
You have to wonder why an uncomplicated Divorce has involved over half of the current judiciary. The ONLY logical explanation is corruption at a level high enough to undermine the entire judiciary.

A Secret Order by Judge Rhonda Daniele was discovered 3 years into the matter. That document explained credibility determinations, and ethics violations while everyone proceeded to conceal the existence of the order which was used as leverage to coerce unjust rulings, actions and orders. ONCE DISCOVERED and DOCKETED, there were no further hearings, and all Petitions filed by the Defendant were ignored.

Years of a court docket exposing the conspiracy of the judiciary left Judge Carolyn Carluccio unable to explain the deliberate and intentional abuse of power under color of law. Carluccio also was not about to enforce the orders issued by her corrupted predecessors and leveraged by the Plaintiff’s attorneys, Angst & Angst.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio retaliated against the Defendant who attempted to protect her, and the judiciary, by requesting her recusal. Multiple times. Even when advised that her actions were reported to the US Attorney/FBI. Judge Carolyn Carluccio refused to recuse no matter how grievous her exposed actions.

Carolyn Carluccio worked for the US Attorney’s office. Carolyn Carluccio was President of the Montgomery County Bar Association. Carolyn Carluccio was a Judge. She had connections and power that she could abuse… AND SHE DID.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio retaliated without jurisdiction.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio admitted she did not have jurisdiction and yet continued to issue orders AND PREVENT HEARINGS. Judge Carolyn Carluccio destroyed the Defendant – she stole his home, threw away his possessions, and prevented and blocked any Appeal.

Carolyn Carluccio is beyond simply being a corrupt judge. Carolyn Carluccio is evil. She is a disgrace as a human being and has caused the judiciary incredible shame and disrepute. Her actions without jurisdiction cannot be attributed to the justice system. Carolyn Carluccio’s abuse of power under color of law is nothing less that criminal.

And those that conspire to protect the abuse and terror inducing crimes are equally criminal.

The following are the Montgomery County Judiciary.

Hon. William J. Furber, Jr., President Judge
Hon. Richard Hodgson, President Judge (Former) Ignored reported corruption
Hon. Joseph A. Smyth
Hon. Bernard A. Moore
Hon. William R. Carpenter
Hon. Rhonda Lee Daniele Secret Orders, Ex Parte Orders
Hon. Emanuel A. Bertin RECUSED without request/explanation
Hon. Thomas M. Del Ricci RECUSED without request
Hon. R. Stephen Barrett RECUSED upon request
Hon. Arthur R. Tilson Voided Protection From Abuse, Ex Parte Orders without explanation
Hon. Thomas C. Branca
Hon. Steven T. O’Neill
Hon. Thomas P. Rogers
Hon. Garrett D. Page Currently Assigned (Unexplained)
Hon. Kelly C. Wall In Forma Pauperis DENIED
Hon. Carolyn T. Carluccio Refused to Recuse – Multiple requests, Retaliated, Reassigned without explanation
Hon. Wendy Demchick-Alloy Assigned to another matter(?)
Hon. Patricia E. Coonahan Failure to Enforce Orders act
Hon. Gary S. Silow
Hon. Richard P. Haaz Ignored by Court Admin, Reassigned without explanation
Hon. Cheryl L. Austin
Hon. Toby Dickman Passed away in Fall 2007.
Hon. Stanley R. Ott Granted Protection from Abuse
Hon. Lois E. Murphy
Hon. William T. Nicholas, S.J.
Hon. S. Gerald Corso, S.J.
Hon. Calvin S. Drayer, Jr., S.J.
Hon. Kent H. Albright, S.J. Issued Orders which were unenforced

Hon. William J. Furber, Jr., President Judge

Hon. Richard Hodgson, President Judge (Former) (Indicated he did not get involved in the credibility determinations of his Custody Masters – even when there was a secret Order issued by one judge and Sara Goren had demonstrated her absolute bias – and detemination to prevent custody hearings from occuring. His failure permitted the corruption to spread to additional judges.)

Hon. Joseph A. Smyth

Hon. Bernard A. Moore

Hon. William R. Carpenter

Hon. Rhonda Lee Daniele (Issued Secret Orders on multiple occasion, multiple hidden nondocketed orders. used a series of orders to attempt to have me jailed at Christmas. She is the head of the Family Court Division. She DOES NOT LIKE TO BE CHALLENGED – EVER!!! I’ve never met her, but I believe she is behind all of the corruption in the Family Court Division. Her secret actions have perverted every proceeding. I have read where she has had lawyers disbarred/suspended because they caused her to lose sleep. Her corruption and abuse of power as haunted me for 7 years… )

Hon. Emanuel A. Bertin (Recused without explanation when his ex parte communications with the Plaintiff were exposed.)

Hon. Thomas M. Del Ricci (Recused on the record admitting ethics violations and threatening to sue the Defendant – but not indicating what for. Perhaps it had something to do with him throwing me in jail for violating an order which diod not exist – and where he lacked any jurisdiction to take that action. Or maybe it was while he was committing ethics violations after the plaintiff had vandalised and robbed my home and poisoned my dog. At that conference, he was presented with the SECRET ORDER OF RHONDA DANIELE and had to keep the secret. Conspired with Montgomery Township Police to prevent prosecution for the Burglary.)

Hon. R. Stephen Barrett (Recused after request by Defendant.)

Hon. Arthur R. Tilson (Canceled Protection From Abuse Order against Plaintiff, Issued multiple Ex Parte Custody Orders without hearings before or after.)

Hon. Thomas C. Branca

Hon. Steven T. O’Neill

Hon. Thomas P. Rogers

Hon. Garrett D. Page (assigned the matter after a 6 month UNEXPLAINED delay scheduling the hearing with Judge Haaz.)

Hon. Kelly C. Wall (denied Defendant’s Petition In Forma Pauperis because she indicated the County could not afford the expense.)

Hon. Carolyn T. Carluccio (Issued multiple nested Orders without Jurisdiction. The MOST Vicious and corrupt judge on the bench. Refused to Recuse though her corruption was evident and recusal was offered on MULTIPLE occasions. She chose to retaliate and decikmate the Defendant’s home and property without proper jurisdiction. And then has blocked and prevented the Appeal. SHE IS CORRUPT and EVIL!)

Hon. Wendy Demchick-Alloy (Has a matter before her where they purport to be unable to locate me.)

Hon. Patricia E. Coonahan (Failed to act on an Emergency Petition, leading to Judge Bertin;s Recusal, Judge barrett’s Recusal and the failure of Judge Carluccio to hold the hearings to enforce an Order on Medical Benefits)

Hon. Gary S. Silow

Hon. Richard P. Haaz (Demonstrated his clear understanding of jurisdiction, which prevented an immediate hearing because of intentional errors of the Plaintiff’s attorneys. Only to be prevented from holding a hearing when Court Administration failed to schedule the hearing he ordered.

Hon. Cheryl L. Austin


Hon. Stanley R. Ott (Issued a Protection from Abuse Order when the computer and phone technology harassment was presented in his courtroom.)

Hon. Lois E. Murphy


Hon. William T. Nicholas, S.J.

Hon. S. Gerald Corso, S.J.

Hon. Calvin S. Drayer, Jr., S.J.

Hon. Kent H. Albright, S.J. (Issued Orders which were not enforced)


Please help spread MY story. Post it to your page, write to the media.

The only exit after 7 years of terror is by exposing the actions against me.


Please HELP.