
My father passed away last night.
2013-04-28 08.25.54 (1)

I had last talked with him ion January 22, 2013. And posted a few lines about it on my facebook page.

“The man who I did not recognize last Friday, and who did not recognize me… was beaming with pride, a twinkle in his eyes, and a huge smile on his face as I left this afternoon. I’m pretty sure it was because he appreciated the visit… and not that i had said goodbye. LOL”


The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides: “[N]or shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Historically, this guarantee of due process has been applied to deliberate decisions of government officials to deprive a person of life, liberty, or property. E. g., Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 U. S. 97 (1878) (assessment of real estate); Rochin v. California, 342 U. S. 165 (1952) (stomach pumping); Bell v. Burson, 402 U. S. 535 (1971) (suspension of driver’s license); Ingraham v. Wright, 430 U. S. 651 (1977) (paddling student); Hudson v. Palmer, 468 U. S. 517 (1984) (intentional destruction of inmate’s property). No decision of this Court before Parratt supported the view that negligent conduct by a state official, even though causing injury, constitutes a deprivation under the Due Process Clause. This history reflects the traditional and common-sense notion that the Due Process Clause, like its forebear in the Magna Carta, see Corwin, The Doctrine of Due Process of Law Before the Civil War, 24 Harv. L. Rev. 366, 368 (1911), was ” `intended to secure the individual from the arbitrary exercise of the powers of government,’ ” Hurtado v. California, 110 U. S. 516, 527 (1884) (quoting Bank of Columbia v. Okely, 4 Wheat. 235, 244 (1819)). See also Wolff v. McDonnell, 418 U. S. 539, 558 (1974) (“The touchstone of due process is protection of the individual against arbitrary action of government, Dent v. West Virginia, 129 U. S. 114, 123 (1889)”); Parratt, supra, at 549 (POWELL, J., concurring in result). By requiring the government to follow appropriate procedures when its agents decide to “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,” the Due Process Clause promotes fairness in such decisions. And by barring certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the procedures used to implement them, e. g., Rochin, supra, it serves to prevent governmental power from being “used for purposes of oppression,” Murray’s Lessee 332*332 v. Hoboken Land & Improvement Co., 18 How. 272, 277 (1856) (discussing Due Process Clause of Fifth Amendment).



Terance Healy : Docket Number 2007-12477
(Appelant) :
vs. :
Sonya Healy :
(Appellee) :




A NOTICE OF APPEAL having been filed in this matter, the official court reporter is hereby Ordered to produce, certify and file the transcript in this matter in conformity with Rule 1922 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure.


Transcript of February 11, 2013 And Exhibits Healy v Healy Judge Page
Transcript of February 20, 2013 Healy v Healy Judge Page
Exhibits of February 20, 2013 Healy v Healy Judge Page



Terance Healy

Pro Se



c/o 871 Mustang Road

Warrington, PA 18976






Terance Healy : Docket Number 2007-12477
(Appelant) :
vs. :
Sonya Healy :
(Appellee) :


Notice is hereby given that Terance Healy, Defendant, Appellant above named, hereby appeals to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania from the order entered in this matter on the 3rd day of April 2013.

This Court has acted and issued the above referenced order even while the matter is currently pending under Appeal filed August 15, 2011. A fact which has been presented to the Court during proceedings in February 2013.

Appellant requests that this Appeal be accepted though it is filed during the pendancy of the prior Appeal – filed on August 15, 2011 concurrent with the respective Request for Transcript and Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis at the Montgomery County Prothonotary.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio having taken deliberate, intentional and malicious actions to prevent the transmission of the August 2011 Appeal documents to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

The prior Appeal has been pending without any action to prepare and forward the proper documents to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania while the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas has deliberately, intentionally and with malicious purpose acted to deny due process and procedure to conceal their criminal denial of due processs and procedure, and other civil rights violations by preventing and denying access to the Courts by the Appellant and in so doing has failed to act in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, The Rules of Civil Procedure, The Local Rules of Civil Procedure and the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure..

As such, Terance Healy, Defendant, Appellant above named, hereby appeals to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Pursuant to Pa R.A.P. 904( c ), I, Terance Healy, certify that the order for transcripts is attached.

Transcript of February 11, 2013 – Healy v. Healy – Judge Garrett Page
Transcript of February 20, 2013 – Healy v. Healy – Judge Garrett Page
Exhibits from February 20, 2013 – Healy v. Healy – Judge Garrett Page

This order has been entered in the docket as evidenced by the attached copy of the docket entry.

