
When the [void] Divorce Decree was issued by Carolyn Carluccio along with a [void] Equitable Distribution which was deliberately and intentionally designed to prevent me from obtaining any by funds which would permit me to pursue further litigation through Appeal… There was talk of this “Unappealable Order of Carolyn Carluccio” which would not permit me to appeal the decision.

Apparently, Carolyn Carluccio hadn’t counted on the incompetence of Angst & Angst… which had to be deliberate because every lawyer knows there are requirements which must be met to ensure jurisdiction and a proper hearing.


By intentionally rendering VOID Orders/Judgments, Carolyn Carluccio denied this indigent Defendant immediate access to the Superior Courts and Federal courts, and she was acting as private citizen stripped of her black robe, authority, and immunity.

Carolyn Carluccio also has exposed the prior judges to a similar lack of immunity because of the overall appearance of a conspiracy to deny justice which has persisted throughout the matter all the way back to the issuance of THE SECRET ORDER OF JUDGE RHONDA DANIELE in August 2007.

The Judges deliberate and intentional undermining of the Defendant’s rights is evident.

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