him. Then, he oddly asks about getting along with my mother. Where does he get his info? Hmmm

Then all I do is mention the case is going to Federal Court… and he feels he is being accused? Being ‘dragged into my life again”. Seems like a bit of odd emotion or guilt there, eh?

And his response is a threat that I will be sorry. Not quite the normal reaction of a ‘friend”, seems more like the reaction of someone who is involved and afraid of what that exposure will do to his life. AND I WASN’T SUGGESTING I WAS TAKING HIM TO COURT. WHY WOULD I DO THAT? If anything a friend would immediately say, what can I do to help. He proved otherwise. The responses to my query are very telling.

– People who lived across the street from him denied even knowing him. They do all watch and know each other. Brian M. admitted knowing them very well. Then found out he probably wasn’t supposed to say that.

I was a friend to him. When he needed me I was there to help. I never trusted him completely and I was always wary of the people he brought around. And they were wary of him as well.

His extreme depression, and drug abuse, during the last weekend he was at my home was something we tried to discuss and work through for him. At the end of a 3 hour convo I just gave him a hug and told him I would try be there for him. However, he was out of control and I was relieved when he left. I found out about his massive stroke the next afternoon. He wouldn’t find out about it for days, as they had him in a coma and had removed the top of his skull to relieve swelling on his brain. I was very worried for him. His depression and feeling like a failure were sources of great agony and sadness for him.

As has been the case with several people, when I showed compassion and understanding the guilt for what they were doing to me caused them to act out against me for showing kindness. It allowed them to emotionally handle the fact that they were working against me.

After his stroke, I felt it not proper to confront him, because he would be prone to saying things accidentally. So I didn’t confront his behavior. Apparently his handlers feared the same, because he never communicated back to me when I asked about his progress, when I suggested we get together and do something, or when I asked for help when my car broke down near his place.

The thing is that Brian’s situation with Rick Brown is very similar to Scott (aka Sam) Mathis’ situation with Jack. Where one partner gets in too deep and the other ends up taking care of them after a breakdown, suicide attempt, or severe medical issue. They try to maintain the secrets, but slip-ups are more frequent AND NOTICEABLE. They still attempt their lies though… and it helps them feel like they are doing their part when they pass their time ‘working’ from home to see what they can score for their partner/provider.


When I attempted to update my profile on a social website to include a warning about law enforcement pretexting members into situations the following exchange occurred. It would seem that warning people about my experience on the site was not permitted.

When you consider what is permitted, you get the impression that this site is purposed to encourage illegal activity and targeting the members.

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2013 07:45 AM
You may not post your external email address, web site address, phone number, yahoo-aol-msn or other IM address, physical address or references to other sites in your profile, solicitation of members for business ventures, or references to solicit members to send their phone number or email address for further contact offsite. Also, you may not have any references to money for sexual acts, or any type of pricing information in your profile. You may however post an escort ad which has no mention of exchanges for dollar amounts.

All such references have been deleted from your profile.

I haven’t done any of that.

You may or may not be aware that FBI and DEA are [pretexting] in Philadelphia, and have been doing so for the last several years. They are targeting users from this web site.

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2013 07:56 AM
That maybe Sir, but this is a [social] site not a BBC blog.
Thank you for understanding.

So it is not appropriate to warn people about govt agents and informants pretexting you into situations which could destroy your life?

I’m asking because I want to follow your rules, not just argue.

It was done to me. www work2bdone com/live

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2013 08:05 AM
Not via this site Sir.

Thanks for the direct response.

Would you be available to discuss this situation/policy with news media?

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2013 08:16 AM

If you have any further questions or doubts, please call during business hours and refer to the Terms of Service. Thank you!

I’ve decided to confront the informants and their handlers. When asked the following question, I received the following responses. Their methods are all the same.


Their anger is understandable. Once exposed they must relocate or risk exposing others involvement. The live in fear of being forced to relocate – and that can happen based on speculation or actual exposure… it’s even happened when I completely made stuff up in phone calls.

