
You cannot appeal what you do not know exists. When they keep an order a secret. You cannot appeal it.

When THAT Secret Order undermines the judiciary while custody proceedings are going on… you have no way of appealing the orders. UNTIL you find the secret order. Then, they ramp up the terror and injustice by denying all hearings outright.

The Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit is becoming clearer and clearer.

Not only have they denied my rights to a hearing, BUT they have denied my rights to appeal to a higher court… And that is just on the Secret Order of Judge Rhonda Daniele. Because of the initial prevention of my rights in August 2007, it became necessary to ensure that my rights to an appeal of any order were prevented in 2011. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE COURT HAS DONE.. and is doing in 2013.

The crimes of the Montgomery County Court: their deliberate and intentional denial of my civil rights, their abuse of power under color of law, and their intentional and malicious prevention of an Appeal to a higher court, while using their power and influence to manipulate other county offices to inaction and harassment. Montgomery County is becoming more and more exposed. Their malicious intent is becoming more and more clear.

The Federal law suit is writing itself… and when we include all of the County Departments used to annihilate my life… the damages will grow… and grow.

The Secret Order of Judge Rhonda Daniele has undermined justice in this case from the beginning… and once discovered it undermined my civil rights entirely. But they wanted my suicide at the hopelessness of escaping their terror.

And I am not capable of suicide. I was forced to live each day to face further terror and hopelessness at the corrupt hands of the Montgomery County Courts and Departments. The Terrorists in Montgomery County are exposed… all that remains is the filing of the paperwork in Federal Court.

And somewhere along the way law enforcement will prosecute the corrupt judges and lawyers who were not acting as judges when they did their malce. The law protects judges and grants them immunity, BUT only when they act as judges. When they fail to do so, they lose their immunity. They are personally responsible for their civil rights crimes… and the terror they inflicted on the litigant before them… and the list of litigants terrorized by Montgomery County will likely grow once my story makes the local news.