Terance Healy
Pro Se

c/o 871 Mustang Road
Warrington, PA 18976



There are only two reasons a judge would knowingly violate the law…
1) incompetence
2) corruption


In August 2008, District Attorney Risa Ferman was already ignoring the corruption in Montgomery County. Calls were not returned. Lettered received no response… and all the while additional judges were being assigned to my case and manipulated into corrupt acts and lawlessness. I couldn’t stop them from covering up for the prior judge… and they just kept cycling through.

When I read her quotes. I find it to be taunting. Because, she knows exactly what types of crimes she is ignoring. She knows the damage it can do to society as a whole. And SHE IGNORES IT. The only logical conclusion you can come to is that Risa Ferman endorses and supports public figures who engage in corrupt acts and crimes.

I can’t recall a single prosecution by this unit. Unless it was used when she was disagreeing with the COunty Commissioners and found some perjury to prosecute.

August 14, 2008
NORRISTOWN – Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman has announced the creation of a new investigation/prosecution unit designed, with the help of the public, to ferret out public corruption.

Generally speaking, the unit will probe complaints from the public of elected officials or people in positions of trust who may have violated the public trust for their own financial benefit or simply for power, according to Ferman.

The unit will investigate theft-based crimes, abuse of authority and ethics violations, she said.

While the office has always investigated public corruption, there has not been just one unit assigned to the task.

Citing the public outrage stemming from the results of public corruption investigations in Washington, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, Ferman said, “The public has lost confidence in many of their elected leaders and in government as a whole. We want to do what we can to help restore that confidence in government at the local and the county level.

I feel it is important that our residents know that there is an office in Montgomery County where they can raise their concerns, where those concerns will be taken seriously and where nobody need fear official retribution,” said Ferman.

Too often members of the public “feel something is just not right” but do not know to whom to take those concerns, she said. Now, she said, they will have a place to bring those concerns about public corruption.

I want this office to be pro-active,” Ferman emphasized.

Ferman, a Republican, emphasized her office will handle complaints about Republicans and Democrats equally.

Those who abuse their power often believe themselves untouchable because of their public position or public influence,” said Ferman. “I can assure the people of Montgomery County that nobody is ‘untouchable.’

That is one of the reasons she tapped Assistant District Attorney Samantha L.R. Cauffman to serve as team captain of the new unit.

“I put someone in charge of the unit who is as non-political, as apolitical as you can get,” said Ferman. “Samantha Cauffman is a hard-charging prosecutor who takes no prisoners, who has done a tremendous job in this office going after some of the worst sex offenders we have had and I have complete confidence in her ability and drive to do the job the right way.”

Detective Lt. Mark A. Bernstiel, who heads the detectives’ special investigation unit and previously headed the elite law enforcement CLEAN unit that helped combat crime in Norristown, will provide the investigative support that the new unit needs.

The new unit will have all of the investigative tools of the office at its disposal including the use of the investigating grand jury, grants of immunity and the use of informants and electronic devices such as wiretaps, according to Ferman.


The Montgomery County District Attorney, Risa Vetri Ferman, knows she has the power to ignore crimes… She knows that the victim will likely be further victimized while she ignores the crimes… And knowing that it continues to destroy and annihilate a family. She does nothing. How could she prosecute her friends? And they were only covering for their friends… to the complete destruction of one man, his family, and denial of his civil, constitutional and human rights.

And because she won’t act, my life has been a series of terror and harassing events since 2007.

“The corruption of the justice system occurs when prosecutors and judges lose their impartiality in favor of a predetermined outcome to their cases, regardless of the facts and the law.”
– Risa Ferman – Montgomery News February 8, 2011

What ever happened to the Public Corruption Unit in the District Attorney’s office? Did they ever prosecute anyone? Or was it simply set up so that the DA’s office would have leverage over public officials. I do not recall anyone being prosecuted.

Could it be the group was created to CAUSE Public Corruption?

“The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty and reputation than any other person in America,” Ferman said

Risa Ferman ignores public corruption… and in doing so she becomes a party to the destruction of life, liberty and reputation. And she does not want to hear about it… She ignores calls. She ignores letters. And she blocked me on Facebook.

Risa Ferman also seems to have a reputation for retaliation – this is based on the postings I find on the internet. If my catching corruption in her courthouse warranted her retaliation by ignoring the actions to annihilate my life, I’ve got no other choice but to persevere and wait for the truth to be heard. I can’t live my life in fear of retaliation for reporting crimes to law enforcement. Law Enforcement has left me with no place to turn.