The handlers have their work cut out for them. I wish them luck in their law enforcement, but they should realize it is becoming more obvious that they are cultivating their cases, pretexting and creating situations and opportunities for them to act. It’s kind of like entrapment. Well, it is entrapment, and that’s why they keep letting thousands people out of jail when that entrapment is exposed. No exaggeration. Thousands have been let out of jail in this area in the last year because of the exposure of law enforcement tactics.

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#1. dude NO and now I dont need to talk to you because your an ass ,,,, total ass and Im gonna make sure all my buds know it … you didnt ask anyone about me FUCK YOU @@

Jr’s response is evasive and aggressive. Jr. had referred to a troubled and desperate informant as a “client” during a conversation. What type of person refers to a troubled friend as a ‘client’? AND What does he mean that I didn’t ask anyone about him? Where did he get this information? From the people monitoring my computers and phones??? Leading him to think he was in the clear. Foolish arrogance. Hios next remark was that he had been in the area for 20 years, then, his comments were more insulting, vulgar and threatening. Then, I was blocked. Through him there were 3 people additional who I realized are involved.

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#2. Well now I want to know who? And I mean it…. don’t beat around the bush…. I want a name!
Matt and Jay.
#2. Matt and his friend Jay? You are the one that told me they both were. Do me a major favor, and this one I must insist that you do…

I gave Jimmie the names of the people who told me about him. They had lived at his place. He knows them. He knows they knew me. The troubled and desperate informant mentioned in #1 lived with him also.
The response to getting the names is expected. Joe was from Harrisburg, and is also the ‘client’ mentioned by #1. I’m do nothing to land me in jail, why would he think that? OH, because they failed to set me up.

FBI, DEA or Informant? Which are you?

#3 Jack Fink has not yet replied. Though I imagine his friend, Sam/Scott Mathis, has already revealed enough.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#4 I don’t expect to hear from Rick Brown. Since Brian Marks had the debilitating stroke which revealed they were more than just recent acquaintances.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#5 Since It was discovered that Steve Ryanwas also involved in the psych field, he has not responded to any texts or calls.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#6 Since Fernando Santanilla had secretly taken pictures of my home and his friend told me about it, he has not returned calls or messages.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#7 Glen has not been seen since revealing that Ron Trombino was caught embezzling from a tech company in Bucks County. It turns out Glen’s information was somewhat incomplete as HE TOO was caught in that same crime. Bucks County has a record of something happening, but the court files have been expunged.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#8 “Special Agent” Ron Trombino walked out the door of my house in the middle of winter without even a coat when questioned about his direct actions and has not been seen since. I think he went back to hide in Minneapolis.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#9 Collin Maier walked out the night he was caught in multiple lies. Upon being asked about his activity, he got up, packed, and left. He has not been seen in the area since. Though there is a video of him playing a public piano in new York City.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#10 Wally Swinehart responded to my comment that I was curious about the location of MAGLOCLEN by saying it does not exist. ODD? Well it if did not exist, why didn’t he ask what it was? It does exist. And was within walking distance of the place where that conversation took place.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#11 Chris Guaruccio was clearly caught and is so messed up, he is either in too deep, or is messed up and dead. Perhaps still teaching high school in South Jersey – about as close to “Breaking Bad” as my story ever got.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#12 Matt Metzger relocated back to Pittsburgh. Where his fall from grace occurred and his ‘opportunity’ knocked.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#13 Jay Anhorn is working in Lansdale probably under a steroid type sting. He’s not very visible, but he told me about everyone of the characters he encountered. And the ones he brought around were not very good at not blowing their cover. He revealed so many people, and tried to set me up in so many ways. I almost began to think i was the final test to see if people could maintain their cover. Jay Anhorn wanted to stay in the area as his father was not well. His father has passed, sadly, so perhaps now he will relocate like all the others who were revealed.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#14 Mark Smylie revealed that Jay Anhorn was a cop, and then stopped all contact. Mark Smylie, a former Private Investigator, also housed Matt Metzger, and DJ Ulrich, and several others.

