
The Honorable Judge Garrett D. Page
Montgomery County Court House
2 East Airy Street
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404-0311

Re: Healy v Healy
Docket# 2007-12477

January 16, 2013

Your Honor,

I apologize for the late timing of this letter. My brothers and sister and I have been called to travel to Florida as my father has been re-admitted to hospital on Tuesday and is dying.

I am respectfully requesting a continuance of the protracted hearing scheduled for January 17, 2013 so that I may travel as quickly as possible to be with my family.

As the matter before you is not ripe for resolution, has been pending since July 2012, and is attempting to enforce an order which is being appealed, my family and I would sincerely appreciate your rescheduling of the matter.

Additionally, I have filed an Appeal regarding your Order of January 3, 2013 as Court Administration has yet to schedule that matter on your calendar.

This matter has been ongoing since 2007. It should be noted that I have only asked for and been granted one continuance while my mother was undergoing emergency heart surgery. That continuance was opposed by Plaintiff’s counsel. Upon arrival in court, Judge DelRicci granted the continuance and ordered me to the hospital with my family where I belonged.

I await your approval on the continuance so that travel arrangements can be completed. I can be contacted at (215)343-1686.


Terance Healy

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