Quotes from this linked article.


I was sent a link to a program/web site by a friend. We’ve been battling corruption in the same courthouse. The same judges. Many flavors, between us we have likely experienced most of the tactics used to victimize the victim when they become aware of what is being done to them.

My situation is a divorce that went awry when my wife’s lawyer told her to commit federal crimes. Telephone and computer surveillance. I have over 20 years of IT experience programming, web design, and my crew helped build the internet around the US and the world for UUNET and Worldcomm. I know how the web works.

Once detected, the lawyer turned to a judge who recommended usage of the county’s private investigator to create a smoke screen. The PIs, “Retired FBI Agents”, used high tech ‘toys’ to terrorize me and harass me. And I documented it, no matter how crazy it made me sound. Each time I was called crazy was like I was given a receipt. I knew it sounded crazy, but it was happening. Anyone to dismiss me without hearing the experience seemed to be involved.

When I reported the tech intrusion to police, they suggested I contact the FBI. The FBI indicated they would NOT get involved. So I continued investigating using the FBI methods I found on the web, and I also had an artillery of old programs because I have been through every level of Windows, and kept the old tools which are not familiar to the hackers who are coming of age. It revealed even more.

After contacting FBI, the local police arrived and they threw me in a county psych ward falsely alleging that I was going to blow up the local mall.

I had detected their devices and persevered. The coverup had begun. I knew too much about illegal surveillance. I became a target.

They had a secret order issued slandering me and accused me of being paranoid. As I lost every court appearance without logic, I was repeatedly accused of being paranoid. I was. They were terrorizing me. I began documenting everything on the web.

One of the nice things about web sites is the level of statistics about visitors. I watched them watch me. And when they were caught causing identity theft, I told my wife on the phone I had been watching them do it. My site was hacked withing 15 minutes. I have backups. And the data that was removed by the hackers identified the participants.

My wife’s lawyers were using something as leverage against the judges and accusing me of being paranoid. They burglarized my home. Killed the dog. Ultrasonic harassment, etc…Hacked my web design clients web sites. shut down storefronts, cancelled my bill payments, moved my money. Nothing on computers or phones was safe. No one helped. No one did as they should. Not one help desk resolved any problem. And the computers were being hit and destroyed regularly. I had the evidence secured though. All Hard disks were pulled when the intrusion was reported to the FBI and the Software company was notified.

Instead of getting better it got worse. Their team was growing by everyone who they manipulated into a liability. And then the judges started to recuse. The first one recused without request just as I was finalizing a document asking for his recusal. Edited from 125 pages to 25. It was damning. But, unable to print it, I kept trying until the letter arrived indicating the judge would recuse in a few weeks. After delaying custody hearings for almost 2 years. My youngest would be 18 in less than 30 days.

Next began the parade and manipulation of the judges. I hadn’t seen my kids for years. No explanation. No orders. I was the one who had to tell people I did not see them, and had no answer as to why. Humiliation was unbearable because everyone suspected there was something to it. I was becoming more and more isolated. People were afraid of what was happening. Or had been contacted by the ‘retired/fake’ FBI and told something. All my friends disappeared.

Then I noticed a new circle of friends who were trying to make me something I wasn’t. Drug addicts. I saw these young guys as people who neeeded help so I helped. I had a big 4 bedroom house that I was being terrorized in. Having someone to talk to was a plus, knowing they couldnt be trusted was the price. It seemed after time they realized they were on the wrong team. Any attempt for them to expose anything to me would result in their incarceration. That’s what happens to informants who reveal their roles. I believe I have encountered over 80 private investigators and informants. All of whom disappeared as I discovered how to identify them. The District attorney’s elite team of drug addicted and HIV infected prostitutes, a part of her Drug Task Force. That failed. I am neither dealer nor addict, and though I had no money, I was not about to embark on that type of enterprise.

Then, 3 years in, I visited the files at the courthouse. I found the secret order, never distributed, never docketed, from August 2007. The one page document had been used to dismiss the police during the burglary. 20 people, 12 trucks on the eve before Easter. Signed by Judge Rhonda Daniele, head of Family court. Whom I had never met, or seen. Slander. Liable. Painting me as a predator and monster. It explained why people were treating me like complete shit. People who had been shown the document, or who had seen it in the courts secret folder, no wonder they worked to keep me away from my children. But you cannot address or defend against what you don’t know about.