FBI, DEA or Informant?  Which are you?

#15 Brian attempted to explain to me the benefits of underage porn. I told him he was definitely wrong. That he was knowingly wrong. That I wanted nothing to do with it. That I had no interest in it. That is he was attempting to set me up. I had just explained to him that I knew conversations were being recorded AND HE COMES OUT WITH THAT TYPE OF STATEMENT.

Turns out he was friends with a man from Rochester, with direct connections to Jack/Sam/Scott Mathis. The teams use social networking and Facebook, and often link their ‘co-workers’. (Yes, the FBI and DEA are looking at your connections with people… and often we can look back and clearly see what they are attempting to investigate.) AND when they all communicate with each other, and look at my profile, and block me for no reason,… they will further confirm their involvement. And there’s nothing illegal or in violation of terms of service stopping me from creating a new Id and using all their favorite buzzwords and exposing them further. I know their game. I know how it is played.

The tactic is clear. Deny, Insult and Attack and Threaten. They do this because once they are exposed, they must relocate. Their exposure causes others to be exposed. I can understand the anger. Many have been living very comfortable lives destroying the lives of other people.


Healy Order 04-03-2013 $300,000

Let’s look at the 5 items… which are not really 5, but 6, and they only remember 4 of them.

BUT, that is not important because I DID AS I WAS ORDERED. I placed the items at 1822 Appaloosa Drive Warrington on the date specified. I knew they were setting me up. They waited 8 months to indicate I did not do it. They then waited 8 more months to schedule the hearing. ALL THE WHILE THEIR LIE WOULD GET THEM $500 PER DAY BASED ON THE ORDER.

It was only after I modified my Facebook setting to indicate I had relocated to Paris, France that Angst & Angst then filed with the court. On July 10 2012, Valerie Angst was stunned to see me walk into court and hand her the response. Immediately asking if I had filed it. yes, I files it properly, though she hadn’t.

Trying to apply rational thought to their madness is not recommended. BUT, The matter was under appeal from before the date the order was issued. AND I can’t control the scheduling of the court date… or the failure of the court date to be scheduled… AND I TRIED TO GET THE DATE SCHEDULED. BUT, the court did not respond to schedule the hearing.

The reward for their lie 511 days at $500 per day. $ 255,500

They provided no proof that the items were not delivered. They couldn’t because the items were delivered. Dop you think it could be them selling the items on EBAY so they are not caught with them?

It was never about the items, it was about the enforcement of the void order. It was about the penalty the court could inflict based on their lie. When they have not complied with ANY Court Order and I have complied with EVERY COURT ORDER. They needed a way to continue the matter to inflict penalties. No matter how absurd, or illegal.

The items were:

1. Cross cut saw
2. Ottoman
3. China
4. Delacroix “Olympic” Painting

#1 Cross Cut Saw which the court valued at $ 3,000 sells on EBAY for $199.



#3 The China which the court valued at $15,000 sells on EBAY for $180 for 4 place settings. Total of $540 for 12 place settings.



#4 Delacroix “Olympic” Painting which the court valued at $600 sells on EBAY for $39.99.



The Order of September 23, 2011 was issued without a hearing on the matter.

The Order was issued with intent to cause the appearance of a contempt and a penalty. Even when I complied with the order as specified in the order and the verbal instructions of the Court, they would allege non-compliance.

The LIAR wins… Extortion wins… Corruption wins. The terror of the innocent man continues… with no end in sight. No justice. And no end.


When I made this statement a little over a month ago, there were those who thought it was exaggerated.

“To be further terrorized by being ordered to provide an accounting which is already a part of the Court Record which has been summarily ignored for seven years only terrorizes me further. Imagine the rape victim being forced to tell each subsequent attacker about every thrust of the unending experience with the knowledge that the person you are telling is about to join the attack.”

pageJudge Garrett Page has done exactly what I predicted. He has ruled without jurisdiction to enforce orders which lacked jurisdiction abusing his power under color of law and violating my constitutional rights. Violating the constitution is a crime called TREASON. He is additionally violating his oath of office and the Judicial Code of Ethics.

