
Mark Smylie is an artist in Philadelphia who pretended to be interested in helping. I met him through Brent. Mark heard most of my story. I was invited to his place about every other week for a few months. It was good to get out of the house. Mark tried to help me find a lawyer. Unsuccesfully.

Surprisingly, Mark knew several of the same people involved in my story. Some had even lived at his apartment. It surprised me that he knew any of them.

We were friends until the night he saw a picture of Jay Anhorn, and he exclaimed, “We all knew he was a cop.” I hadn’t seen Jay in almost a year. Since the day I went to report the deliberate crimes of judges to Montgomery Township Police as I had been directed by the FBI to do.

I knew that after I left, I wouldn’t hear from Mark again. Mark didn’t return phone calls or text messages for weeks. I eventually gave up trying to stay in touch. He wasn’t the first to disappear following a revelation. They all disappeared after court events, or a slip of the tongue.

THEN, over the summer, I noticed Mark updated his Facebook to indicate he was the President of a Private Investigation Company for 20 years.

In early November, when I typed a post on this site about things to check into, I included checking on the isolated murders on nights when I visited at Mark’s place. Within 30 minutes, I got an email from him asking where I got the idea that he was a private investigator. It was still on his Facebook page. The prompt turn around from my posting the info to his email, was disturbing and frightening… and indicative of his involvement.

No point in a reply… He was misrepresenting himself. What is the point in debating it.

(This is part of the series which will name private investigators, confidential informants, and undercover police officers. There have been over 60 people who fall into these categories.)

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