My wife had never complied with ANY court order. The court never held her to any of the orders. I was jailed. Harassed. Yelled at. Tackled by deputies. Driven to complete financial ruin by their private investigator’s tactics. Prevented from employment. Followed. The car was tampered with regularly.

From the day I found exposed, docketed and petitioned regarding their leverage, the secret order, no hearings were held. I was now being ignored. Judge Carluccio secretly cancelled the scheduled dates by email without notice. BUT, I caught it in the Courthouse system. She had to reschedule it. Then she cancelled them again. Then she rushed Equitable Distribution and all during the hearing she kept repeating that I was NOT permitted to address the outstanding petitions as part of that testimony. She reassured me those hearings would occur. At the end of the day, she scheduled them again. And then she cancelled them. She issued a Divorce Decree and Equitable Distribution evicting me from my home, improperly assigning my wife Power of Attorney over me, and awarding me no money from our accoutns or assets… unless my wife handled the transactions. Ridiculous to give full control over someone’s life to an ex-wife at the end of a relationship. From a judge whom I had asked to recuse several times fully documenting her extreme injustice and bias. The recusals provided to the FBI and the Judicial Conduct Board… and ignored.

BUT, the judge didn’t realize the incompetence of my wife’s sociopath lawyers, who delighted in exposing the improprieties of the judges. 16 in total so far. They had never requested the Divorce Decree. No one had asked for the Divorce. The judge lacked jurisdiction to issue the Divorce Decree. Without a valid divorce decree, the equitable distribution order is void. I filed. They ignored.

They arrived to remove me from the house with 4 county deputies and 3 or 4 local police officers. No one will indicate who gave the instruction/order to do so. The County Sheriff will not respond. I have spoken to one deputy who was there and he would provide no information. They were there to retrieve their devices. The surveillance and harassment devices planted in the house to terrorize me for 5 years. I filed. The judge ignored. They all denied involvement.

The judge admitted she had no jurisdiction. ON THE RECORD. She then went on to issue another order. The Appeal was filed, BUT the judge would not sign the Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. The Appeal sat. And still sits. The judge issued further orders and compelled me to endorse the check for the fraudulent sale of my home while surrounded by 7 deputies in her courtroom. It took me over 6 months to emotionally handle the actions of September 23, 2011. The injustice was exponential.

I moved to France (on facebook only). In May 2012, My wife filed to enforce those new orders, which could only be voided if they were brought to the attention of the court. They would not hold any hearings for me, so the motions to void were part of my response. The shock when I appeared for the hearing was all over my wife’s lawyer’s face. The New Judge refused to hold the hearings while the Appeal was pending. Nothing happened.

They reassigned the case after 6 months, to a Judge who would hold the hearings because he could not possibly explain cancelling the scheduling order issued in error when the matter was reassigned to him. 2 days of testimony, where I proved the lack of jurisdiction on the courts own records. Where I proved my compliance with the orders even when I knew them to be void. Where my wife committed perjury on the stand and on the record reversing her story upon cross examination. Where my wife admitted throwing away everything I owned. The judge was confused. He permitted me to testify. Her lawyer screamed at the judge that he was NOT FOLLOWING THE PLAN. I presented the nested void orders. I presented my case. At the end of the 2nd day, the deputy and the Court reporter both exclaimed they had never witnessed such an violent attack on a pro se defendant where the defendant didn’t fall into the emotional trappings and get chastised.

The judge awarded my wife over $300,000 for items which only she said I did not give her. I had placed them where the judge instructed me to place them. While my wife was throwing out everything I owned, and selling the house out from under me. I have not seen any of the moneys from the sale of the house she executed with an invalid power of attorney.

The proper title indicates the rightful owner as myself. The recorder of Deeds gave me a contact at the FBI to report it. The FBI contact indicated that his supervisor told him to do nothing on the matter.

Had any judge at any time ruled in my favor, the lawyers would expose the corruption further. The lawyers made sure I figured out everything. Sociopaths. When I did figure it out and bring it to the attention of authorities, they ignored me further. Protecting the integrity of a judiciary without any integrity.

That said, I can corroborate other people’s experiences in Montgomery County. My story is documented on a web site titled A TERRORISTIC DIVORCE.

I am available to discuss any aspect – from the corrupt to the crazy. They have attempted to kill me several times – and failed. Killing the wrong individuals walking on the streets of Philadelphia. I won’t live in fear of them. And I document each event.