You cannot help but notice the deliberate neglect to address the issue of jurisdiction in his order. Challenges to jurisdiction must be addressed by the court. It is an essential part of any case that the court have the proper jurisdiction to hear the matter and render a decision.

Judge Page had the opportunity to begin resolution of the destruction caused by “Judge” Carolyn Carluccio. Instead, after seeing the evidence and hearing testimony, Page absurdly fines the victim – unemployed for 7 years and caused to be homeless and destitute – more than what would amount to 6 years salary when he was working. $300,000 is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD.

A judge manipulated to conceal the lack of integrity and ethics of the Montgomery County judiciary… and SACRIFICING THEIR INTEGRITY IN THE CONSPIRACY.

Judge Page had the opportunity to recuse the assignment of the matter. He neglected to take it. You cannot protect the integrity of a judiciary that lacks integrity. And when presented with the situation, your responsibility to conceal the crimes of the prior judges forces you to join the conspiracy and violate the law… and in doing so lose your immunity.

This has happened with the 15 judges who have been assigned the case because of the action/crime committed by Judge Rhonda Daniele. I have never seen her, met her, or stood before her in a courtroom. Yet, Rhonda Daniele issued an order which set into play the annihilation of my life and unresolvable terror of the last 7 years.

Imagine the rape victim being forced to tell each subsequent attacker… INDEED.

Rape on, Judge Page.

It should be noted that Judge Haaz followed the law and did NOT permit, tolerate or entertain the fraud of Angst & Angst in his court. His personal integrity is intact in my opinion. As I also want to believe his sense of ethics is intact and he reported these crimes to the proper people in the Commonwealth and the Federal Government.

P.S. I lack the ability to commit suicide, but by all means, keep trying to accomplish that while additionally terrorizing everyone around me.

P.P.S. Do you suppose the case was assigned to Judge Page so he would find himself in the situation where he had to protect the corruption and conspiracy of the prior judges? What a great way to manipulate justice? Valerie Rosenbluth Angst of Angst & Angst of Harleysville (and formerly Doylestown) had to learn it somewhere… where did she clerk after law school? Mmm hmm.

Judge Page’s Order of April 3, 2013



“Ms Ferman neglects to mention FlexiSpy type applications which take full remote control of a cell phone. Upon receiving ONE text message which is often disregarded as junk, your phone can be hacked and all of your communications monitored, redirected or initiated by whatever ‘bully’ that wants to attack you. WebWatcher for computers can also be used to remote control and redirect and prevent access to detection and removal programs. There are no programs which detect and remove these programs. They hide under the guise of ‘nanny’ type programs… but they are extremely powerful and destructive when misused.”

“Ms Ferman neglects to mention those which she knows the best. They have been inappropriately used and recommended by her department with disastrous results. Ms Ferman’s time would be better spent lobbying the Phone Manufacturers and Carriers to secure the devices. But, Ms Ferman does not want your device to be secure… her department’s own tactics would then be exposed. SHE DOESN’T PROSECUTE THOSE CRIMES ANYWAY… She won’t prosecute herself.”

Imagine someone who uses hacker type programs illegally in her job, advising parents about Cell Phones?

Imagine the District Attorney who DOES NOT PROSECUTE Cell phone harassment cases?

District Attorney Risa Ferman does not even return calls regarding criminal complaints of hacking… nor do the Montgomery County Detectives… because it would seem you are reporting the crime to the perpetrators.

There is no way to keep anyone safe on a cell phone. Once you are targeted there is no way of avoiding the harassment and remote control of your phones (or computers). District Attorney Risa Ferman ignores these crimes.

Risa Ferman knows this, but neglects to accept her responsibility.

I am stunned that she is now writing an advice column for THE HUFFINGTON POST.