Lastly, I had escaped after the eviction to Rindge NH. I went to my sister’s place to be alone on the lake and cry through things. On the morning I was to return to PA, I was out on the lake in a kayak trying to decide if I should just drown myself. It was a beautiful day to die. BUT, I couldnt do it. I learned once I got home that Thomas Ball was making the same decision that morning at the Keene Courthouse a few miles away. He succeeded. And I understood. I was jealous I was not able to do what he did. He was able to end his suffering painfully, but on his own terms.

There are always repercussions when their actions are revealed. But I won’t live my life afraid of them. The truth and perseverance have served me well through the lowest despair and hopelessness.

Prepping the 2nd Appeal and the Federal lawsuit for $1 BILLION dollars against them all. And if I win, fine. If I lose, they will be exposed. The people whom they target and destroy often have no idea of the lengths of their organization. For myself, there is no escape without their exposure… and I will be exposing issues at a local, state and Federal level. I may never escape… but I plan to become an advocate for others if I survive.

I persevere.
Terance Healy


MarkLevyYesterday, I visited the Montgomery County prothonotary to check on the Appeal which they have not yet forwarded to Superior Court. And to visit with the Divorce File which has been unavailable on my last few visits to Norristown. I needed to check on the PENDING Appeal because I am now being forced to file an Appeal on another matter where the Court lacked jurisdiction because of the pending appeal. When rules of jurisdiction clearly indicate that during the pendancy of an Appeal, the Court is to maintain the ststus quo and does not have jurisdiction to conduct any further hearings on the matter. (Petitions to Proceed In Forma Pauperis (IFP) are excepted from this. The Court has jurisdiction to hear an IFP, because it will permit a destitute litigant to pursue his claim even if the actions have made him homeless, destitute and indigent.)

Mark Levy, Prothonotary, was not available to discuss/explain the issues discovered with the file, or inform me as to why the Appeal had not been forwarded to Superior Court.

I was able to speak with the Deputy/ Second in command regarding the issues.

She explained the Appeal is pending the signature of a Judge on the Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. The Prothonotary is not permitted to take any action on the matter until that happens. Judge Carolyn Carluccio did not schedule the hearing when it was filed in August 2011. Judge Carolyn Carluccio did not schedule the hearing when the document was refiled in September 2011. As such, the Appeal has been pending since August 2011. The Order being appeal has left me homeless and without my personal possessions since June 2011.

Additionally, Judge Kelly Wall has not issued an order EVEN AFTER I APPEARED BEFORE HER IN HER COURTROOM on the exact same issue twice in December 2010. Judge Wall at the time indicated her concerns that it might be expensive for the county for her to approve the Petition. There is no docket entry indicating Judge Wall’s ruling on the matter.
It is also worth pointing out that Judge Carolyn Carluccio was the Signing Judge on the date that the Appeal and Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis was filed. This is something that Judge Carluccio DENIED VEHEMENTLY and FRAUDULENTLY when asked about it on September 23, 2011. A copy of the schedule indicating the Signing responsibility is made available on the County Web Site. Judge Carluccio LIED. She chose to lie because she was preventing my Appeal of her order which will be determined to be VOID AB INITIO. Judge Carluccio is retaliating against a Pro Se Defendant who SHE HAS MADE HOMELESS AND DESTITUTE because he found her greivous error and properly brought it to her court for resolution.

Judge Carluccio has additionally failed to file the proper paperwork with the PA Court indicating her delay in addressing petitions and issues before her.

2013-04-10 10.43.40The picture here is of the sign out sheet which was once again available yesterday. In the past it has been denied to me, because it clearly demonstrated that Judge Carluccio LIED in her ruling and did not have the case file when she conducted her “extensive review” of the matter. Her “extensive review” without the file was additionally in violation of PA law which indicates she must hold hearings on the matters which are brought before her. SHE WAS ASKED REPEATEDLY TO HOLD THE HEARINGS, WHICH SHE HAD SECRETLY CANCELLED VIA EMAIL/PRAECIPE WITHOUT NOTICE TO THE PARTIES.

You may notice that there is a Post-it note attached to the sign-out sheet which indicates IF INDIVIDUAL COMES IN UNESCORTED CALL MILLIE x5243 or SECURITY x 3690. I suppose I am the individual. The suggestion is offensive. I have the right to review the case file in my own divorce. The suggestion that I am less than cordial or professional is grossly erroneous and offensive. I have treated the Prothonotary personnel with the utmost respect, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY THEIR MANAGEMENT TO NOT COOPERATE WITH ME. No one in the office was able to indicate the purpose or the person responsible for the post-it ‘warning’.

Let me explain… Judge Carolyn Carluccio ordered me to appear in her courtroom prepared for 9 possible petitions and then secretly cancelled the proceeding on the prior afternoon without notice to me. Angst & Angst was notified of the cancellation order because they did not show up for court. When I appeared I was informed of the cancellation and given a copy of the Order. I then went to Court Administration to provide a copy of that order to Cheryl Leslie, Family Court Administrator. Cheryl and I had tried to obtain confirmation or cancellation instruction from Judge Carluccio earlier in the week. Judge Carluccio would NOT address the concern. When a party to a matter does not appear, the matter can be dismissed for non-appearance. My appearing that morning foiled that plan. However, Judge Carluccio notified courthouse security indicating I had no business in the courthouse and was there to threaten her. My mother and I were surrounded by 7 deputies and strongly instructed to leave the premises and that I had no business in the courthouse that day. I showed them the scheduling order indicating I had been ORDERED by Judge Carluccio to appear. The Deputies were confused because the paperwork contradicted the judges statement to them.

To prevent any future occurrence, I made the arrangement with the Deputies that ANY time I would enter the courthouse, I would request an escort from a deputy. That way the false allegations could not be made again. I have done so every time since. It is intimidating and unfair that I have to do so, BUT the deputies agreed it was the best way to avoid any future occurrence of this type of false allegation.

The suggestion on the Post-It note that my behavior is anything but professional and cordial is extremely offensive in light of my experience with the courthouse staff. This is simply another intimidation tactic.

The following pictures show the 2 folders which were available. There is one folder missing which I was not permitted to have. The third folder is the one where I had discovered the Secret Order Of Judge Rhonda Daniele which undermined every matter before the court from 2007 through 2010. I have been denied hearings since that discovery. The Order shows the leverage used to manipulate the judges into unjust and biased rulings and their failure to enforce ANY Court Order against my wife. Not one. Ever.

Apparently their plan is to continue to harass, illegally attack, and intimidate and terrorize me until I go away. The problem is that the more illegal, unethical and improper actions they take against me, the more they reveal their initial bias and the extreme bias and manipulation of the judiciary to act to conceal the absolute, deliberate and intentional denial of law, and civil and human rights. I also have no escape from their constant litigation and harassment by their private investigators. It prevents me from living any sort of life. It prevents me from earning any type of living. Because if I get money, I can afford to move forward with the appeal. They prevent that in every way possible. It was the reason for the order which Judge Carluccio issued to annihilate my life and make sure there was no way to recover financially.

The goal is to keep me destitute and terrorized and under stress until I commit suicide. AND I JUST REFUSE TO COMMIT SUICIDE.

Since 2007. 15 judges. 375 Docket Entries (which BTW would not fit in these folders). They got caught and decided it would be more fun to destroy a man than permit him any rights.
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Still to come, pointing out the obvious edits to the sign-out sheet to conceal the fraud of Judge Carolyn Carluccio.


The County when it filed the transcript for the hearings which took place in February 2013 have accidentally neglected to include ALL of my exhibits which proved the lack of jurisdiction.

It’s not that they included some, they did not. THEY HAVE EXCLUDED ALL OF MY EXHIBITS, over 150 pages from the official transcript.

Those exhibits PROVE, on the court’s own record the intentional and deliberate denial of civil and constitutional rights.

The exhibits PROVE, the prior judge’s orders are VOID AB INITIO. As if they never exited.

The exhibits PROVE, the matter has an actively pending appeal which is being intentionally delayed by a court whichj refuses to schedule a hearing.

The exhibits demonstrate the FRAUD of Montgomery County Courts in failing to report the outstanding petitions to the PA COURTS on Form 703.

They demonstrate the absurdity of Judge Page’s order for me to pay over $300,000 in damages based on the void orders.

Even though I followed the void orders and did as I was instructed, they said I did not. They were unable to prove that I did not follow the void orders.

I followed the void orders even though I klnew they were intentionally designed to set me up for the matter which landed before Judge Haaz, which he refused to hear because it was under appeal.

When illegally and heard in violation of law and procedure by Judge Page, he was coerced and manipulated into the conspiracy.

Judge Garrett Page demonstrated his lack of integrity… his intentional disregard for this oath of office… and his disrespect for the people of the county who elected him to a position by failing to follow the law. He is guilty of treason. The penalty for treason is death.